UPDATE: AITA I am dying and want to have a catch-up with my first love

A Reddit user previously shared a heart-wrenching story about wanting to reconnect with her first love after learning she was terminally ill. In a heartfelt update, her husband shared that she passed away shortly after her post. While he had known about her past relationship through small-town rumors, he respected her wishes and now plans to honor her memory by establishing a scholarship in her name. Read the emotional story below.
‘ UPDATE: AITA I am dying and want to have a catch-up with my first love’
Hi, This is S’s husband and she passed away after 5 weeks of posting this. I just looked into this account/phone before 2 days. She never told me about A herself. But we live in a small town and everyone knows about everyone’s business including rumors. So i kind of knew about this vaguely. A did come to see her as a courtesy once her illness became known to people in our place.
She was a very nice human being, a dutiful wife and daughter and i really miss her. She was also my best friend and confidante. She was a genuinely nice and kind person and she deteriorated quite quickly post her diagnosis.
I just saw this account in her phone and am planning to have a chat with A to see if he would be willing to organise a scholarship (paid by me with her inheritance) in her memory to sponsor the higher education of few kids every year and making them self-sufficient. This is something she wanted to do. I am still not sure if i should tell A that i know their history. But thats a different discussion for a different day.
I wish she had been one of those miraculous recoveries where doctors aren’t even sure how something happened. She was a very warm and loving person and thanks to everyone who had messaged her asking for updates, checking on her. Thanks again.
These are the responses from Reddit users:
space_grotto − Thank you for updating us… I am very sorry about your loss. We only got her for a couple paragraphs and could sense her warmth and kindness through her words. I am glad you got to live in that sunlight with her.
idkwhattoputasmyname − You’re reacting wonderfully to the news of her past relationship, I think it would have made her very happy to know you were so supportive of something she seemed nervous about. I’m sorry for your loss.
[Reddit User] − This almost brought me to tears, what an awesome husband, I hope i can be a good husband like you some day
sirofsir − WIBTA for calling this out as b**lshit? Hear me out before you downvote, please. I’m by no means an expert in forensic deconstruction of sentence structure and use of language and whatnot. However, there are some striking similarities between the way “husband” and “wife” write/type. The lack of capitalisation on mid sentence “i”s and the lack of apostrophes on words such as “thats” and “dont” really stand out.
Also, both posts also have strikingly similar sentence structure and tone, always simple and to the point, no emphasis, elaboration, almost no emotion in a lot of the prose, for example. Furthermore, the use of short clauses is identical between the posts.
There’s just many small quirks and idiosyncrasies that really scream that this is the same person typing both posts. I hate to be the one to do it (I secretly don’t) but I call b**lshit.
SecretCurator − Never has there been a post and update more appropriate to NAH. I’m so sorry for your loss, and what a way to commemorate your lovely wife. I’m heading home with a tear in my eye and very much uplifted by how wonderful people can be. Take care of yourself as much as you clearly care for your wife and her memory.
princessxmombi − I know I’ll get downvoted for this but.. you and your wife sure write/wrote in a very similar tone/style. Interesting that neither of you capitalize your i’s. And before people get up in arms, r/AITA is known for having a lot of fake posts.
explodingwhale17 − OP, condolences on your loss. Thanks for the update
whateversnottaken97 − Oh come on.If someone in my life died I wouldn’t give two shits about updating random people on an app. All this just reads as those pathetic people on example facebook who post about themselves in 3rd person as a family member and say that they were in an accident so a crush noticed them..
Nice story but I call bull, downvote me all you want but this sub is known for some fake af stories and this one seems like one of those The story is plausible but the fact that a husband would care about updating people on reddit about a post his late wife made is not.(other people pointed the spelling and all of that so I’m not gonna do it but you get the point) People get invested in these in its a s**tty thing to fake these kind of stories
Mortis_XII − I smell b**lshit
Splatterfilm − Please accept my condolences for the loss of your wife. A scholarship is a lovely way to honor her memory, and involving A a lovely way of fulfilling her last wish, if only symbolically.
What do you think about the husband’s decision to honor his wife’s memory through a scholarship? Would you support a loved one’s wish to reconnect with their past in their final days? Share your thoughts and reflections below.