UPDATE – AITA for throwing my kid’s clothes onto the floor when they don’t fold them neatly?

Almost 2 months ago I made a post on here about me throwing my daughter’s clothes onto the drawer when they weren’t folded neatly. Well that post really blew up, people on Twitter also chimed in. Well the night I made the post, I was still in serious denial. I replied to some comments and my denial was perfectly clear for everyone to see.
First, please read my original post: https://aita.pics/qoiYO
‘ UPDATE – AITA for throwing my kid’s clothes onto the floor when they don’t fold them neatly?’
The day after I read some more comments and messages I received from everyone. I resorted to the guest room and cried for hours. I read some people tell me that their moms were similar to me and they no longer have relationships with them. That was truly my worst fear, I seriously love my kids more than anything on this planet even if my actions don’t always show it.
I booked a virtual appointment with a phycologist, who diagnosed me with OCD and let me know she would help me. I have since had about 8 sessions with her and she has been a big help. Of course I still have a long way to go but I have been noticing some improvements already.
As for my daughter, she stayed at my sister’s house and came home a few days later after I told her that there would be major improvements made in my behavior. I sat all the kids down and told them that I have the resources to not be such an overbearing a**hole to them anymore. One thing I do want to address is the fact that I was usually controlling with my kids, but the incident I wrote about was the one that sent both me and my daughter over the edge.
Me and her are on much better terms. I want to thank Reddit for waking me the hell up to become a better mom and wife. I also want to apologize to anyone who I brought back bad memories to. I want to have relationships with my children until we all grow old and I know so many of you guys don’t have that, which breaks my heart but also hearing your stories gave me a big change of heart and are helping me fix my relationships and become a better person.
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
ZNBraeleon − Hey, good for you on taking the initiative and changing for the better! I hope your kids admire the changes you’re making to be a better parent to them. OCD is super hard without help to manage, so congrats!
Iprofessionalstudent − Great job OP! Personal growth is often difficult. Keep it up and your relationship with your daughter will continue to repair.
darcicjstuhlman − I just want to add that the pandemic and a ton of other current events are very triggering to OCD. I was diagnosed in ‘15 and have had resources to help me; in 2019 I felt very good about where I was with OCD. By mid-March 2020 I was in a very dark place. Please hold yourself accountable, but also forgive yourself when things get hard. As a child whose parents had mental health struggles that made my childhood difficult to nightmarish, I also just want to thank you for being honest worth yourself and being able to keep growing. I am so proud of you!!!
CharlzyWoodzy − My mum was like this when I was a kid. We now no longer speak due to her overbearing, controlling behaviour and for many other reasons that she refused to get help for and still to this day, won’t.
I wish my mum had took it upon herself to recognise how much damage she was doing and make moves to amend it in the way you have OP, as we may still have a relationship if she had. It’s too late for us but not for you and your daughter.. Good luck 💜
dee09thur − What a great update. Thank you for letting us know. I’m so glad you’re getting the help and that it’s been working so far. I wish you and your family the best.
4ries20 − I remember your original post, and I’m glad to see this update! May you and your kids have much healthier relationships with each other from here on out.
babamum − I have so much respect for you. Change is hard and so is having the humility and honesty to recognise that change is needed. I have been on a journey of change myself and I want to tell you it can happen. But so can relapses, so it might pay to work on a plan to deal with this with yr psych. Also, you probably learned this stuff in yr own family so it’s a healing journey too. Gentleness and compassion with yourself are part of that journey too. I wish you the best.
sopranna23 − I wish my mom could have the same wake-up call that you had. The issues I have with her are different, but they still boil down to her being controlling and doing things that hurt our relationship but she won’t take responsibility for them because she doesn’t think anything is wrong.
At best, she once told me that she doesn’t want to see a therapist because she’s afraid of finding out something *is* wrong with her. Thank you so much for taking criticism to heart, no matter how difficult it was, for the sake of your kids. It may take a while to mend things, but you’re already well on your way and your family will be all the better for it.
EmmaInFrance − It takes a lot of courage to admit that you have a problem and seek help for it. It takes even more courage to admit that to your kids. I hope that this is just the beginning of a better future for you and your family. Good luck!
Blobfish_Blues − This is such an awesome update! I’m glad you’re getting the help you need and that you’re bonding more with your daughter.. Best of luck for your future x.