Update: Aita for telling my wife she’s perfect the way she is after she gave birth a month ago which resulted in her lashing onto me?

I am thankful for everyone’s advice, it’s the first time for me that my wife is reacting the way she is and it’s also the first time for her to give birth and see her body change so drastically, but when I was reading the comments I saw many people suggested that I should leave because my wife said she would punch me, I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to run away and leave my love and my baby behind to tend for themselves.
First, please read my original post: https://aita.pics/HRAJK
‘ Update: Aita for telling my wife she’s perfect the way she is after she gave birth a month ago which resulted in her lashing onto me?’
Anyway I focused on comments about helping her as soon as possible for her and our baby’s sake, i don’t know much about ppd or psychosis, but no matter it is I am willing to take a punch from her if it calms her down, normally she wouldn’t say that and I don’t think it’s abuse, I think she’s just suffering.
After reading all the comments I decided to my call my mil, I explained to her everything and what my wife said, my mil said why didn’t I tell her sooner why did I wait, I said I am sorry, she said don’t apologise, she’s flying to us but it will take her a while so I should try my best to comfort her.
Last time I tried to comfort her about her body but this time I thought it would be best if I talk to her about our love and how much we love our baby. I went to her and she was playing with our baby and when she saw me she asked me what do I want, I said can we hug each other for a while, she said yes.
We both hugged each other and held our baby together, I expressed my love to her, I told her how much I love her and she’s and our baby are most important for me, my priority, she and our baby is my everything and I said I am sorry and I want to be in her and our baby’s life til I die and do everything I can for them, her and our baby’s health and wellbeing is what I think about all the time.
My wife started crying and just didn’t say anything just hugged me and cried, but after I told her that she should put our baby to sleep first she calmed down.
After our baby fell asleep I comforted her more, she didn’t say anything at all just kept crying and hugging me on the couch, I kept telling her that I love her and will always do and no matter what I will always be by her side to help her and I know she loves me, she was silent but I was kissing her forehead and face and eventually she fell asleep and still sleeping by my side
I texted my mil about everything and will do if there’s a drastic change in my wife’s behaviour, I told her that she shouldn’t tell my wife that I talked to her and I am texting cause I don’t want my wife to wake up and know about it all, my mil said she knows what to do but I should take care of her until she arrives.
So yeah that’s all that has happened, I am going to stay awake until my mil arrives and help my wife if she needs help, meanwhile I will read more and educate myself, I am happy that she’s sleeping peacefully, posting this once again for advice, I would appreciate it, i decided to not involve doctors yet until my mil arrives and like others said she will know what to do.
Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:
mrmses − i decided to not involve doctors yet until my mil arrives and like others said she will know what to do. Your whole post is good until this part. Absolutely get the doctors involved. You do not need to be relying on hopes and dreams to get your wife treatment. Please get her to talk to a professional.
BigPianist8326 − Please don’t wait to reach out for help for her. Start looking for Therpaist and doctors now!!! PPD does not wait! I almost killed myself and my spouse one time, I had postpartum psychosis. I didn’t know it had changed. I was violent and scary. The flip switched really quick. There was no warning.
TheeSavannah − you’re doing your best to support her, which is really important. Just remember, reaching out to a professional might help both you and your wife get through this challenging time even more effectively. You’re not alone in this, and seeking help can make a big difference.
Spenc247 − Definitely involve a doctor ASAP. PPD can escalate quickly, and professional help is crucial.
JewelGraze − Man, you’re really stepping up here, and that’s huge. Just remember, postpartum is a beast and it sounds like you’re doing everything you can to support your wife. Keep that empathy and understanding strong, it’ll help her more than you know. Maybe consider involving a professional sooner rather than later, though. They can offer guidance that goes beyond even the most caring MIL’s magic touch!
ConversationOk4414 − You’re doing great, actually. I’m very impressed. Also, you don’t need to leave your pp wife for saying she wants to punch you. If she starts to actually physically attack you, however, get the baby out of the house and get her help right away. My sister had bad ppd after she had her first baby, and it was bad enough that my newborn nephew had to go to my mom’s for a bit. Hormones are very powerful.
I think she will pull through this. My sister did, and she had three more kids and didn’t have any problems after the first. Best of luck, and congratulations on being a new father!
Hour-Wind5269 − NTA, bro. You’re being a solid rock for your wife in a difficult time, major kudos for that. But don’t be a hero, man. Get a doc involved ASAP. Your MIL might be a saint, but she’s no replacement for a professional. And check under the pillows, just in case, lol.
Various_Occasion_480 − I’m waiting for wifey to ask MIL why she showed up. That’s gonna be fun!
jensmith20055002 − CALL HER DOCTORS! MIL might be great but she’s not magic.
Crazy_Business_7924 − If you have a trusted family doctor, gyno, or therapist… please get them involved. It’s great you’re get MIL to aid, you are being very supportive (and that’s crucial), but postpartum can be very intense. My own mom nearly killed my brother and herself (she had no support, my brother was colicky for months…).
If your wife/partner has extreme pp dips, please seek outside support. Not to mention, the episodes may last longer than you expected (and longer than a family member can potentially provide support).
Postpartum is also known to escalate with each pregnancy, so please keep this in mind if you have more kids in the future. With PP, you’re not yourself, there’s no logic, and things can change so fast. I wish you both the best and healing. She can and will move past this. Internet hugs to you and your wife. May your child bring happiness.