(UPDATE) AITA for telling my step-daughter to “go ask her real dad” when she asked me to pay for her plane tickets?


Hey guys. It’s been a good 2 weeks since I’ve posted and I figured you guys would like an update. A lot has happened since the last time I posted.
First, please read my original post: https://aita.pics/Pjdbc


‘ (UPDATE) AITA for telling my step-daughter to “go ask her real dad” when she asked me to pay for her plane tickets?’

So that night, I did what many of the comments suggested I do, which was to apologize. I told her that I’m sorry that implying that I’m not her real father, but like it or not that I consider her MY daughter. That I loved her and will always be there for her. She started to cry and sob uncontrollably and said “Why doesn’t he [her biological father] love me?” I held her and told her she didn’t need to fight for his approval.

I also apologized for looking through her phone; that I’ve come to accept that it’s not an appropriate punishment for a teenage girl, and I was going to find other alternatives.


Lastly I brought up therapy and while she was hesitant at first I let her know it was nothing to be ashamed of, that everything she said at therapy would be entirely confidential, and that it could help to have a confidant to help her sort through her feelings. She sat on this for the day, but the next day let me know that she was ready so I set up the soonest appointment (which was last Friday and her second appointment this afternoon)

It’s only been a week so I don’t want to get too optimistic but honestly I feel like I’m noticing an improvement already. She’s actually been engaging back in small talk when normally she wouldn’t give me the time of day. She’s been following all of the rules, coming home at a reasonable hour, she’s been less withdrawn and more social even to the point where her brother commented on the change today!


But the most exciting news of them all is when getting out the car on her way home from therapy, she said and I quote “thanks dad”. She’s never called me dad before so honestly I’ve been riding off that high for the last two hours.

I’m not delusional enough to think everything’s peachy but honestly the behavior change in the last week was the most progress we’ve had since, well, ever. I’m cautiously optimistic going forward. Thanks again everyone for your comments, especially the ones who gave me the kick in the ass I needed.


Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:

[Reddit User] −  I commented on your first post. Very happy to see this heartfelt update. I personally thought that you were for the most part NTA, but still good on you for taking criticism so well and using that to strengthen your relationship with your daughter. A lot of people in your shoes would not have handled it as well as you did. Hoping life is easier on your going forward, take care dude!

Order66-Cody −  But the most exciting news of them all is when getting out the car on her way home from therapy, she said and I quote “thanks dad”. She’s never called me dad before so honestly I’ve been riding off that high for the last two hours. I’m smiling while reading this.


JimLeahe −  I told her that I’m sorry that implying that I’m not her real father, but like it or not that I consider her MY daughter. That I loved her and will always be there for her. That’s some Grade A parent material right there. Good on you! Remember this whole situation the next time she stumbles. Each outburst you try to manage with kindness & understanding with change the overall tide for the better. Good on ya bud.

[Reddit User] −  I remember your OP. I’m glad things are going well for you, and that you got it turned around!


WideCap −  “Thanks Dad” she REALLY wants them tickets lmao.

XtraCannon −  Having read your original post before this one. Well done on this. I don’t think you were the a**hole. But, well done nonetheless for doing this. Hope your relationship continues to improve.


A_MORAY −  This is so sweet it’s giving me cavities. I hope that you both get the life you deserve.

WineAndDogs2020 −  Sounds like you guys had a real break-through there. Her opening up like that would never have happened if you hadn’t stepped up and made her feel safe. Maybe offer to take her out for ice cream or something just the two of you once a week or something like that. Keep nourishing the bond. Good job, and best of luck that this continues!


PatchThePiracy −  This reads like a Reader’s Digest article.

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