UPDATE: AITA for telling my sister she’s not allowed to bring her homemade food to Thanksgiving because her cooking is ruining the meal?


A Reddit user (29F) updates the ongoing saga of Thanksgiving drama with her sister (30F), who is determined to hijack the holiday by taking over the cooking with her bizarre, experimental dishes.

Despite the user’s reservations about her sister’s “Thanksgiving Trio Experience,” the situation has escalated, with her sister referring to herself as the “Thanksgiving Head Chef” and promising a “culinary surprise centerpiece.”


With the pressure mounting from her mother to let her sister have her moment, the user now faces the dilemma of stepping back or preventing her sister from dominating the meal entirely. To learn how the Thanksgiving drama unfolds, read the full update below.


‘ UPDATE: AITA for telling my sister she’s not allowed to bring her homemade food to Thanksgiving because her cooking is ruining the meal?’

Alright, so Thanksgiving is now just a little over two weeks away, and somehow, things have escalated even further than I thought possible. I thought maybe my sister’s “Thanksgiving Trio Experience” would be the peak of the drama—well, turns out I was wrong.

Since the last update, my sister has become fully committed to making her “dishes” the main attraction. She’s been dropping hints in the family group chat (which I’m still not included in, but shoutout to my cousin for the screenshots) about how this Thanksgiving will be “one to remember” and calling it her “Thanksgiving Debut.”


She’s apparently been referring to herself as the “Thanksgiving Head Chef” and has hinted that she’s bringing some kind of “culinary surprise centerpiece” that will “transform the whole experience.”

From what I can piece together, she’s planning a main “statement dish” in addition to her original three side dishes. I’m picturing something equally bizarre but on a much larger scale, and honestly, I’m terrified.


If her green bean casserole was already pushing it, I can’t even imagine what she thinks is worthy of being the “centerpiece.” Then, to make things even weirder, my mom texted me privately and suggested that I “step back” this year and let my sister “shine” since she’s “so excited about her contributions.”

My mom thinks if we just give her this moment, it’ll make her happy and she’ll “get it out of her system.” She even hinted that maybe I should “focus on decorations and drinks” instead of the main dishes, which feels like an attempt to turn hosting over to my sister without actually saying it.


So now, I’m left with a choice: go along with my mom’s plan and let my sister essentially hijack Thanksgiving, or keep pushing back and risk a family showdown. I just wanted a nice Thanksgiving with dishes everyone would enjoy, but it seems like I’m either about to hand over the whole meal to her… or prepare for some serious drama.

Thanksgiving isn’t even here yet, and it already feels like a circus. I’m half tempted to just sit back and see what chaos unfolds, but part of me is still worried about subjecting the whole family to whatever “artistic statement” she has planned.


Here’s the comments of Reddit users:

Infamous-Cash9165 −  If your sister wants to host she actually needs to host, not you doing all the work of hosting and her showing up with 4 abominations against god.

WifeofBath1984 −  I cannot figure out why you still haven’t canceled hosting. If she wants to take over, let her do so in her own space. Why would you go through all those trouble to host your family when you’re sister is actively planning sabotage? I would have already bowed out.


KatFrog −  Maybe suggest that the entire dinner be at either your sister’s house or your mother’s house. That way you can go and just enjoy the chaos, without having to clean up before or after.

No_Winner1131 −  I’d cancel, do your own thing and let someone else host this year.


Two-Complex −  Just let her do it and don’t cook a DAMN thing. Oh…and eat before anyone shows up.

miyuki_m −  Don’t cook. If your mother wants everyone to support your sister and they both want her to have her moment, let her have it. Let her fail. Have some frozen pizzas ready.


Illustrious_Age_6627 −  I say let her make the whole meal! I’m dying to know how this turns out. If it’s bad she’ll know about it soon enough.. UpdateMe

Swardyn −  Girl let your sister host and do the whole shebang! She can clean and cook and set the table. The whole 9yards. Go ahead and get you a nice bottle of wine. Make sure you eat a nice big meal before hand and bring a big purse with some snacks in it. Sit back and just watch. Lean into the compliance of their wishes.


By all means prepare some food for you at home. Personally I care more about the sides and the deviled eggs than the turkey, but whatever brings you joy. Have your own thanksgiving feast on Black Friday and then see if you get added to a new group chat that your sister wasn’t added to.

LittleMsSavoirFaire −  I don’t see any reason to intervene. 1) She brings her dishes, everyone hates them, goes hungry; this issue is put to rest forever 2) She brings the dishes, everyone loves them, you say “Awesome job, sis, you can host next year. Let me know if you want me to bring decorations”


There’s no point in trying to steer this situation any particular way. If you try, it only escalates further, and for what? Do you **really** care that everyone gets traditional turkey and stuffing if it means your sister is going to bring a lot of drama? Take a giant step back and let it all play out. Your hands are washed of the situation

SirTeaBaggins −  Let her be the “star” of the show and own Thanksgiving. Just let her do her thing and when no one eats her culinary garbage, then maybe she will actually see it’s a flop.


You’re enabling her in a way by continuing to try and push her down. She’s fighting you back with her over the top dishes. When she fails and everything gets thrown out and packed away she will get the idea. Idk why you’re so hung up on this.

Do you think the user should step back and let her sister take the spotlight, or should she put her foot down to maintain control over the Thanksgiving meal? How would you handle this kind of family drama during the holidays? Share your thoughts and opinions below!


For those who want to read the next part : https://aita.pics/wcBse

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