UPDATE: AITA for refusing to take my girlfriend back after she cheated “just to see if she still had it”?


After rejecting his girlfriend’s apology for cheating, a man (30M) discovered that Rachel (27F) not only cheated on him but had been messaging an ex-boyfriend for weeks before the incident. She had flirty and suggestive conversations with him, which she tried to hide.

When confronted, Rachel admitted everything but claimed it was about insecurity, not love. He ended the relationship for good, feeling betrayed by her lies and lack of trust, and is now moving forward. read the original story below…




‘ UPDATE: AITA for refusing to take my girlfriend back after she cheated “just to see if she still had it”?’

First of all, thank you to everyone who commented on my original post. Reading your perspectives really helped me sort through my feelings during an incredibly tough time.. Here’s the update. After I posted, Rachel intensified her efforts to reconcile.

She sent me long texts about how she regretted everything and how I was “the love of her life.” When I didn’t respond, she showed up at my apartment, crying and begging for another chance.


I told her I still needed space and wasn’t ready to talk, but before leaving, she accused me of being “cold” and said I was throwing away something special. A few days later, I got some new information that completely shifted things.

It turns out the guy Rachel cheated with wasn’t just some random hookup from a bar—he was an ex-boyfriend. She had been messaging him for weeks leading up to that night. Their conversations were flirty, suggestive, and way more than I’d consider appropriate.


I found this out through someone who showed me screenshots Rachel had clearly tried to keep hidden. When I confronted Rachel with this, she initially denied it, but when I mentioned the messages, she broke down and admitted everything.

She claimed she’d been feeling insecure and reconnecting with him made her feel desirable again. She insisted it didn’t mean anything and that I was still “the one” for her, but it felt like yet another betrayal. At that point, I told her I was done. There’s no coming back from this for me.


She cheated, lied, and broke my trust on multiple levels. I ended things for good, and since then, I’ve cut off all contact with her. It’s been a rough week, but I feel at peace with my decision. As much as I cared about Rachel, I know I deserve someone who values honesty and loyalty as much as I do. Thank you again to everyone who helped me see things clearly—I’m finally moving forward.

Take a look at the comments from fellow users:

Xeroid −  You didn’t throw away something special, she did it all on her own. Besides, knowing what you now know how the hell did she expect you to ever trust her. Ignore her friends, they are as delusional as she is. You did good to show her the door. If you took her back she’d just do it again.


LovelyRubyxoxo −  You’re not the a**hole trust and respect are non-negotiable, and you deserve better than someone who betrays both.”

SpareMind −  All of a sudden, someone showed you the screenshot!! But who?


SmittyFromAbove −  “I found this out through someone who had showed me screenshots.” Sorry, but wtf does that even mean. How many random people out there have screenshots of a private conversation between your gf and her ex? Story seems fake to me.

BIvckvla −  Man, just forget her


SnooSquirrels9906 −  Great decision, she’s for the streets. Embarrassing behaviour for a grown adult.

IceBlue −  Stop posting AI generated garbage YTA


Driftwood256 −  YTA
Its bad enough that yourt whole original post is AI, but now you’re writing AI updates…. Gees, YTA…

HoldFastO2 −  So… “someone” had screenshots of the secret converations your ex had with her ex, and showed them to you? Well, lucky for you she’s so careless about operational security, I guess.


eSsEnCe_Of_EcLiPsE −  Fake, the second half is a recycled bit from the previous post. 

It’s clear he feels at peace with his decision, but is his conclusion the right one? Was cutting ties the best move, or should he have tried to work through it? What do you think? Share your thoughts below!


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One Comment

  1. Bobababe 2 months ago

    She’s tah seems to me she actually threw away something special hehe not the other way around you got rid of deadweight unloyal hoe so I know it’s hard but with time you’ll be ok.