UPDATE: AITA for refusing to let my girlfriend get a dog because it will upset my old man of a cat?

A Redditor updated their story about refusing to get a dog due to their senior cat, Sparky, who has always been aggressive toward dogs. After testing the situation by caring for a friend’s dog, the Redditor’s girlfriend finally understood Sparky’s behavior and agreed to wait or consider an outdoor dog. Read the original story below for the full update and how the situation resolved.
For those who want to read the previous part: https://aita.pics/gqSYv
‘Â UPDATE: AITA for refusing to let my girlfriend get a dog because it will upset my old man of a cat?’
After another argument with my GF about the dog situation we asked a friend of ours if we could look after her dog, a very placid, sleepy and uninterested bulldog, for a day while she was at work, so she could see for herself how Sparky would react. And let me say my GF now understands why I wanted to wait until Sparky had died before getting a dog.
Within the six hours that we had the dog, Sparky had tried to bite him on the leg, I pulled him away before he could even make contact with him and hauled Sparky’s ass upstairs away from the dog after that moment. While Upstairs Sparky did nothing but yowl at us and revenge pee on the bed, before hiding on top of the wardrobe.
While all this was happening my friend’s dog just lay there on the floor of the lounge doing absolutely nothing. Upon seeing what Sparky was willing to do to a dog that wouldn’t even hurt a fly, my GF has now agreed that if she wants a dog then it has to be an outdoor dog (which she does not want) or to wait until the awful day that Sparky is no longer with us.
Grumpus is very happy with that plan. Grumpus (Sparky) is now going to spend his golden years lying in front of the fire, watching tennis and Blue Planet on tv, eating lots of treats and sitting on the landing windowsill, where he loves to watch the whole world go by, while casually growling at any dog he sees walk past the house.
And he very happy with this plan. I promise my friends dog was not hurt. I don’t even think that he realised that my cat was planning on attacking him. And Sparky is as happy as a lamb again. No more revenge peeing.
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
Dogismygod − I think this was a good way to handle it. No dogs were harmed, Sparky will be happy, GF now understands why Sparky can’t be around dogs.
lizzyote − A trial run was a genius idea. I’ve desperately wanted a dog for years and while my girl CAN share a home with a dog, I see no reason to disrupt her life when she’s only got a few years left. My want for a dog doesn’t overrule her need for a calm, quiet home. Besides, the longer I wait for a dog, the more research I can do!
[Reddit User] − This is an ideal ending. It shows your gf you were not exaggerating and no animals were hurt, only mildy annoyed.
Candy4Evr − Glad to know it all worked out + that your GF finally believes you when you said “No dogs around Sparky!” Bet GF loved the pee-on-the-bed part. 🙂
UIUGrad − I’m so glad you did this! My in laws got a puppy when their cat was 7. The puppy had never been around cats and the cat had never been around any dogs. They HATED each other. The cat was terrified and the dog was territorial and jealous. They lived in the same house for four years.
My husband and I now have the cat and will not get a dog as long as we have him. We didn’t even know how much living with the dog was hurting him because he always tried to act aloof. When I took him for a regular vet visit just hearing a dog in the building sent him hiding behind me and shaking like a leaf.
Then he was on guard for a couple of days when he heard the neighbor’s dogs which he ignored entirely up to that point. He had been losing fur, getting sores on his face, never relaxed.
The day we moved we thought we’d have behavioral issues with him being in a new place for the first time in 11 years. He immediately curled up in bed with us and melted. Within a month he was a brand new cat. He has guinea pig siblings now but he’s indifferent to them lol.
normanbeets − it has to be an outdoor dog. I just needed to acknowledge this. There’s no such thing as “an outdoor” dog in a regular home environment. Dogs are family members, they need to be with their people. A dog left out in a backyard 24/7 will have behavioral issues.
Forrest_Of_Sin − I just want to add that the cat’s not “revenge peeing” he’s showing signs of extreme distress. None of that behaviour is vindictive, your cats just terrified. (I’m sure you know this but I just want to add that for anyone reading because cat welfare suffers a lot due to these sorts of misunderstandings)
jxcegxhris − Yay! Sparky can enjoy his retirement in peace. Glad you guys found a compromise and a solution.
Trash-BABIE-Bitch − I honestly think this was a NAH situation, thought so on the last post. You love your cat. Obviously the little baby shouldn’t be put in a situation that stresses him. Especially in old age. But I feel so bad for your girlfriend, it’s not super fair to her that she has to wait until your cat does to get something she’s wanted forever.
Like, that has to be such a tricky situation? I think I would feel horrible cause I would feel like being excited to finally get a dog is the same thing as being excited that your cat is gone. I think before he gets to that stage, y’all need to talk about a grieving period. I could see you being very understandably upset afterwards, and not wanting a dog in the house to remind you he is gone.
Ardilla914 − Definitely NAH. I can’t blame your girlfriend for wanting a dog, but I also can’t blame you for wanting to let your kitty live out his life without that. It’s possible to get the animals to get along if you go very slowly, but there is zero need to force it since everything is working well. In my case we didn’t have a choice.
I had two old cats who were 14,13 and was getting married. My husband had two dogs. We started by keeping them separated with a baby gate. We alternated who got to sleep in the bedroom every night. We lost one of the cats to a brain tumor the following year. She never did accept the dogs.
She was scared of everything. The other cat was slightly more adventurous. Now they coexist peacefully the chihuahua is scared of her and gives her space and the lab isn’t fazed by anything. We’ve since added a kitten and a puppy to the mix. The older cat is now 15.5 and doesn’t love the puppy, but the puppy has learned to give her space.
Do you think the girlfriend’s change of heart was the right decision, or should the Redditor have been more open to compromise? How would you handle a situation where a beloved pet is not comfortable with a new addition? Share your thoughts below!