Update: AITA for not wanting to hide that my moms are gay to my girlfriend’s parents?

First, please read my original post: https://aita.pics/EZNtv
‘ Update: AITA for not wanting to hide that my moms are gay to my girlfriend’s parents?’
So we broke up. Yesterday since it had already been days of us not talking. I listened to ur comments and decided to ask how would she feel if I told her only one of her parents could go cause *my* moms are uncomfortable around heterosexual couples.
She basically laughed and said it’s not the same thing because that’s a “normal couple”. That kinda got me and I asked what’s not normal about my moms. Think that’s when she saw she fucked up with what she said. She said she didn’t mean it like that and just knows it would be awkward and weird because her parents don’t like that.
Then I asked her if *she* would feel like that too. And she didn’t say anything. We talked for a while and she still wasn’t getting how this would hurt my moms asking them to hide who they are. Then it got to where she admitted it would also be embarrassing for her parents would know I have two moms.
And yeah I wasn’t gonna take that and told her we’re done. Not gonna be w someone who’s embarrassed about my moms or doesn’t want others to know. That was it. My friends haven’t said anything to me yet but think I’m just gonna block them out cause I don’t wanna deal with their s**t rn. I know I said in my comments I was thinking abut asking my moms for advice but since we’re broke up I’m not gonna tell them why.
I only told my moms it wasn’t working out with her so we’re done. They dont need to why cause I don’t want them to feel is their fault and they really liked my girlfriend. This would hurt their feelings knowing she was feeling that way. Its not my first break up but it still really sucks and I’m feeling sad. It is what it is though. Thanks for everyone’s help and for telling me ur own experiences.
Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:
getheran_uber − \*Stands and claps\*. As a parent, if my kid came to me and told me this, I would first feel hurt but I’d quickly get over that and feel so damn proud that my kid stood up for himself, his beliefs, and his parents. So just know this reddit-mom is very proud of you.
[Reddit User] − I don’t want them to feel is their fault. I don’t think you need to worry about that. And yeah, they probably would be disappointed in her (although I suspect they’ll be more inclined to blame the sources she picked up that attitude from), but it might save you from well-meaning attempts on their part to try and fix things. Your call, though: I think they’d be very proud of the way you’ve handled this if they knew the full story, and I’m sure there are better relationships ahead for you.
Palifaith − I gotta say you handled this with a lot of maturity, especially for someone who’s only 17.
DelightfulAbsurdity − You acted wisely, and were keenly trying to teach her, by asking her to consider the roles reversed. I hope you find peace, and feel confident in your actions. This redditor thinks you did good.
BeepBlipBlapBloop − Sorry you’re hurting, but it seems like you probably did the right thing. I think you might want to reconsider telling your moms about this. If they are well-adjusted people they will absolutely know that it wasn’t their fault. Plus, they probably have some very good insight into how to deal with this type of bigotry. I’d bet they’ll be proud of you.
CrepuscularCorvid − I just want to say how proud I am of you for making a hard, but morally strong decision. Your moms are obviously doing a good job raising you right.
mozzsticks11 − You did the right thing! The best relationships are built on shared values. The more you can surround yourself with others who share them (as relationships or friendships) the happier and more supported you’ll feel.
squirrelsareevil2479 − I’m so glad to read your update. You handled it really well and with thoughtfulness . Your ex girlfriend would never be comfortable around your Moms. There was no good solution to her demands. I hope it doesn’t hurt too much or for too long. You will meet someone else special who will be happy with your family.
AnnieCakes31 − Good for you. Sounds like she had some hidden h**ophobic views that came to light. I’m glad you stuck up for your moms. I hope you find someone who loves you and your moms.
[Reddit User] − Awesome! As a mom I wouldn’t feel like it was my fault that you and your girlfriend broke up. I’d be proud as f**k that you handled it how you did.