UPDATE AITA for not sharing my medical history before being pranked?

Link to original post: https://aita.pics/NnViE
Heyo! I had a few folks message me over the last couple of months, the latest tonight. I touches me that so many of you still message me to see if things are going well, so I wanted to update people en masse.
‘ UPDATE AITA for not sharing my medical history before being pranked?’
Life is going phenomenally. I axed the friend group, and have since been kicking b**t. I realized that if my close friend group was consistently putting me down or taking advantage of me, who else could be. The biggest answer was myself. I stopped doing things I enjoyed to invest in people that took joy in hurting me (Turns out it went so much deeper than gas lighting).
I got two new hobbies, wood working and brewing. I absolutely love them both, and have made friends in those communities. I started cooking instead of take out and I met the woman who is now my girlfriend at the local market and we do most things together now. I realized my job had been taking a huge advantage over me. I worked significantly harder and longer hours for less pay than the employees under me.
After I transitioned to taking better care of myself I successfully created a resume that outlined my successes (Recognizing those successes took quite a bit of effort!) and got a new job in higher management for significantly more pay. I’m also going to buy a house this December with a yard for my dog and I. Nothing big, just a nice one bedroom with a large yard for my buddy and I to play fetch in.
So thanks Reddit. Owe you one. Never would have made life improvement if it weren’t for an external force.
Here’s what the community had to contribute:
sinsnotvagadies − Wow! I absolutely remember your original post as someone else who struggles with mental illnesses! They were so completely out of line, but never forget who got you out of that dangerous situation, YOU. You have been working on living a stable life long enough to know that something was off and your health was number one! Keep realizing your worth and living a kick ass life!
drawingmentally − Awww, I didn’t read the original when it was posted but I am so glad that you’re doing so well now. Congrats 🙂
Starfall9908 − That is amazing to hear. I remember that post! You’re one hell of a trooper!
[Reddit User] − It’s great to hear that you’re much happier, found cool hobbies, and made new friends — you’ve come a long way. Kudos to you for getting out of your toxic friend group. I’m happy for your self improvement journey. Keep up the progress!
CC_Panadero − This just might be my favorite update ever. You completely altered the trajectory of your life for the better! Waaay better!! Good for you, I wish you nothing but joy in the new life you have created for yourself.
I think sometimes we all get stuck in a rut. Some of us flee from change, some grin and bear it. The best of us self reflect during times of trouble, take the bull by the horns, and make changes to ourselves. Never easy, but always worth it.
For the record, I’m a grin and bear it girl. I can self reflect and know what bad habits I need to change, but don’t have the confidence to do it. Maybe this is the kick in the b**t I need to take control of my own destiny! Thank you for sharing and keep kicking ass!!
JanuarySoCold − Almost every group has someone that gets picked on or is pranked. But the fact that they went on for such a long time with this “prank” brings it to the level of sustained abuse. Even if you weren’t having medical issues, it was an awful thing to do to anyone. Brewing, by the way, is a great hobby, you can be creative with your recipes. Blueberry beer?
peargreenshapes − This makes me so incredibly happy. Good for you. Also OP can we hear how you and your girlfriend started dating? I’d be lying if I said I’ve never imagined meeting a future partner at the grocery store and want to live vicariously through you lol.
swampmilkweed − I met the woman who is now my girlfriend at the local market. Just goes to show that you CAN meet the love of your life at the grocery store. Congrats on all the positive changes OP, you are amazing!
SwiggyBloodlust − Years ago it seemed like corny advice, but I found it is true that when you keep good company better things happen for and to you as an individual. It sounds like what happened here! Congratulations on all the success. You’ve earned it.
NOPECaptain − I’m so incredibly proud of you! You deserve to be loved and to have a meaningful life. Yay!