UPDATE AITA for kicking my brother and his family out after his son stole my engagement ring?


A Reddit user shared an update on a previous story where he kicked out his brother and family after his nephew stole his engagement ring. After a stressful search, he found the ring hidden in the sink of the guest room. Relieved, he proposed to his girlfriend immediately, and she said yes! However, his brother assumed they could return to stay, but the Redditor stood firm, refusing to let them back in after the betrayal. To top it all off, his fiancée revealed she’s pregnant, adding more joy to their fresh start. Read the full story below for all the details.


‘ UPDATE AITA for kicking my brother and his family out after his son stole my engagement ring?’

So many of you have asked nonstop for an update, sorry it took me a while to log back on but lots of stuff have been going on. Yes I found the ring!! It was a stressful day doing a deeper search in my house trying to think like my nephew and looking in places where I think he’d hide something if he really didn’t want it to be found.

And the decision was if it really wasn’t found and my brother wasn’t able to get him to talk, or they wouldn’t be able to pay back what I’m owed then the police would get involved. He did beg me not to but I told him then you better pray I find it or you come up with the money to pay me for it.


Guess both our prayers worked because guess where I found it? In the freaking sink. The SINK. And that’s thanks to the comments who told me to look in those places. Idk what I would’ve done otherwise. It was the sink that was in their guest room, I’m glad he didn’t just throw it away.

You guys don’t know how freaking relieved I was to find it. Took some work to remove the p trap under the sink to get it out but I was just so happy to find it!! Same night my girlfriend (fiancée 😉) got back I proposed to her and she said yes!! After a nice romantic dinner just the two of us at home…


The plan was to wait but after all this s**t I thought f**k it I’m proposing ASAP before anything else happens 😅🤣 After my brother heard about me finding the ring he thought this meant they could come back. I said no. He wanted to argue about this again.

All I told him was he’s lucky I haven’t gone to the cops since there was already video evidence of his son taking the ring and there’s no way I’m letting them back in when my nephew wouldn’t even say what he did with the ring. I talked with my nephew myself after I found the ring but he just said he didn’t want to tell anyone because then I’d be mad at him for hiding it.


Honestly I just don’t have the energy for them anymore, his problem is their problem and hopefully they get him help before it’s too late. Only thing important to me is my fiancée and I starting our lives and planning our wedding 😁 Thank you Reddit for your help!! Seriously you guys were my life savers 😅

Edit to add: I just received this news after already submitting my post for approval and just wanted to add because I’m so happy, but girlfriend also informed me she’s pregnant!!! 😆😆 She found out while she was on her trip and was waiting for a good time to tell me. Not related to the post but idc, I’m gonna be a dad !!!!


Here’s what people had to say to OP:

YogurtFirm −  The fact that the kid refused to tell you where it was and his parents refused to make him means you are absolutely in the right and would be crazy to let them back in. Little b**t is going to end up in prison if his parents don’t wake up.

aquavenatus −  CONGRATULATIONS 3 TIMES OVER!!!. You found the ring!. She said, “Yes”!. You’re going to be a father! P.S. It’s obvious you’ll be a better father to your child than your brother is to his. MANY MORE MOMENTS OF HAPPINESS FOR YOU AND YOUR GROWING FAMILY!


Edit: OMG! This is my first award! I’m glad this was given to me for “good news.” Thank you!

Deferon-VS −  Congrats on finding it and on not letting the thiving trio back in.. (Make sure to keep the video.). Also make sure to inform your family you kicked them out because they stole several times (and you have the last one on tape), before they start the waterworks telling everyone how you “made ther little *angel* homeless out of greed”.


Slow-Bumblebee-8609 −  Congratulations on finding the ring and congratulations on your engagement!!! You did the right thing, that poor kid needs help and needs consequences, yet it seems his parents won’t help him. Hopefully he understands that you aren’t punishing him, but that you not wanting him near valuables is a natural consequence of him stealing

TogarSucks −  Congrats on everything and good move holding your ground on not allowing them back in so quickly. Their situation is s**tty, but it’s their’s to deal with. Your nephew obviously needs a therapist. Seeing all this going on around him because of his actions and being able to end it just by telling you where the ring was is not normal. You are right that he needs help.


princessofperky −  Aww yay congrats on the engagement and baby!

skatastic57 −  I talked with my nephew myself after I found the ring but he just said he didn’t want to tell anyone because then I’d be mad at him for hiding it. Fully appreciate you not having the energy right now. It’s not your place to deliver this message.


At some point though, someone needs to explain to him that there’s two wrongs that he did. The first one was taking the ring in the first place. The second was lying about it. Everyone knew he lied about it, his lying only made things, not just worse but, much much worse.

AtomicBlastCandy −  Never let your nephew into your house again, my guess is that he’ll steal something or ruin something out of spite. My guess is that his parents haven’t been talking good about you so he will find a way to justify it.


Kindly_Delicious −  Congratulations for both finding the ring and your engagement! What a story to tell decades down the road. I hope your nephew gets the help he needs before he gets into real trouble with law enforcement.

FoldNtheCheese −  Congrats on finding the ring, your engagement, & the pregnancy. Wishing you & your fiancé smooth sailing from here on out. Don’t let your kleptomaniac nephew in your home again or near your child if he’s still having issues because he will likely steal your kids things.


Do you think the Redditor made the right call by keeping his brother and nephew out of his life after finding the ring? How would you handle a family betrayal like this? And what advice would you give him as he embarks on this new chapter of marriage and fatherhood? Share your thoughts and opinions below!

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