UPDATE: AITA for kicking a friend out of my house for what she said?


A few weeks after a traumatic event where a friend (B) made hurtful and damaging remarks, Redditor (OP) shared their experience with the community. After the incident, their close friend A was deeply affected, grappling with self-doubt and questioning her faith.

The community’s supportive comments on the original post helped A find relief and clarity. This update shares the positive impact those words had on A’s healing journey, showing how collective kindness can help during difficult times. Read the full story below.


‘ UPDATE: AITA for kicking a friend out of my house for what she said?’

It’s been a few weeks since the situation happened, so I will start off by saying that (ex)friend B did NOT apologize to friend A for what she said. Matter of fact, she hasn’t reached out to either one of us since then (we also didn’t reach out to her).


Unfortunately, B’s words from that day really got to friend A. She struggled with survivors guilt and questioned her upbringing/lifestyle, views on religion, etc. She doubled her therapy sessions and I spent my free time keeping her company.

A couple of weeks ago, I went over to her place and found her reading a bible and (almost obsessively) flagging pages. She said she was researching to check if what B told her was true. She started reading excerpts and telling me her interpretations.


This behavior did scare me a bit, so I suggested she bring this up to her therapist (it was the only thing I could think of to help calm her down). She did talk to the therapist who suggested she perhaps talk to a pastor instead of trying to come up with her own conclusions.

She asked me to go with her, which I did, but told me to just wait for her at the church while she talked to the pastor privately. After, she said that she felt better and was more convinced that B was full of it. She also seemed calmer, so I believed that conversation did help her.


I was at her house on Friday and she told me that she still thinks about what was said and, although she feels much better after talking to the pastor, he’s only one person and what if he is wrong? I tried to reassure her again and talk through her feelings, but I could tell it was still eating at her. I had a feeling she might spiral again.

Then I had an idea. I told her about the post I made on here and explained why, how it works, etc. (she’s not a Reddit user). I pulled up my original post and asked her to read the comments to show her how hundreds of people (religious and non-religious) felt about what was said.


We spent the evening reading each comment, she cried, she laughed, she was surprised and o**rwhelmed at the amount of support and reassuring words from all these strangers.

I could tell she was more and more relieved as we read. She has been in a much better state of mind since then, so seeing hundreds of people disagree with B’s words definitely had a positive impact on her.


So dear Redditors, thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping my friend with your kind words and reassurance! She has a long road ahead of her in this grieving process, but she’s going strong.

Here’s what Redditors had to say:

Atheneathenex3 −  This is such a good update. I’m glad reddit helped & your friend is feeling much better! You’re a great friend


Radiules −  That’s so nice to hear she eventually didn’t let those words get her and is starting to get better. You have been a great great friend, OP.

[Reddit User] −  Reddit actually did something! I’ll add it to my list •b**lying the sonic company into changing sonic’s face. •this post


Parallax05 −  She’s lucky to have a friend like you. Keep supporting her.

noicebutnotsmort −  Internet rocks. You are a good egg OP, glad you stuck by your friend. B can go eat cacti.


MrmmphMrmmph −  Wow, the tremendous effort and perseverance you took to reach into your friends darkness and haul her out is wonderful to see. She was hanging on a ledge by her fingertips, your ex-friend stomped on her fingers, and you just dove down after your friend and stuck with her and got creative out of concern.

She’s lucky to have you, and smart enough to know it. Well done. I’m glad your post was in place at the right time for your friend, too. There are so many of us, and as isolated as we can feel, it can be helpful to know that many of us have struggled too.


StrangerOnTheReddit −  Holy cow, arm chair therapists actually helped! Seriously though, I’m glad everyone’s opinions were helpful for your friend to read. Reddit can be a great sounding board/sanity checker 🙂

Socially-AntiSocial −  I read the original post and honestly, you think you overreacted, while I’m sitting here thinking “she’s lucky I didn’t throw hands and throw her out”. Anyway, she’s very lucky to have you and I’m glad the comments have helped her. I hope she’s able to continue getting through this.


Oscado −  What kind of wicked person would worship a god that killed two innocent people (one of them a little child) to punish someone else? And top of that judges after d**th? What would the point of heaven and hell be if that’s how it works? I’m an atheists so I don’t ask for an answer. I just think there’s way more friendly and better belief systems if one feels the urge to believe something.

InternationalDivide0 −  Good for you for being a supportive friend! Bottom line is bad things do happen to good people, sadly noone can control those. Not even the ultrareligious people. There are many religions out there and bad things also happen to believers a d non believers.


Don’t know if it will help her, but a friend started volunteering with kids with cancer after her daughter passed, not related to cancer. But maybe volunteer with something her son or husband did like, go with her. It might bring her some peace

Healing isn’t always linear, but having a strong support system can make a world of difference. How do you think online communities can impact someone’s mental health, especially in times of emotional turmoil? Share your thoughts below!


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