Update 3: AITAH for how I reacted when my niece announced she was engaged?

I know it’s been a while since I posted the last update and a lot of people have been requesting updates on the whole situation, but until now I hadn’t really received any news. So please forgive me if this update took a while to come.
First, please read my original post: https://aita.pics/CNkzO
Update: https://aita.pics/itnYJ
Update 2: https://aita.pics/pmIdx
‘ Update 3: AITAH for how I reacted when my niece announced she was engaged?’
Since my conversation with Ella, I would check in on her once or twice a week and ask how things were and she’d always tell me pretty much the same as what she told me a month ago.
Basically, there were many red flags and she was getting more and more uncomfortable in her relationship but she also didn’t know how to break up with him. I tried to give her some advice but eventually told her that I thought she should do it when she felt comfortable.
Yesterday I called her to know what she had planned on Christmas and if she’d be coming to the Christmas dinner that I was hosting, and if Mark would be coming. That’s when she told me that she had broken up with him the evening before.
She was pretty shaken up so I didn’t ask for too much detail and asked if she wanted to come to my house for a while. She said that Mark had left to stay with his family when she told him, so she was okay staying home.
This is maybe not a very detailed update but here’s what I know. She told me that he had been getting angry at her all week for small things. And then they were talking about Christmas and he insisted that they shouldn’t go with Ella’s family and instead spend a week with his family because they see them less often (they live out of state).
And after that he made a comment about how he hoped that the next year as a present they could give his mother a grandchild, and Ella said that’s what really made her break up with him. And she also told me that she would be coming alone for Christmas.
I don’t know what she told him or how he reacted, and maybe she’ll tell me more in a while when she feels better, and if not I won’t ask her to. If I get more information I’ll edit this post but for now that’s it. Again, thank you to anyone who gave advice and tried to help with this situation.
See what others had to share with OP:
Trick_Parsley_3077 − Oh thank God Ella figured out he was Not the one!!!
WhishtNowWillYe − JFC babies are not presents to grandparents!!!! So glad she jumped off this runaway train. Phew!
SerenityPickles − Great for Ella!!!! How can the next “Ella” be forewarned about “creepy Mark”????!!!???
Mother_Search3350 − Thank God for Ella. You are an amazing person and a wonderful uncle. She is incredibly lucky to have you in her life.
nicunta − Thank goodness Ella has you; your words may have spared her quite a bit of pain. I am happy she’s broken up with him; hopefully he doesn’t weasel his way back into her home.
SuluSpeaks − He wanted a breeder, not a partner. Good for Ella! Updateme.
agkemdental − Sounds like Ella dodged a bullet. It’s awesome she has you in her corner!
fryingthecat66 − I’m so happy for her. She deserves a life. I betcha she was isolating her from her family (especially you) because he was grooming her. Thank God for a great Uncle like you,watching out for your niece.
AwkwardFortuneCookie − So glad she got out before he baby trapped her.
HUNGWHITEBOI25 − Op i know you might not see it now, but you very likely saved your niece. Keep being an awesome person in her life cause im ngl…i don’t think the rest of your family will…