UPDATE 2: WIBTA to divorce my wife after she said she wanted to send our son to a conversion camp?

A Reddit user provided an intense update on their decision to divorce their wife after discovering her intention to send their son to a conversion camp, leading to a violent incident that left both the user and their son hospitalized. With legal action underway and steps taken to secure custody and safety, the user expressed gratitude for the overwhelming support and advice from the online community. Read the full update below.
‘Â UPDATE 2: WIBTA to divorce my wife after she said she wanted to send our son to a conversion camp?’
So, a little over two weeks ago, I posted about my stb-ex wife putting both my son and me in the hospital because he is gay. First of all, I’d like to thank everyone for the support and advice we’ve received. The kind words were overwhelming. To all the trolls saying this is fake, God knows I wish it was. Maybe I didn’t make much sense because I was extremely shaken, so I apologize if that’s the case.
Now, for the update. It’s been difficult ever since, but don’t worry, this is not a bad update. First of all, I was able to get an emergency custody order. I’m very, very relieved because many of you warned me about how people can have their kids forcefully taken by those conversion camps, and I’m relieved that she can’t do that anymore.
I’m still overly anxious and only leave my son alone when he’s at school. I’ve instructed all the teachers to make sure no one but me approaches him. Thank god my boss has been understanding on the matter. I’ve been granted the exclusive use of our house as well, so I’ve changed the locks and installed security cameras.
Many friends and family members (from my side of course) have been visiting often, to give us both emotional support and safety. Many of you also advised me to document every injury that my son and I sustained (fortunately my son didn’t suffer a concussion) so I took plenty of pictures and gave them to my lawyer, and she has also taken my, my son’s and my daughter’s testimony.
Given all the charges my wife is facing (child abuse both physically and emotionally/n**lect/endangerment, a**ault and battery, h**e crime and domestic violence. Yeah, it doesn’t look very good for her), our lawyer is confident that I will 100% be granted full custody.
She also said that it’s likely stbe’s attorney will recommend that she gives up her parental rights, given the overwhelming evidence against her. Also i’=t’s very likely that my son and I -possibly even my daughter if she asks for it- will be granted a restraining order against her.
My lawyer has told me CPS involvement will only strengthen my case, as they are thoroughly investigating everything. While we’re still waiting to get the court date, I am feeling highly confident and relieved for the first time since all that s**t happened.
I’ve gathered tons of overwhelming evidence against ‘the toxin’ (thanks to that person who came up with that name). I’ll keep everyone updated, and thank you again for all the advice and support my kids and I have received. I honestly don’t know how I could have gotten through this without all of you. Y’all just saved a family, be proud!
Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:
ElsaHaansenn − I’m so glad you’re feeling more confident now, and it’s amazing to see how you’re protecting your kids. You’ve done the right thing by taking action and getting the support you needed. Stay strong for your kids, you’re doing a great job!
Cranky70something − I didn’t read your original post, but I’m very, very happy for you and your children that this is going to work out in a humane and compassionate manner for them and for you. I wish you the very best of luck going forward.
ElehcarTheFirst − I am so happy for you and your son and daughter that this is turning out in your favor. That being said, I am so sorry that you all had to go through this. I’ve been following your story since the very first post and I’ve commented on almost every post. And I just have to say as the chosen mom of so many queer kids, you’re the parent they all wanted.
The one who stood by them and stood up for them and so many of them didn’t get even a single parent who did that. So I am just so proud of you. I’m actually crying while I’m writing this because I’m just thinking of all my kids and the ones I call my kids who have no one besides their chosen family to love them unconditionally.
Thank you for being what a parent is supposed to be. And thank you for putting your son first. And just thank you for accepting him as he is. I hope that you are a beacon of acceptance to other parents whose kids will eventually come out. And I hope that you’re a safe place for any other kids in your area we need a parent figure to come out to
Moon_Blossveil − It’s hard to believe that conversion camps are still a thing in 2024. How can people still think that hate can ‘fix’ someone?
Emotional_Analyst115 − I am so glad that you have legal representation and that she is being dealt with legally and that it looks like it’s a slam dunk and I hope that monster gets put away for a long time.
Adventurous-Emu-755 − OP, I would also encourage you and your son and daughter to find a good therapist or a therapist for each of you too. What you all have experienced is truly traumatic. Though you all might all be okay now, sometimes it might appear as depression later and it’s not, it’s PTSD.
Not everyone who has gone through anything traumatic will have PTSD but it’s a good thing to rule out. Please also take care of yourself OP, you need to be 100% for your children.
MatthewnPDX − I just read your two previous posts. The doctors and nurses in the ER are mandated reporters, so it’s quite possible that CPS has already initiated an investigation, but given the police involvement, may not have got around to interviewing you yet.
Your STBX wife is delusional if she thinks something as fundamental as s**ual identity can be changed by the types of charlatans operating conversion therapy camps.
There may be people who identify as gay in their teens who later decide that they’re bisexual or straight, but as a 58 year old gay man, I’ve really only met one man who changed the way he identified, and I’m pretty sure he did that to enable a successful legal career. The more frequent situation is people in denial who get married to opposite s** partners then come out as gay/bi later, causing more pain to the opposite s** spouses than is necessary.
wlfwrtr − Hope the daughter is in therapy too. As close as she was to her mother this has got to be tearing her apart knowing that she is the one who initially called the police on her mom.
MissDurelle − You’re doing an incredible job standing up for your kids. Stay strong!
hedwigflysagain − I am not condoning what the mother did, but the silver lining to the physical abuse is that it gives you the legal power to protect your children. If none of that happened, she may have gotten 50/50 custody of both kids. And the long-term damage she could have done could be so much worse. She would have tried to poison the younger daughter’s thoughts against her son and father.
Do you think the user has taken the right steps to protect their children and secure their future? How would you navigate such a challenging and emotionally charged situation? Share your thoughts and support below!