UPDATE 2: Me [24M] with my gf [23F] Girlfriend has princess syndrome

A Reddit user revisited a breakup from nearly a decade ago, where his girlfriend’s unique “princess style” and blogging led to differences between them. Reflecting on the growth since, he shared how life unfolded for both of them. Read the heartwarming update below.
For those who want to read the previous part:
Part 1 https://aita.pics/LjtLf
Part 2 https://aita.pics/cwHln
‘ UPDATE 2: Me [24M] with my gf [23F] Girlfriend has princess syndrome?’
It’s a bit embarrassing to relive this break up from almost 10 years ago. In retrospect, it wasn’t meant to be and I think I was reeling more from getting dumped than the loss of the relationship.
I am 33 now and married to a wonderful woman (31F) for 4 years. I learned my lesson about supporting my significant other’s hobbies. My wife loves running and baking. We have a daughter who is turning 3 this year.
I want her to be free to express herself how she likes (as long as it is safe, of course!). I would do anything for them. I am still friends with my ex on social media. We don’t talk but will “like” each other’s posts.
She is married to another woman now who also dresses differently. It’s not as frilly as she used to dress, but still unusual. Her pictures look like something out of Anne of Green Gables. She seems very happy on their farm together.
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
MrSlabBulkhead − Damn, a 9 years later update? This might be a record. Congrats on the happy marriage and the kid!
Big-Depth-8339 − Can we expect an update in 10 years when your daughter has become a teenager and developed princess syndrome?. Also congratulations on your life.
mknote − It’s nice to see that _everyone_ came out happier, on both sides.
SleepoBeepos − We love to see personal growth
Corfiz74 − Give yourself a break, we were all dumb shits in our early twenties! 😄 I’m happy your life turned out so well!
bettinafairchild − Wholesome update. Great to see someone learn and grow and take what they learned from one relationship to use to be a better partner in another relationship
thots_n_prayers − Ooooof I cringed HARD for you on those original posts! But ehh we all do stupid s**t when we’re in our early 20’s right? You learned a life lesson and it looks like everyone came out better for it.
Congratulations on your self-growth and for your nice life now. I love that this little ditty will have a positive impact on your relationship with your daughter 🙂
thiscouldbemassive − Good for you! Sometimes life smacks you hard enough to make you sit down and rethink your preconceptions. It’s never fun, but the growth is absolutely worth it. As painful as that break up was, it opened a whole new world of empathy and understanding and made you a much better person.
melonwoo − Omg ofc the Princess syndrome girl is Bi/queer 😍🌈
Scary-Inspector-8315 − Daaaamn, an update? Always welcome. Congrats on growing up and moving forward with your life. Happy endings are always welcome.
Time and perspective can transform heartbreak into gratitude for lessons learned. How have your past relationships shaped your present? Share your reflections below!