Update 2: I told my fiance my stepdaughter isn’t mine?

A man shared an update about his ex-fiancée, who abandoned her 14-year-old daughter for two weeks and then returned, acting as if nothing had happened. Despite her unsettling behavior, he firmly told her they were over and refused to let her take her daughter unless she involved CPS.
The daughter chose to stay with him, seeing him as her true guardian. When CPS arranged a meeting to address the situation, the ex-fiancée failed to show up. He remains committed to supporting his stepdaughter and ensuring her safety. read the original story below…
‘ Update 2: I told my fiance my stepdaughter isn’t mine?’
I’m not sure if you’ve all forgotten me, but I’ll start with some good news—we’ve finally figured out how to toast Pop-Tarts properly for my son! We had about two weeks of calm. During that time, I spoke to my stepdaughter a few times about everything.
I reassured her that, no matter what happens, she’ll always be my girl. She told me she hoped her mom wouldn’t come back. She says her mom was controlling. Then, a few days ago, my (ex) fiancée walked into my house carrying two grocery bags, acting as if nothing had happened.
She asked me what I wanted for dinner. I told the kids to go to their rooms and confronted her. I told her that we’re over. She asked why, and when I didn’t respond, she said, “Couples fight,” as if her actions were normal. Her behavior was unsettling. I told her she needed to leave or I’d call the police.
She asked why I was doing this to her. I was at a loss for words, so I picked up my phone. At that point, she backed down, saying, “Okay, let me get my daughter.” I told her that if she wanted her daughter, she needed to call CPS and explain why she had disappeared for two weeks.
She insisted she had only been gone for one night. She refused to leave without her daughter and started shouting her name. Her daughter came out of her room and reluctantly said she would go with her.
I told her, “You have a place here for as long as you want.” Her mother then said, “He’ll kick you out just like he’s kicking me out.” I stood my ground, saying she could have her daughter back after speaking to CPS. When I started dialing the police, she ran out. Later, I talked to my stepdaughter.
She said she was willing to leave because she didn’t want to cause trouble for me. I reminded her that she’s the child, I’m the adult, and it’s my responsibility to look after her—not the other way around. I asked her where she wanted to stay for now, and she said she’d rather stay here.
My ex-fiance ended up calling CPS. They reached out to me, and there was supposed to have a meeting yesterday with my fiance, but she didn’t show up to it apparently.
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
winterworld561 − There is seriously something mentally wrong with her. UpdateMe.
MaintenanceShort4821 − Oh yeah, she wants her daughter so badly with her that she missed a CPS meeting… Hope you step-daughter can stay with you
Sweaty_Technician_90 − She missed a CPS meeting. Can you talk to a lawyer about becoming her guardian? It is obvious you love your step daughter dearly.
wlfwrtr − See a lawyer about getting custody of stepdaughter. If you get the bio-father on your side you might have a better chance. Tell stepdaughter not to take any phone calls from mom that she should text only and screenshot everything.
Ex may end up saying something to daughter that you can use to get custody. Also change the locks.
pizzaroll_Vampire − So she disappeared for 2 weeks and then just showed up like no time went by? Yeah….. I’m putting my money on drugs. Or potentially suffered a literal psychotic break, or hell maybe both. I’m sorry you’re having to go through this OP. You’re NTA for standing up for your stepdaughter. Keep on the right path my dude and good luck.
Ihibri − You should probably change the locks so she can’t just walk right in anymore.
VastEmergency1000 − The mother was gone for 2 weeks, where’s the biological father in all this?
Vegetable-Cod-2340 − NTA Okay so she called CPS, to get I’m guessing OP in trouble, realized she’s the villian of the story and didn’t show up?!? Yeah, I bet CPS loves to have their all ready stretched resources wasted on no shows.
Don’t get me wrong, you sound like a great person, but her Dad didn’t want to take her once the mom bolted ? Do either of her parents want her back?
JaguarZealousideal55 − I reminded her that she’s the child, I’m the adult, and it’s my responsibility to look after her—not the other way around. I asked her where she wanted to stay for now, and she said she’d rather stay here.. I love this.. You are a good man.
ghostoftommyknocker − INFO: Has her father been told what’s going on? If CPS is now involved, I’d assume her father would also need to be involved. Does he care?
This update highlights the complexities of navigating relationships and parenthood, especially when dealing with an unfit parent. How do you think this situation will unfold? Share your thoughts below!