UPDATE 2: AITAH for laughing in my mother’s face when she said my stepsister planned my 18th birthday?

Since many people were asking for an update, here I am. My birthday was yesterday, we celebrated at the pizza place as planned and we had a lot of fun. Sorry for those who were hoping my mom would show up and make a scene but luckily nothing like that happened.
First, please read my original post and first update: https://aita.pics/lkATa
‘Â UPDATE 2: AITAH for laughing in my mother’s face when she said my stepsister planned my 18th birthday?’
But I guess some drama happened at her house: a few days after I posted the first update, Robert called my dad. I wasn’t there, so from now on I’ll just say what my dad told me: my mom didn’t tell Robert about our argument and the fact that I wasn’t going to the party Keira organized.
She just told him that the plans had changed and that Robert wouldn’t have to pick me up, on my bday, because my dad was going to drive me to my mom’s house. I don’t know what she hoped to achieve by lying like this but my mother’s mind works strangely.
Robert didn’t know it was all a lie until he picked up my mom’s phone and read the last message I sent her. At that point, confused and realizing that something wasn’t right, he decided to call my dad to find out what was going on and if he was really going to drive me to my mom’s house.
My father told him everything that had happened and why I had sent that message to my mother, also saying why I would not be attending the party and that no, he would not be accompanying me and that my mother had lied to him.
Robert replied that he was sorry for how things turn out and that he really believed the party was for me, he had no idea that Keira had planned everything and had specifically chosen things that I would never do. He also said that he would take care of it and to say goodbye to me.
A few hours later my mother called me but I rejected the call and permanently blocked her number. I don’t want to hear anything more about her and her dramas. I didn’t know exactly what happened between her and Robert that made her call me again after days of silence (and after I told her not to contact me anymore) but I could only guess: my mother doesn’t work, she left her job after I was born and never went back.
Robert is the only one who brings money into their house so he was the only one who could have paid for everything Keira had planned for the party. I imagined that when he told my father he would ‘take care of it’ he meant that he would cancel everything or not pay for the party.
This theory was confirmed just yesterday morning: I received greetings from my aunt and grandmother, like every year, and they also sent me a nice sum of money as a birthday present. After the birthday message, my grandmother also added that she was sorry that my party was canceled but that she understood the reason after Robert explained it to her. So yes, Robert did cancel everything and he even told everyone why. This must have pissed my mom off a lot, I guess LOL.
Anyway, my dad read my grandma’s message and suggested if I wanted to invite her to the party we were having that night. I was hesitant because, as I wrote in a comment in the previous post, we don’t have a close relationship at all but then I thought that there would be nothing wrong with having her there: she is still my grandma, after all, and it’s not like she’s ever been mean to me. So I replied to the message and invited her and she accepted.
It wasn’t bad having her there either, to be honest, she even participated in karaoke with me and we had fun; we left the pizzeria late, so she slept at our house and this morning she even made us breakfast. I don’t know if our relationship will change after this, but for now I’m happy like this: it’s nice to finally have a grandmother even if I had to wait 18 years for this moment.
Thanks again for your advice and words of support and also for those who sent me private greetings the past few days. Sorry I didn’t reply to everyone but know that you all warmed my heart.
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
MyFriendsCallMeEpic − Glad it all worked out for you! Just remember, the best thing is to live a good life regardless.. I wish you the best in your future.
Any-Expression2246 − Play stupid games, get party canceled. Congrats on drama free pizza and karaoke.
lehcar31 − NTA. Honestly, it sounds like you handled the whole situation really well, and it’s amazing that you got to celebrate your birthday the way you wanted. Robert seems like a decent guy for stepping in and canceling the party once he learned the truth, even if it caused drama. It’s not your fault your mom decided to lie and try to manipulate the situation that’s all on her.
I’m so glad you got to reconnect with your grandmother, and it’s sweet that she made an effort to be part of your celebration. Maybe this can be the start of a better relationship between you two. At the end of the day, you stood up for yourself and made your boundaries clear. You deserved to enjoy your 18th birthday surrounded by people who actually care about you, and it sounds like that’s exactly what happened. Happy belated!
Hot_Satisfaction7378 − NTA. Your mom really messed things up, and it’s wild she tried to pull all that with the party. Glad you had a good time with your dad and grandma though, sounds like it worked out way better than her drama.
Acceptable_Internal2 − Happy birthday!!
Ok_Routine9099 − Happy birthday! Glad you got the day you wanted with a grandma bonus. Enjoy the year and your new found independence!
Still_Actuator_8316 − Im glad you had the birthday party you wanted. And that everything turned out well. I’d be interested in hearing the future drama bits that will come from this because I know your stepsister is not happy the her party (your fake birthday party) was canceled and she had to look bad in front of her friends.
BlackMoonBird − Happy birthday op! I’m glad that you stuck to your guns- by all accounts, your mother is an absolute cocksplat, and I would honestly love to give her a good kick in the pants. I don’t like the way a lot of people acted in your story- the adults mostly- I know that you’re young, but being young doesn’t mean that you’re not deserving of the same level of civility and respect that an adult would get. And besides, you are technically an adult now.
I really wish your mother would just stick to her own guns- it’s clear that your step sister is the only daughter in her life, her favoritest precious little princess- so I wish she would just stick to caring about her and meddling in her life and leave you the hell alone already.
I mean she owed you a half decent mother, as all parents do, but since she’s clearly incapable of that, she needs to just step off already. I think you’re doing what’s best, in sticking to keeping her the hell out.
She can learn, or she can just suffer on her own. It doesn’t need to involve you either way. Good job, and may your next birthday be happy as well.
tjbmurph − Happy Birthday!! This internet mom is so proud of the way you’ve handled yourself through all of this drama. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, and will go far in life.
ChrisInBliss − Honestly all this makes me wonder if your mom was lying to your grandma all these years too. (Which could be at least a small part of why ya’ll dont have a close relationship.) Happy everything worked out in the end!
I love that grandma did karaoke!!