These Mini Versions Of Ed Sheeran And Andrea Bocelli With Brighten Your Day With This Adorable Music Video

When you watch this video, you’ll have to admit: This is one of the most creative and adorable music videos you’ve seen in years. In this particular song, Amo Soltanto Te by Andrea Bocelli and Ed Sheeran, the two acclaimed artists don’t directly appear in the MV to sing, but send out their mini versions instead.
Of course, it’s not like Bocelli and Sheeran can turn back the time to use their younger self, but instead replace themselves with two young actors who dress exactly like them. One kid is seen wearing glasses and rocking Ed Sheeran’s iconic ginger hair, while the other channeling his inner Andrea Bocelli with a stylish pair of shades and donning an equally impressive black suit.
Getting off the limousine, the two mini-artists walk stylishly together into the aisle, while other kids acting as guards try to fend off the approaching paparazzi and fans. Many other children dress up as gentlemen and celebrities to attend the makeup wedding, creating a crowded atmosphere.
As the wedding proceeds, mini Sheeran is seen playing his favorite guitar, while mini Bocelli starts serenading. Mini Sheeran joins him afterward for a powerful duet. The best part of the song? While the two kids have done a brilliant job portraying the two artists, they only lip-sync, as Bocelli and Sheeran’s iconic voices are, of course, still the main appeal of this music video.
The way that the “wedding” pans out in the MV is incredibly sweet and adorable, and Bocelli and Sheeran’s serenading voices in the background only elevate the video to another level. The beautiful song has amassed over 23 million views on YouTube, and it’s evident that everyone is hooked by how creative and lovely the video is. Props to the two young actors!
This isn’t the first time that Sheeran and Bocelli have worked together on a musical project either. Previously, they also joined hands- I mean, voices, to make an epic orchestral version of Sheeran’s viral hit “Perfect,” which you can see right here: