Should I tell his wife that he is banging hella girls at my job?

A Reddit user shared a dilemma about whether to reveal to a wife that her husband, a married man with three kids, has been involved with multiple women at their workplace. After initially denying any personal involvement, the user wrestled with whether to expose the man’s actions.
Eventually, the user decided to send the wife subtle clues, leading to her uncovering evidence of his infidelity. The wife, who is financially dependent and has a newborn, thanked the user for the information but plans to stay with her husband for now. Read on for more details about the situation.
‘ Should I tell his wife that he is banging hella girls at my job?’
Long story short. This married guy with 3 kids had fucked probably 5 women at my job. I denied him because he was married. But I did and was texting him there for awhile until he sent me a d**k pic! Lol anyways wife found my number and text me if I had slept with her husband I told her “I” did not.
She is asking me for more answers! I want to tell her about her scum bag of a husband then part of me is like is this my place to say? Hey everyone update here! So I decided not to directly tell his wife what was up but sent her some clues to who his husband is cheating on her with. Wife is updating me with details.
Wife bought hubby a new phone and dumb hubby forgot to delete messages on his old one! Found out he was cheating not with one co worker but with 2 at the same time 😂 anyways wife thanked me. Hubby has to go to marriage counseling because they have a 3 month old baby and 2 other children and she doesn’t have a job.
So she can’t leave him is what she is saying as of right now. Also d**che hubby has to quit working at the place we work. Problem solved!
Check out how the community responded:
FierceIndependence − You know what? If she was contacting me for info, I would NOT hesitate to tell her the truth, and give her every detail. Its bad enough that he’s cheating…but no f**king way does it become YOUR responsibility to lie or cover for him.. F**k that!
lostinvegas − Would you want to know if your husband/boyfriend was being this shity behind your back?
[Reddit User] − Yes!!!! Tell his wife! He’s relying on people thinking it’s “not their place” to tell her. She should know!
CrackedOutGoose − She already knows. Just wants confirmation from someone else. If you’ve got the pic still send it her way and expose his ass.
Quinnnqueen − Do it please! She deserves to know so she can at least have a chance to decide if she stays with him or not after all the s**tty things he has done…. Also she can get tested to make sure she hasn’t got any std’s from him…
mataionfire − Sure, if you have evidence.
SuckFhatThit − You know what ive heard a ton of? “I wish someone would have told me sooner.” You know what I’ve never heard? “I wish I would’ve been lied to and made a fool of for much longer.”. Tell her.
Neulingbasmati − Please tell her. He might be risking her health and he is contributing to a toxic workplace. Have no doubt that he WILL get worse with time. You lying will only serve to protect him and benefits no one.
capilot − You had some grammar errors in your title. Let me fix it for you: Should I help my co-worker cheat on his wife? . Hope that helps. Out of curiosity, where do you work that one guy can get so many women into the sack? Is he crazy good looking or something? Also: unsolicited d**k pics? Really? Does that *ever* work?
[Reddit User] − Yes. Do it. Let her know all about it. The guy deserves all the pain and hassle he gets.
Was the user right to provide the wife with information indirectly, or should they have stayed out of it entirely? What would you do in this situation? Share your thoughts and advice below!