Overheard my girlfriend say she would leave me for someone taller

A Reddit user overheard his girlfriend mention that she would leave him for someone taller, which deeply hurt him. Despite her apologizing afterward, he’s now questioning whether this is a red flag or just an offhand comment. Read the original story below.
‘ Overheard my girlfriend say she would leave me for someone taller’
My girlfriend and I have been dating for almost 3 years. Last night she had some friends over after she finished work. I work from home so I only left my office to be formal and say hello and continued working. It was easy to hear the conversations they were having eventhough my office is down the hall.
I then heard my girlfriend mention that she would leave me for a taller man.Her friends made a comment on how I was a lot shorter than her ex boyfriend. My gf responded: “If only he was as tall as [ex] he’d be 10 times better, If I could find someone taller than him, I would.”
I guess I should mention my gf is barely 4’11 in shoes. I’m 5’9. The issue isn’t the height, but the fact that she would leave me for something so trivial. I talked to her about it since and said she didn’t mean anything by it, just that she always dated taller men. She has since apologized multiple times.
Is this a red flag of any kind of things to come or is it just me over thinking?
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
LLJKSiLk − Tell her that you understand and it’s okay because you’d leave her for someone nicer.
cheeryDr-Peeper − She would d**p you for someone taller yet she is barely 4′ 11 in shoes. Dafuq? She’s judging you for YOUR height? The next guy that dates her could say the same thing about her. She’d likely flip her s**t. I’m 5. My husband is 5’8. He is perfect for me. She knew you were listening. She knew exactly what she was saying.
throwawayman007 − Let’s ignore the topic of height for a moment, because saying to someone that you would leave your partner if he/she was xyz, shows a complete lack of respect towards your partner. It also shows intent to look somewhere else. It’s not so much about height, but I think she has no respect for you and also probably a wandering eye.
junotess − Red flag for sure. Honestly sounds like shes looking for trivial reasons to break up
MichaelScottOfReddit − Super short girls tend to be obsessed with tall dudes. Something to do with balance I guess. She just told you she’d leave you for a taller guy, do you even have to ask bro? Leave her.
atokirina1991 − I am sorry but wtf? If a guy says he would leave his gf for someone with bigger boobs people would rip him a new one.
As a 5’10 tall woman whose bf is 5’6 that’s just ridiculous.
Raconja − D**p her if she loved you would have never even said it.
EndofaneraADTR − It’s a flag. She sounds like shes looking for dumb reasons to leave you. She said that in confidence that you couldn’t hear her. A normal and healthy relationship would never joke about “leaving their partner for “x” or “someone with x” with friends.
That’s just a sign that she will leave if she does find someone who is taller than you and remotely interested. That’s not something you joke about. It’s ridiculous how much height plays into peoples dealbreakers now days. Personally, I would leave her. Anyone who’s willing to disrespect you and your Relationship in front of friends is not worth staying for.
[Reddit User] − Move with her to Japan.
AppleSauce1566 − Say “You are now free to find a taller man” and leave her.
It’s understandable that a comment like this would leave you feeling unsettled. While it may have been a casual remark, it raises questions about how superficial preferences might affect a relationship in the long term. Have you ever faced a similar situation? How did you handle it? Share your thoughts below!
For those who want to read the sequel: https://aita.pics/tIXRK