My(23m) girlfriend(22f) blocked every girl on my Instagram while I was in the shower.

A man (23M) discovers that his girlfriend (22F) secretly blocked every woman on his Instagram account and restricts his time with male friends, citing trust issues and feelings of exclusion. While he’s never given her a reason to doubt him, he feels her actions have permanently damaged the trust in their relationship. Read his story below.
‘ My(23m) girlfriend(22f) blocked every girl on my Instagram while I was in the shower.?’
My gf and I started dating in Feb, and moved in together in October. I don’t really have anything worth keeping secret from my her, so I’m comfortable leaving my phone around, knowing she knows my password.
I noticed this morning that my Instagram follower count was off and noticed every female was unfollowed/blocked. These were all coworkers, friends I made in the army, and family friends, etc.
I confronted her and she started crying and blaming it on trust issues. I have never cheated in any relationship and do my best to maintain mutual trust.
I’ve been thinking all day while she’s at work and feel like she broke my trust permanently. She also doesn’t let me play videogames with my male friends anymore because she “feels left out”.
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
MildMannered_BearJew − Dude just leave. You don’t need to “plan an escape”. Just sit her down and tell her you’re breaking up. Then leave and go no contact. The fact she doesn’t let you game with the boys is already a red flag deal breaker. This additional insane behavior is icing on the cake.
AugustInferno − She could have chosen to speak to you about her concerns, she got sneaky instead & then wants to cry about it?. Nah, get out. That’s some weird controlling & m**ipulative mess. Giving someone access to see what’s up isn’t consent to f**k around.
Count_DarkRain − Sounds like she is isolating you from friends and people you care about that draws your attention away from her.
She isn’t ready for a relationship if she behaves this way. I would cut this relationship off ASAP.
BriefHorror − F**king d**p her Jesus Christ or what happens next is your fault
UsuallyWrite2 − That would be a deal breaker for me. She invaded your privacy and fucked with your stuff.. She’s nuts.
swigbar − You know what you need to do. There’s one more girl to add to that block list…
z-eldapin − Welp, here’s a snapshot to your future relationship with her.
mooseplainer − D**p her. This is a huge breach of trust on her part. Unblock your friends, send an apology and let them know you broke up with her. It can even be a form letter you cut and paste, this doesn’t have to be personalized.
Isolation by the way is a very common abuser tactic as it makes it harder for you to realize anything is wrong, and blocking female friends can be done under the guise of potential cheating.
Closing phone access isn’t about having stuff to hide, privacy in a relationship is a good thing, real trust is not giving a s**t what’s on your partner’s phone. If you need to prove you’re trustworthy by removing any pretense of privacy, trust is already permanently gone.
Do not give her another chance, she will do it again.
rolskypolsky − leave dude. you’re doing her a favor by leaving; you’re teaching her this crazy attitude absolutely cannot fly.
Greg554 − I’d say you guys moved so quick, with you moving in under a year. I’m not say you couldn’t stay at each other’s places, but moving in? That’s awfully fast. Ask her if you have done anything to not be trusted by her. Talk to her an tell her what she did is unacceptable. You can’t have a relationship with out any trust.
Trust and respect are essential in any relationship. Do you think her actions can be repaired through open communication, or are they a sign of deeper insecurities that could harm the relationship long-term? Share your thoughts below!
For those who want to read the sequel: