My stepsister is telling my whole family my boyfriend got her pregnant to make herself feel better.

A Redditor shared a dramatic family conflict involving her stepsister spreading false rumors that her boyfriend fathered the stepsister’s baby. Despite her boyfriend’s denial and inconsistencies in her stepsister’s story, the family has taken sides against her. She’s now struggling with how to navigate the fractured relationships and regain peace. Read the original story below.
‘ My stepsister is telling my whole family my boyfriend got her pregnant to make herself feel better.’
Sorry weird title. So I met my 25F boyfriend “Tim” 26M 3.5 years ago. We hit it off he was great and sweet and we get along perfectly. Until I introduced him to my family. My mother had gotten remarried a few months earlier, I like my stepdad and we get along fine, my stepsister “Sarah” who is 26F and were friendly but not besties by any means.
She is kind of an intense party girl and being in our 20s we only saw each other at family events. So I introduced Tim to my family at which point we learn that Sarah used to date Tim when they were 20. It was only a few months and Tim said they broke up because she made out with another guy at a nightclub while drunk.
Sarah got upset and started saying I had to break up with him because it was weird. She called Tim her “sloppy seconds” and tried to get our parents to force us to break up. I said no. It had been years since they’d been together and I didn’t even know Sarah when she was dating Tim.
I got pretty upset because my family jumped on the bandwagon of saying we should break up. For the past few years at any family gathering Sarah would mention how they used to date and act like I stole her boyfriend and has been selling that narrative to my family and friends. It became obvious that she was jealous.
But I liked Tim so we just ignored it and kept dating. So now a few year later Tim and I live together and we’ve been talking about marriage and stuff and I recently had a conversation with my mom about how I thought Tim was going to propose because he’s not exactly subtle and we’ve talked about this for a while.
At which point Sarah who just moved back in with out parents walked in. She started asking a bunch of invasive questions about our relationship and being weird. Sarah is four months pregnant, the father she said was some deadbeat guy she’d hooked up with who wants nothing to do with her, but she wants to keep the baby.
I’d been making an effort taking her to appointments and offering to help babysit and trying to be excited for her. Until a week ago when my stepdad sent me a long text saying how I can’t marry Tim because he is the real father of Sarahs baby. I was immediately very upset and confronted Tim who was completely shocked and said Sarah was lying.
He said there’s no way and he didn’t cheat on me and he would gladly have a paternity test to prove that. Unsure I asked Sarah for more details about when they slept together which she says happened a few times. She was shaky and went back and forth on details. The dates and times don’t match up with what I can remember of what Tim and I have been doing.
She also said she came to our house to see him but since Covid I’ve been working from home. So I cant imagine that they managed that. I’m pretty sure now that she’s lying to get us to break up because she’s still jealous. But now my family are involved and have been sending me hateful messages saying I need to break up with Tim and let him be with Sarah.
She’s telling everyone he’s in love with her and I’m keeping him from her. She has no proof and he strictly denied everything. I texted her asking for proof of any of this happening and she sent me some fake photoshopped screenshots- that I can tell are fake. Where she’s put Tims name over a friends number and pretended he was messaging her.
I checked and the friend all but admitted it to me and tried to laugh it off. She badly photoshopped the timestamps. I actually don’t know what to do now. I believe Tim and we are still together but this has kind of thrown a wedge in everything.
Sarah has poisoned my relationship with our parents and my family. I feel sick to my stomach and Sarah is now saying she won’t give me a paternity test. For now I’ve cut everyone off except Tim but I don’t know what to do now.
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
[Reddit User] − You can have Tim file a paternity action in court based on the accusations. Then a court order would force Sarah into admitting that she is lying. Edit: Thanks for the awards and everything, but I should add that OP definitely needs to talk to an attorney first.
nustedbut − Tell her paternity test or shut the f**k up. Tell the whole family that they are cut off if she doesn’t have the paternity test. They are taking her side without proof
rthrouw1234 − I was immediately very upset and confronted Tim who was completely shocked and said Sarah was lying. He said there’s no way and he didn’t cheat on me and **he would gladly have a paternity test to prove that.** If he’s willing to do that, there’s no way he’s the father.
Sarah is now saying she won’t give me a paternity test. Yeah, because it would expose her for the l**r she is. Tell your family that Tim is perfectly willing to do a paternity test, and Sarah isn’t. If your family believes her in light of that, they’re too stupid to bother with IMO.
tymacpherson − Since it seems like this is now a family affair, go to your parents and tell them Tim demands a paternity ASAP before anything happens. Ask them if Sarah isn’t lying why won’t she do a paternity test to prove he’s the father.
philmo69 − Isnt that grounds for sueing? Defamation or some jazz, depends on where you live I guess. That would get the point across that shes crossed a line but otherwise shes not gonna learn.
Bambie-Rizzo − Since she’s denying a paternity test, I would get a lawyer involved. Tell them a woman is claiming he’s the father but won’t allow the test. I’m sure a lawyer could get this settled. And if your parents still believe her after she denies the test, I’d say cut your losses, cut them out, and move on. Move away somewhere cool and live your best life.
Mrs_Plague − You need to have a sit down conversation with your parents. NOT SARAH. Just your parents. If they can’t understand that she is manipulating them, you have to tell them that you won’t be around anymore. That is their decision to make. Don’t let them guilt you.
btmn01 − Your step sister is toxic. She’s unhappy with her life so don’t let her ruin your life. If Tim makes you happy, stay with him, he’s given you no motive to question him. I know you probably don’t want to but you might want to cut your family off to show them you are serious in your decision to stay with Tim.
pugapooh − Your mother has known your stepsister for how long? And you for 25 years,right? I can’t wrap my head around her attitude. They think Tim is a l**r and c**ater but is good enough for her? Where is the outrage if he cheated on you? Concern for YOU?
I can only guess that they want someone to take her off their hands. Consult a lawyer about demanding a paternity test. They are all kinds of messed up. Limit or eliminate any contact with them.
SubmarineScreen − This is not a case of having your cake and eat it too. I can tell you straight up that Sarah s**t the bed big time, because if she gives you that paternity test, then the family will know she is lying and she will lose ANY standing that she has.
But you have all the frikkin power in this situation. Sarah wants to be a little b**ch, fine. Ask Sarah, in the presence of your lovely parents, for the paternity test. Now, the outcome is one of two things:
1. the parents will say it’s Sarah and Tim’s baby and that the paternity test will prove that, at which point you can gladly agree that if it is Tim’s baby, you will leave him be
2. the parents will see it as disrespectful that you are asking for a DNA test and side with Sarah that she shouldn’t give one. Both of those scenarios tells that you have to cut them off! Sarah’s a b**ch. And those parents are a piece a s**t (sorry if this is disrespectful to you but I call it as I see it).
I’m sorry that this happened. But you have to cut them off.
Do you think the Redditor was right to cut off her family in the face of these accusations? How should she approach rebuilding trust while protecting her relationship? Share your thoughts below!