My sister(F22) ripped up my(F19) Stan Lee autograph and I haven’t forgiven her even if my mom(46F) is pressuring me to, for families sake.

A Marvel enthusiast shared a deeply personal conflict involving her sister and a priceless Stan Lee autograph. After refusing to lend her sister a jacket, the sister retaliated by ripping up the signed artwork—a cherished memento from meeting Stan Lee in person.
Despite the significance of this memory, the sister dismissed her actions as trivial, and their mother pressured the user to “let it go” for the sake of family harmony. Meanwhile, their father sided with the user, further intensifying family tensions. To learn more about this emotional clash and its impact, read the full story below…
‘ My sister(F22) ripped up my(F19) Stan Lee autograph and I haven’t forgiven her even if my mom(46F) is pressuring me to, for families sake.’
I made a post yesterday but forgot my password so I made a new alt. Okay so I am a huge Marvel nerd. The kind of nerd that Cosplays, goes to cons and draws her own stuff. Mostly fanservice. My sister ridicules my hobby saying that it’s pathetic and “r**arded”. She claims I am delusional as a grown woman playing dress up.
Besides that we have a good relationship. We are not friends but sisters if that makes sense. So 3 years ago I managed to safe up enough to go to a con in the USA and meet the real Stan Lee! He signed one of my own pictures I did of the big 3 and complimented it.
It’s was one of the best days of my life. Since then the signed picture has always been on my wall. Flash forward. A few weeks ago my sister asks for my jacket and I tell her no. Reason being that she was a b**ch to me the whole week. She pouted and I left the house.
When I come back is see my f**king Stan Lee autograph ripped up on the flor! I f**king lost it. Then my sister came in and started teasing me (look at that grown ass woman crying over a piece of paper). When she saw that I was for real distressed she started saying that it was just a piece of paper that I can get a new one.
I pushed her out of my room and have been extremely short with her since. She tries to engage in conversation but I shoot her down. She tries to bribe me with movie tickets and I tell her to go with her boyfriend etc. She hasn’t apologized for it. She just says that I should be over it by now.
My mom says the same. She says a materialistic things shouldn’t come In between family and that I should simply let it go. My dad is also really mad at sister and by extention mom. He is as big on Marvel as me and he was livid when he found out. This whole ordeal is literally splitting our family apart.
My mother and sister think i am being unfair by not letting go and I think they both disrespected me. Mom is mad at dad for not “talking sense into me and taking my side” and dad is mad at mom for “failing to punish my sister and spoiling her” I feel awfully guilty but also raging mad. Can somone help me with this?
See what others had to share with OP:
Redd_81 − I’m sorry this happened to you. Your sisters actions were malicious and her mocking of you were extremely hurtful. I would expect (and be more likely to try to forgive) that kind of behavior from a child under 7, not a 22 year old.
Your mothers attitude towards the whole situation probably explains why your sister still acts like a child and thinks she can get away with it. She is enabling this kind of behavior. At least your Father is on your side. When she saw that I was for real distressed she started saying that it was just a piece of paper that I can get a new one.
Tell her it’s not ‘just a piece of paper’ it was a personalized autograph from a man who is dead (R.I.P.) so no, you can’t ‘just get a new one.’ Sentimental value aside (which is priceless because it was a personalized autograph), a quick search for signed Stan Lee memorabilia yields results of mostly $1000+ items.
That is the price of a used automobile, if you were to set your sisters car on fire because she wouldn’t lend you something, would your Mother have the same attitude? No one would blame you if you don’t want to forgive your sister or your Mother and I am sure your Father will understand.
No remorse, no apology, and no punishment. S**ew the both of them. I would start making plans to move out, and in the meantime get a lock for your room and put all your valuables in there.. Good Luck. EDIT:
Dad is going to use part of the money he was going to gift my sister for her car down-payment. As you can imagine sister threw a fit and is staying with mom at my grandparents now. Good on your Dad for trying to fix this situation the right way (unlike your Mother).
Tell your sister that she shouldn’t be upset about Dad using part of her car money to repair the damage she caused, materialistic things shouldn’t come between family. Money is just a piece of paper, she can just get a new one.
areallyweakguy − Blood means nothing without respect. Don’t move on and let her off the hook. She sounds like a n**ty person who won’t learn a lesson if you forgive her.
vodka_philosophy − You and your dad are 100% right. Your sister is a spoiled b**ch and your mom enables her. ETA: Your mother cannot pull the “for the family’s sake” card if she’s not willing to treat everyone in the family equally importantly.
Your sister destroyed something that literally cannot be replaced and, unless she faces *some* sort of punishment/consequences for that that make her truly realize how terrible what she did to you is, you will always feel resentful.
I would even argue that she needs to save up and pay for you to attend another convention of your choice; you will never be able to replace Stan Lee’s signature or words of praise, but it can maybe become another enjoyable experience that might ease the sting just a smidge.
LadyCashier − Stan lee is f**king dead, you cant just get a new one. Hes gone. You cant just go back in time and have that experience again. You literally cannot replace what she so pettily destroyed. Your mother is a terrible parent if she doesnt see how badly your sister screwed up.
Stay strong and keep being mad until it really sinks in how badly they fucked you over. Shes a god damn adult. She acted like an angry spoiled child. Honestly Id move out and cut them both out because the message here is that your things arent yours and when they are, they dont matter.
She destroyed a once in a lifetime memory you had. Something that was so precious to you. She did it because she knew how much it would hurt you and she wont even apologize.
jennymccarthykillsba − Well, this reminds me of the time in Little Women when Amy burned Jo’s book of short stories. Jo refused to forgive her, and then the next day Amy fell through the ice while skating and almost died! Jo was so devastated at the thought of losing her sister and blamed herself for going to bed angry.
Which was a load of b**lshit I’m still mad about thirty years after reading it for the first time. It’s not your job to make your sister who did something cruel and horrible to you feel better about it.
Dutchguy-010 − You and your dad are 💯 right. Your sister is lucky that she isn’t my sister, because for revenge i would have burned her favorite things before punching her in the face.
jacket20 − So your mom says materialistic things shouldn’t come between family but your sister threw a tantrum because of a jacket… your mom is enabling your sister and I would never forgive someone for doing something so malicious. I say get as far away from them as you can as soon as you can.
DocAwesum − What’s the word when you m**der a sibling?
immortan_jared − She didn’t just destroy a possession, she destroyed a memory and an achievement.