My husband was caught turning our camera around when I’m not home ?

A 29-year-old woman (F), who is three months postpartum, recently discovered that her husband (27M) had tampered with a security camera she had installed to ensure the safety of their home while she was away visiting family.
The camera, which was meant to monitor the front door and windows, was turned to face a wall. This has left the woman feeling confused and anxious, especially as she’s been struggling with postpartum depression. She’s unsure if this is something she should confront her husband about or if her emotions are clouding her judgment.
‘ My husband was caught turning our camera around when I’m not home ‘
I’m really struggling with something that happened while I was away visiting family with our baby, and I just need to get it off my chest. My husband (27M) and I (29F) recently had our first baby. We’ve been living in a neighborhood that’s not the safest, so after a lot of thought,
I decided to install a security camera pointing towards our front door and windows. The camera’s purpose was simply to give me peace of mind, especially when I’m away or when we’re both out of the house.
I made sure to be upfront with my husband about the camera. I showed him exactly where it was placed and explained why I wanted it there. He didn’t seem to have any issues with it, and everything was fine.
Now, here’s where things get a bit strange. I’m currently in Utah with our baby visiting my family, while my husband had to stay home because he couldn’t get the time off work. We’ve been away for a few days now, and I wanted to check on our dogs to make sure everything was alright while I’m not there.
I opened up the camera’s live feed to check the battery life, and that’s when I noticed something that made my stomach drop. The camera lens was completely pointing in the wrong direction—it wasn’t showing the door or windows at all. Instead, it was turned around, aimed at the wall.
Naturally, I was confused, so I went to check the camera’s event history to see if I could figure out what happened. When I pulled it up, I saw that the camera had been tampered with. My husband had turned the camera around when I wasn’t home.
I don’t know exactly when he did it, but it seems like it was after I left for Utah. The camera’s movements were pretty clear—it was deliberately turned away from the area it was meant to monitor. I’m really struggling to understand why he would do this.
I’ve been dealing with postpartum depression (PPD) since giving birth, and I’m only three months postpartum. My emotions have been all over the place, and I constantly question myself and my instincts. I want to believe there’s a reasonable explanation, but I can’t stop wondering why my husband would do something like this.
Am I overthinking this? I want to trust him, but I also can’t ignore the fact that his actions don’t make sense. I showed him where the camera was, and I thought we were on the same page about the security measures for our home.
So why would he turn it away? Was there something he didn’t want me to see? Or am I just being paranoid because of the emotional rollercoaster I’ve been on lately?
I’m trying to make sense of everything and I could really use some advice. Is this something I should confront him about, or am I reading too much into a situation that’s not as serious as it seems?
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
thelittlefae5 − First things first. Ask him, don’t accuse. Just ask. He’s the one who knows why he did it. “hey hun, I was checking the battery life on the camera since the dogs are home alone and I noticed the lens wasn’t showing anything.
I looked at the events just in case something happened and noticed you turned the camera- is there a reason?”
Farahild − I’d hate always having a camera on me if I were home. You’d catch me picking my nose, scratching my crotch, doing all those things you do when there are no people there. You don’t have to want to cheat to not want a camera on your living space at all times.
I’d just ask him but this would be my first thought. He probably was fine for it because it helps your anxiety with the baby and ppd but as you’re not there, he doesn’t see the need, I would assume.
w0mbatina − Is the camera inside or outside? If its inside maybe he just doesnt wanna be recorded all the time.
TheScarlettLetter − You got the camera and installed it because you are uncomfortable. Your husband is not uncomfortable. In his day to day life, because you are around/home, he ignores it. However, you (the one who wanted it) are not home for a period of time, therefore he would prefer not to have it?
Idk..: the fact that it points at the door is a little weird, but I’d say just talk to him. You’ll know by his reaction to your line of questioning whether or not something more is going on.
Lonely-Homework9071 − If i was him i would not belive you just checked the cameras battery. Deep down do you feel he is cheating? Is he sneaking in pizza? If you have an agrement not to eat junkfood.
Food-in-Mouth − Ask, I sometimes turn it off if I want a wank. No need to have that on film.
InefficientThinker − I have two cameras in my house to watch my dog while I am at work during the day. Once my partner or I get home, we turn the camera around so that if we were “hacked”, they would look at a bookcase or something.
Basically, if we dont need to watch then no one does. He may have had this same thought. Just ask why he did it and dont accuse. It could be completely reasonable
Earl_I_Lark − Maybe he’s ordering a lot of take out food and didn’t want you to see that he’s not eating healthy while you’re away.
Annonymous6771 − It is suspicious, is there sound? You can listen to see if there was someone with him at the time.
Final_Technology104 − If my husband did that Only after I left And he doesn’t want me to have the code to his phone, I would leave for home early and unannounced and surprise him. Preferably to coincide at the times he turns the camera. Especially if there’s a repeat pattern in the time of day or night.