My girlfriend (30F) is upset at me (32M). She doesn’t want to have internet or Wi-Fi at the house.


A man (32M) faces a relationship crisis after bringing internet and gaming back into the home he shares with his girlfriend (30F). While initially agreeing to her no-tech lifestyle.

Her growing absence and his boredom led him to take action. Her strong reaction has left him questioning how to balance his needs with their relationship’s future. Read the full story below.


‘ My girlfriend (30F) is upset at me (32M). She doesn’t want to have internet or Wi-Fi at the house.’

We have lived together over a year and we have our good and bad times, and lately it’s been rough. She’s gone from the house all the time, she rarely shares where she is or where she goes. She spends time with me less and less. I’ve talked to her about this and how I feel a need for more time together but to no avail.


When we moved into this house to live together, she told me she didn’t want to have internet, Wi-Fi, a tv, or a computer. All things I enjoy and I used to love were hobbies like playing my ps5, my pc, watching sports, etc.

but it was very important to her I agreed and was more than willing to sell my things, earn some extra money, and focus on her and her hobbies. She much prefers board games, time in nature, etc. and I honestly love those things too.


At first, she gave me a lot of her time and our time together was great. Lots of time with board games, outside, playing sports together, being active, etc. so much time outside of work was just us. Over time she’s found new hobbies, new things to do outside of us and that has left me alone quite a lot lately.

Sometimes for 5-10 hours per day, some days less but some days more. The short of it is… I’m bored, with nothing to do but other things I’m not really interested in. I don’t wanna go out, but I don’t wanna be stuck here at the house by myself with nothing to do except chores, be on my phone, or sleep.


I told her I wanted to get back into gaming, get a tv, ps5 and internet. She blew up and was pissed, yelled at me, and refused to talk to me about it. She left the house for the rest of the day and was gone 7-8 hours but during that time instead of being bored again while she was gone I went ahead and did the things I said I was going to.

Well today is the following day, and I just told her what I purchased and did to be clear about it and not hide it. She got angry, said I knew having internet was a dealbreaker and I did it anyway, said some other hurtful things and then asked me to leave.


I’m sure I could’ve communicated this better, but I just want to know if I can save this somehow, and still have something to do like game or watch some tv, even if only while she’s gone. I told her while she was home or wanted to go out together that I would always give her and the home 100% priority and I mean that but that didn’t matter.

Here’s how people reacted to the post:

[Reddit User] −  Ok so my first question is what the f**k dude


iSoReddit −  That like saying she doesn’t want running water. Are you sure this relationship is for you? Do you want running water in your home?

2SadSlime −  I’m going to breeze past her nonsensical “no internet” bs and ask where she is going on these all day outings. Does she tell you her plans/keep in touch when she’s gone? Why are you never invited to join her?


DarmokTheNinja −  What are you getting out of this relationship?

floridorito −  No internet and no tv? What do you sit and look at? And what year is it where you are? Your GF does not seem reasonable in the least, so no, I don’t think you can “make this work,” nor should you want to.


frostybinch −  Op this will shock you but there are a million attractive outdoorsy girls out there who will let you have access to technology and not freak out when you play a videogame like shes your boomer grandma and they probably wont ignore you either

PiperGraceB −  Considering: She rarely shares where she is or where she goes.. And: she told me she didn’t want to have internet, Wi-Fi, a tv, or a computer. Maybe your gf’s in a cult?


Manners2210 −  God knows why you agreed to this, you’re an equal partner…don’t lose yourself appeasing someone. I get sacrificing but dammit man, you just rolled over and these are the consequences.

God knows how salvageable it is, depends how reasonable she it but you gotta stand your ground and if she wants to insist on no internet/games/tv still…then you gotta ask yourself some questions


7thatsanope −  Can I make this work? Why do you *want* to make this work? And why did you agree to this nonsense in the first place? That wasn’t a compromise, that was time travel back to the 1940s.

Out of curiosity, are you allowed to have a smartphone? Or only a phone with no internet? If a phone with internet, how is she ok with that? Does she have internet on her phone?


WastelandMama −  I read this post & your other post. Comments, too. She’s a**sive, controlling, and shady AF. You aren’t a person to her. You’re her pet. Her pet she screams at, neglects & seemingly enjoys treating like crap.

& she is absolutely, positively cheating on you. I know this in my bones, kiddo. It’s a new year. Time for a fresh start. Life’s too short to waste quality years on crazy. See if it doesn’t improve your depression, too. Betcha it will.


This situation highlights the importance of compromise and understanding in relationships. Is her “no internet” stance reasonable in today’s world, or does his decision to reintroduce technology reflect unmet needs? How should they move forward from here? Share your advice below!

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  1. Esther Archuleta 2 months ago

    Of course, no tv equals no entertainment, no connect for your video games, no computer, no social media. Therefor no contact with her or her friends. Friends who know everything about her and doings and coming and goings. She has isolated you and that is abuse. Pretty sure the doors in your home work both ways. Don’t let the door hit you ass on the way out.