My fiancée’s sister(28F) told me she’s in love with me(27M) and my fiancée(28F) is just settling for me

A Reddit user (27M) shared a shocking revelation that’s shaking his relationship to its core. His fiancée’s twin sister, Peggy, confessed her love for him and claimed that his fiancée, Nancy, sees him as a “good option” but not her true love. Peggy also showed him messages from Nancy confirming that she’s “settling” for him. Now caught between his fiancée and her sister, he’s left questioning everything about his upcoming marriage. Read the full story below.
‘ My fiancée’s sister(28F) told me she’s in love with me(27M) and my fiancée(28F) is just settling for me’
My fiancée, “Nancy”, and I are getting married in December. We’ve been going through a small rough patch since late June, I felt like everything was okay, but we were just out of sync. We’ve been together for 2 years, and this has happened before and we just come out of it usually.
I have a very good relationship with my fiancées twin sister, “Peggy”. We hung out a lot before she introduced me to her sister, so I’ve known her longer and she’s one of my best friends and is probably the person that knows me the best other than my family and Nancy. She and her sister also have a great relationship. No resentment, no anger towards each other just sisterly love.
Saturday I received a string of messages from Peggy that were telling me to not marry Nancy. She told me she didn’t love me like she should and if we got married we’d be in a loveless sexless marriage. I told her I didn’t believe her. She sent me screenshots of messages between her and Nancy. I wish I hadn’t read them.
She said that I wasn’t the love of her life, that I wasn’t her soulmate, that’s I was just a good option and would be the a good provider and great dad to her kids, that I was “nice guy that’d any girl would be lucky to have, but he’s not the one for me.”
I asked Peggy why she told me all of this and she said she’s my best friend and she loves me. She said she’s wanted me forever, but couldn’t come between me and her sister like that.
She said she’d love me like a wife should, that she fantasizes about being with me intimately, and that I drive her crazy. She asked me to leave Nancy and come be with her. I’m so confused. I don’t know what to do about anything. I feel like my life had been turned completely upside down. I don’t know where to go from here.
Check out how the community responded:
cranbeery − If you believe that your fiancee might feel this way (that she wasn’t just venting dramatically, or that Peggy is nuts enough to fake the messages) then it’s a red flag big enough to block the wedding aisle.
However, you still owe it to your fiancee to discuss what’s going on before ending things, so at least you know what’s going on. Maybe her story is totally different. And most importantly, don’t get into a relationship with Peggy without a year or two to cool down away from all of them and maybe find someone better for you who’s not part of this messy family dynamic.
ThrowawayAITA7891 − You realize she could’ve faked the messages? It’s not hard to change a name on a phone.
FOCOMojo − Are you sure you’re not just being tested by them? That would be pretty messed up, I know, but have you considered this?
Desert_Fairy − At this point, cut Peggy out of the equation. She is biased and has motive to lie. Focus on Nancy. Talk to her, confront her with her own words but maybe not the texts. If she asks you where you heard this then show her the texts. Right now you have a relationship and a plan to marry Nancy. That outweighs the love confession of someone you friend zoned years ago.
If Nancy has doesn’t love you 100% then don’t get married. Either delay or cancel the wedding depending on what you decide to do with your relationship. If you decide to end the relationship, walk away from that entire family.
You don’t marry a person, you marry their whole family. And unless you want to be the AH who dumps one sister at the altar to hook up with the other sister, just go NC with both sisters. And you need to explain that to Peggy. Even if things don’t work out with Nancy, you won’t be dating her. That option shouldn’t even be on the table.
somedayillfindthis − Forward the screenshots to your fiance and see what she says. Because Peggy has a motive to fake screenshots, they’re easy to fake if you really want to. If Nancy’s guilty of this, she’ll come clean once she sees the screenshots; if she didn’t say those things, she’ll be confused and angry at her sister for spreading lies.
zenVillain − Are you Alexander Hamilton?
RTJ333 − Walk away from that dumpster fire. I mean, talk to your fiancee about it but if she comes clean about what she said, you need to end that relationship. Any kind of relationship with Peggy should be off limits now, friendship or romantic. Can you imagine all the family Christmases and birthdays if you were with her, with your ex there and all the family– it would be a s**t show, everytime.
Panini0106 − You said you knew Peggy first. Did you ever had feelings for her? For me it sounds like Peggy already had feelings for you when she introduced you to her sister.
tokenchild73 − First I would make sure those screen shots are real. Second you need to have a sit down with your fiancé. Tell her what you know and see what she says. If she truly feels that way her sister claims she does, you deserve much better. It’s better you find out now then after years of what will feel like a wasted marriage.
Thirdly starting a relationship with her sister is the ultimate bad idea. I can’t see anything good coming from that. Take some time for you. Concentrate on friends and family. It’s gonna seem like hell for a while but you will get through it.
[Reddit User] − Definitely discuss things with Nancy first – not necessarily the part where her sister confesses her love for you, but definitely the part where she considers you to be an ATM to be a good provider for her and her future kids.
If this conversation goes well, you might want to tell her about Peggy because if you don’t, then you’d be hiding something very crucial and that could greatly impact your relationship when it comes out – and stuff like this usually does. But don’t throw Peggy under the bus for nothing, have the ATM conversation first and then the Peggy one.
Reason being Peggy, even if her motives were kind of selfish, did do the right thing by coming to you with the screenshots as she saved you a lifetime of an unhappy marriage. I have a question for you though, are you 100% these screenshots are real and not manufactured?
What would you do if you were in his shoes? Should he confront his fiancée? Is it possible to repair the damage, or is this a sign to walk away? Share your thoughts and advice below!