My brother is angry with his Trump-loving sons?

A Reddit user hosting seasonal dinner parties for family shares her frustration with her sister-in-law’s repeated disregard for her explicit requests not to bring food due to allergies and a carefully planned menu.
Despite suggesting alternatives like wine as a hostess gift, the SIL brought cornbread, which led to a heated confrontation when the host decided to throw it away. Read the full story below to see how the situation unfolded.
‘ My brother is angry with his Trump-loving sons?’
Is my brother an AITA candidate for wanting to cut off his sons financially for voting for Trump? Like many Americans, my brother and I, both in our 50’s, have been talking back and forth following the Election. In the spirit of full disclosure, we are both democrats.
Long story short, he is angry at his two sons, both in their 20’s, for voting for Trump. He is thinking about cutting them off financially in all respects so that they understand how Trump’s policies will impact them firsthand.
The irony here is that it is the reverse argument. You often hear younger voters disagreeing with their MAGA parents, but this is the opposite. My brother doesn’t understand how his two sons, who have lived a life of privilege, feel like they have been violated against by society, enough so that they feel Trump hears them and their struggles.
My brother to me about his sons: “… what these young men need is a little dose of reality. Get out in the world and start paying their own way. There’s a common thread with his followers. Complain and blame everyone for their problems.
Whether they are in school or living at home off of their parents or working a trade job. King Trump will save them and make everything better. Take some personal responsibility and make it happen for yourself instead of crying about everything you hear on TikTok.
“… I’ve decided to pass on the [college] expenses to my two Trump supporting sons so they can truly feel first hand the cost and expense of his absolutely stupid policy decisions, which includes food, gas and college expenses.
Wondering if I pass on these [food, gas and college] expenses in year one or phase them in year two?” I am wondering if a lot of parents feel like my brother. Are there democrat parents of voting-age MAGA men who feel they failed with their sons because they voted for Trump? Is this common?
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
BugLady420 − Politics aside here. If your sons are voting they are old enough to pay for themselves. I’m all for parents helping out but paying their way through life is going to turn them into arrogant assholes, who don’t know what it’s like to earn and work for a paycheck, don’t know what it’s like to be poor and earn barely enough to cover anything
Edit: I think regardless of who people vote for, if your kids act arrogant and ungrateful for their tuition and everything is/has been paid for them, Then they don’t deserve it, they deserve a touch of reality.
SloshingSloth − I mean Trump voters are against handouts so that should just be what they would support no?
Ace-of-Wolves − I don’t see why this is even an issue. They’re adults. The party they voted for is vehemently against helping people financially (AKA government assistance/social security programs).
Your brother would, in my opinion, be an a**hole if he /keeps/ financially supporting them. Also, why do his kids feel so entitled to his money?? Politics aside, it’s his money, and they’re (as we’ve already covered) adults.
GaleEclipse − think it’s fair for your brother to make them financially independent. It might teach them the value of money and hard work. My parents did something similar with me, and it really helped me grow up and appreciate what I have.
Winter_Parsley_3798 − They’re team “no handouts” so they better use those hands to work instead!
Cute-Profession9983 − He is NTA. If a couple of coddled dip$hits who still live off their daddy want to subject the country to everyone but millionaores getting screwed, they should feel it sooner than later.
ObsidianGrave99867 − Your brother’s plan sounds like a reality show waiting to happen: ‘Survivor: Trump Edition.’ Let’s see how long they last on a diet of instant noodles and TikTok c**spiracy theories.
Fantastic-Problem832 − NTA. If the new admin wrecks the economy like they have repeatedly promised, dad may need that money for retirement. Let the kids take out loans like everyone else, and they can really reap what they have sown if the Dept of Education gets eliminated!
International_Ad2712 − I am a Democrat parent of a Trump voting 27 year old white male. Luckily, I raised him to take care of himself, although I definitely helped until age 21ish. But, I decided against cooking Thanksgiving dinner for him and his wife, for the third year in a row.
Last year I cooked 90% of the meal myself, and also ended up also washing 100% of the dishes myself, in their house, while my son and his 24 year old wife slept. So I’m retiring from that job! Thanks for letting me vent🤣
ScallionSpare9322 − NTA. He’s nice for even paying their way this far. Plus, he’s right they need a dose of reality.
Do you think the Redditor’s reaction was justified, or was it too harsh for the situation? How would you handle a guest repeatedly disregarding your clear requests? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!