My boyfriend(m24) was in an accident and his parents(m45 & f43) are making my (f22) life hell! I need kind words and/or advice please.

A young mother (22F) is seeking support and advice after her boyfriend (24M) was severely injured in a jet-skiing accident, leaving him hospitalized and facing a long recovery. While dealing with this traumatic situation, she’s been subjected to ongoing mistreatment from his parents, including verbal abuse, being locked out of their home while separated from her 2-year-old son, and even physical assault.
To make matters worse, his mother has threatened to seek full custody of their child, leaving her feeling isolated and unsure how to proceed. She’s looking for a way to protect herself and her son while navigating this emotionally overwhelming situation.
‘ My boyfriend(m24) was in an accident and his parents(m45 & f43) are making my (f22) life hell! I need kind words and/or advice please.’
I’ve been contemplating if I should write this but I don’t have anyone to ask for advice.In Late July, my boyfriend (m24) our son (m2), and I (f22) went to his family’s lake cabin, as we do every so often. My boyfriend was jet skiing and he had a terrible accident. It was one of the worst things that’s ever happened to our family, i honestly didn’t think he was going to make it, but he’s still here.
He’s been in the hospital almost this entire month. He’s made progress but there’s still a ways to go. During the early days of his stay in the hospital, there’s a lot of family drama that’s been happening between his family and I. His parents (m45 and f43) have been blaming me for the accident, even though I absolutely had nothing to do with it.
My boyfriend’s mother locked me out of their house and kept my son inside with them. They have a house way out in the country, I didn’t have service to call anyone or the police. When she decided to let me back in, she slapped me (which wasn’t her first or last time doing so) and told me she never liked me because I don’t work (I am a stay at home mom).
She talks about me to their friends, to my face, and basically outcasts me. She even said since my boyfriend will basically be disabled, she’s gonna take full custody of my son. I honestly wish I could tell my boyfriend what’s happening but he probably won’t comprehend. I’m honestly fed up. I just don’t know what to do.
Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:
[Reddit User] − She hit you. She prevented you from taking custody of your child. You call the police for a**ault and kidnapping.
mxrixnne − I want EVERYONE to know this: if you have to call emrrgency services, and see that your phone doesn’t have service coverage, TRY CALLING ANYWAYS. It will try to connect to any phone tower or signal nearby, as low as it may be, and you will most probably get through. Never give up on a 911 call just because you see no signal, try!
[Reddit User] − You need to call the police, she assaulted you. She can’t take custody of your son YOU ARE HIS PARENT. Get a lawyer so you have legal advice.
[Reddit User] − Call the police on her! She assaulted you and tried to prevent you from getting your son, that can be seen as kidnapping. Please call the police
Edit: I said “can be seen as” because not all people would consider that kidnapping, even if I see it as being kidnapping (which I do)
ageee090 − Excuse me but how can she legally take custody of your son just because your boyfriend is disabled? He’s a disabled man, not dead. I would lawyer up, especially since she slapped you. If you can’t afford a lawyer start a go fund me and post it, or maybe see if there’s like a probono situation. If none of that works, read up on custody law books at the library. Educate yourself so you are prepared for whatever b**lshit she throws your way
Dhannah22 − REPORT HER ASS. Get the cops involved now. Get a RO, who gives a s**t about that trash can excuse for a human being. She assaulted you and kidnapped your child.
Complete_Entry − Escape containment. Dial 911. If your partner is gone, then he’s gone. You need to start fighting for your kid. Anything else is massively secondary.Their f**king redneck house? Police. custody? Police. Your partner is the least relevant point here.. Get your kid back.. July? Holy s**t.
redsetded − Call. The. Police. Report her for kidnapping and a**ault. Get a TRO if you need to. And depending what state you’re in (if in the US) you being unmarried is very much to your advantage. Assuming that you and your boyfriend didn’t go through formal custody arrangements (why would you if you’re together) in many states that means you have sole legal custody until he says otherwise. Grandma has zero rights and you need to make that abundantly clear.
trendy_rainbow − Commenting just to increase visibility. I’m really, really sorry that you had to go through such a traumatic experience involving the love of your life. The way his mother is treating you is inconceivable. I’m truly and genuinely concerned about you. Are you somewhere safe? Are you and your son doing well financially?
almightypariah_16 − Go to the police and get a restraining order for the assult. It might be hard to do right now with him in the hospital but try to stay away from his parents as much as you can.