My Boyfriend Lied About Working on His Birthday – Why Would He Exclude Me?

A Redditor shared how her boyfriend, once loving and communicative, has recently become distant and deceptive. Despite planning to spend his birthday together, he lied about working all day.
Only for her to discover he was at the beach with a friend instead. This behavior has left her confused, hurt, and questioning where the relationship went wrong. Read the original story below…
‘ My Boyfriend Lied About Working on His Birthday – Why Would He Exclude Me?’
My bf and I had probably the picture perfect relationship for a year and a half. We were great on communication, chemistry, priorities, everything was right and we solved any small conflicts smoothly. It wasn’t till a rough patch in May where he suddenly became distant and blocked me out of his life.
He went from updating me about everything to me barely getting lucky if I would get a good night text. He pulled up on a motorcycle out of the blue one night when I wanted to see him and I had no clue he’d even bought one, let alone knew how to ride so well already.
We started talking more again and seeing each other to work on things, and the harder he tries to emphasize how much he loves me and how much he wants us to be okay, the treatment gets worse. Today is maybe the 4th time I caught him in a lie when it came to plans.
He arranged that he would pick me up this afternoon so I could spend time with him and his family for his birthday. However, he said he was working all morning and I couldn’t see him, so I went to surprise him. His co worker told me he wasn’t scheduled for today.
Yesterday he told me he was working all day, and this morning I found out he was at the beach with his friend instead. He’s spent the last days begging me to join him on his birthday, but instead he lied about every single thing to make sure I wouldn’t be involved. What in the actual f**k did I do wrong.
We were talking fine last night. Eveyrhing was fine. But I woke up this morning to lies and his friends and family blocked me. What leads someone to do this?. Where do I go from here?
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
goldencricket3 − So…. you don’t know it yet, but he has broken up with you. You just haven’t figured it out yet. Stop reaching out to him. I’m sorry you have to have reddit tell you but your relationship is VERY over.
woman_thorned − He lied to you. He’s lying to your social circle and his family.. He’s a l**r. The lesson is to not let it get to 4 times next time.
BeltalowdaOPA22 − Breaking up is pretty much the only option here. Your “boyfriend” treats you like s**t and lies to you so he can avoid you. Why would you want to be with someone like that?
BathAcceptable1812 − What did you do wrong??? Why are you blaming yourself? You cannot make someone behave properly and you cannot make somebody live you the way you want. It either is or it isn’t. However this isn’t your fault. What will be your fault is if you continue to accept this unacceptable behavior.
WrastleGuy − If his friends and family blocked you then the relationship is over and he isn’t mature enough to say it to your face.
NotTrynaMakeWaves − You’re only 19 and have no reason to invest any more time on this l**r.. D**p and move on
2workigo − He wants to hang and have fun with his friends and he wants you sitting and waiting for him to spend time with you – which he’ll do when his friends aren’t available or he wants s**.
EJ_1004 − …why would you even want to keep him? Give him the gift of singleness for his birthday. There is someone out there who actually wants to spend their day with you and won’t lie to you about it.
NaturesVividPictures − He’s obviously not interested in the relationship and he’s probably seeing somebody else or at least trying to. Yes the relationship has run its course and it’s time to d**p him.
He’s very immature because he’s too stupid to break up with you so he can see others but I guarantee he’s been stepping out. And why do you keep letting him lie to you, four times he’s lied and you keep going back for more.
Useful-Art1490 − More red flags than an Alabama football halftime show!!! 🚩
What advice would you give in this situation? Why do you think someone might act this way, and how should she move forward after being treated like this? Share your thoughts below!