My boyfriend (30M) very clearly informed me (28F) that I’m not “The One.” Should I move on?

A Reddit user shares a heartfelt dilemma about her two-year relationship with her boyfriend. During a discussion about their future, he revealed that he would only marry someone who shares his Muslim faith, which conflicts with her atheism. While she admires his commitment to his beliefs, she feels like a placeholder in the relationship and wonders if it’s time to let go. Read the full story below…
‘Â My boyfriend (30M) very clearly informed me (28F) that I’m not “The One.” Should I move on?’
Hi everyone! My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years now. Last night, during a conversation about our future, he disclosed that he would never marry someone that didn’t believe in God. He is Muslim and, although I grew up in an extremely religious family (i.e. cult), I am an atheist.
Although I’m not sure if I want to ever get married or have children (both of my parents have married 3+ times), I do want a long term partnership. BF admitted that he would not be willing to be in a long term relationship without eventually getting married. Which obviously will not happen with me.
I really love my boyfriend and thought we were in this for the long haul. I actually quite love his commitment to his religion as well, because I ask too many questions to have that type of faith. However, I’m now feeling like a bit of a placeholder until someone “suitable” comes along. Is it time to jump ship?
TL;DR: Religious BF admitted he will never marry me because of my lack of belief in a higher power. Should I leave?
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
luiminescence − You’re lucky in many ways that you’ve got a very clear and straightforward response from him.. Yes, move on.
charliekindafine − He literally said y’all have no future and he doesn’t want to end up with you. Yes. Move on.
100littledevils − I’m gonna quote Blair Waldorf on this one- repeat after me- “I’m not a stop along the way, I’m a destination”
sqitten − Well, it sounds like you are a placeholder. You’ve been told this is a short-term, casual relationship to him. If you want to spend time finding someone you can have that long-term, serious relationship with, then yes, you should leave.
boogi3woogie − Sounds like a dead end.
ShelfLifeInc − Last night, during a conversation about our future, he disclosed that he would never marry someone that didn’t believe in God…I am an atheist. Yeah, this relationship is over. It sounds like he’s too cowardly to d**p you himself, he’s waiting for you to make the move. But he’ll never marry you.
[Reddit User] − He told you he doesn’t see a future with you.. Walk away.
zero2hero2017 − The better question is why in the hell would you stay.
dimetridon − Let it go, let it go. He won’t marry you. He won’t be in an LTR with someone he won’t marry This means your 2-year relationship is not an LTR in his mind, just time passed together.
I wasted my 20s and 30s hoping that men would come around and love me eventually if I was nice enough, understanding enough, giving enough, adaptable enough. I did that because I believed that their minimal affection was the best I was going to get.
Squiggles567 − When you put it like that, yes. You should tell him why before you do though, so that there’s definitely not been a misunderstanding. But it’ll be harder to move on the longer you leave it, so you need to have the conversation soon.
What would you do if your partner expressed that your core values don’t align for a long-term future? Have you faced a crossroads in love due to irreconcilable differences? Share your thoughts below!