My 9-Week-Old Fell Off the Couch—And My Partner’s Reaction Left Me Stunned

A Reddit user shared a distressing moment when their 9-week-old baby fell off the couch and landed headfirst. While the user rushed to the ER out of concern, their partner seemed more focused on his own feelings.
Even going to sleep without checking on the baby. The user is left questioning whether their partner’s lack of response was understandable or inexcusable. Read the full story below…
‘My 9-Week-Old Fell Off the Couch—And My Partner’s Reaction Left Me Stunned’
It was a moment of pure panic. My baby daddy was holding our 9-week-old on the couch when he dozed off, and the unimaginable happened—our baby fell onto the floor, landing headfirst. My heart stopped.
I immediately freaked out and said, “We should take her to the hospital.” But instead of springing into action, he got defensive, acting as if I was overreacting. He stormed off to the bedroom, pouting because he thought I was yelling at him.
Meanwhile, I was terrified for our baby. Without hesitation, I took her to the ER by myself. I expected at least a text or a call from him to check on her while we were there, but… nothing. When I got home hours later, he was sound asleep, snoring as if nothing had happened.
Thankfully, the baby is okay, but I can’t shake this feeling of frustration and disappointment. I’m furious that he didn’t set his feelings aside for the sake of our child. Am I wrong for thinking his behavior was completely inexcusable? Shouldn’t he have stepped up as a parent to ensure his baby was okay?
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
Resident_Warthog4711 − Babies will find a way onto the floor at least once, but his reaction was inappropriate. An infant can cry if they’re in pain but they can’t tell you about any other symptoms. Being concerned was normal, and getting the baby checked out was absolutely the right thing to do.
He needed to swallow his pride and help. Accidents happen, but after they happen, action has to be taken. Parents don’t have the luxury of pouting. NTA
PolkaDotDancer − My friend’s boyfriend took a nap with their infant. And the infant was face down. The baby died. You ought to think on whether you really want to leave your baby alone with ‘baby daddy.’ He sounds careless.
NoAdministration299 − Accidents happens but his response is concerning. Even if baby shows signs of being fine, it is scary when things like this happen.
SaltyMomma5 − HUGE red flag. Not only being indifferent to his child’s welfare but then being totally fine with you just handling it. Nope. You just saw your life with him, him not caring and you doing everything. Run girl, FAST
Warm_Ad7486 − You did the right thing taking baby to the ER. Him not being concerned and going back to sleep is a huge warning sign…consider this the one warning you have been given: Your baby is ok, this time. Don’t let there be a next time or it might not end well.
Protect your baby. Any and I mean ANY man who ignores a 9 day old baby falling on its head is not a safe human to entrust the life of your baby to. Get out of there. Don’t listen to anyone who says you’re overreacting….its your baby’s life in danger, not theirs.
SnarkyIguana − The fact that he’s a “baby daddy” and not an equal partner says all it needs to I think. You’re living together and have a child together but he’s still only “baby daddy”?
Unfair_Finger5531 − I wish the phrase “baby daddy” would die.
Heavy_Answer8814 − He’s lucky the baby only fell and wasn’t smothered. This is an EXTREMELY unsafe situation for your child
CatCharacter848 − Babies fall, and people have accidents. It’s how people react to them that’s important. Your BF neglected your child by not getting/ realising that medical help was needed. What if you hadn’t been there for hours and your baby was injured.
Then, he went to sleep and didn’t support you or even worry enough to come with you to the hospital or stay up stressing whether his own child was ill. That’s the bit that worries me the most. You need to consider whether you want to stay with someone who is potentially a risk to your child.
ConvivialKat − NTA. But, it’s pretty clear the “baby daddy” doesn’t give a s**t about the baby or you. I wish someone could explain to me why women elect to have children with men who don’t care about them at all.
Do you think the partner should have handled the situation differently, or was their reaction justified? How would you have responded in a similar situation? Share your thoughts below and let us know!