My 27M gf 25F kissed another man on christmas party. How could i cope woth this?

A 27-year-old man is struggling with heartbreak after his girlfriend (25) kissed another man at a corporate Christmas party. Despite having a strong, loving relationship, the betrayal has left him devastated.
He can’t understand why it happened, especially since their bond seemed strong. Now, he’s unsure how to cope. Read the full story below.
‘ My 27M gf 25F kissed another man on christmas party. How could i cope woth this?’
My (27M) girlfriend(25F) kissed a guy on corporate christmas party. It happened 3 days ago, i am devastated by this. So we have(had?) a really great 1 and a half year relationship no big fights, we are a little stressed sometimes but we could always figure something out and talk our way through problems.
They were in a club with her co-workers and this guy(22 years old, which is really weird for me) started flirting with her and she liked it and flirted back. She told me he said something like shes really pretty etc to her and she complimented the guy that he looks good too.
Im guessing this went on and on and they ended up kissing, she kissed him back. I am a hopeless romantic type, i thought we are going to get old together etc. and now i dont know what to do. I feel really betrayed. I could never do this to her.
What bugs me the most is that she had no reason to do this to me. I always gave her attention, our s** life was great, we talk about everything. So i just cant justify this in my mind.
Im always imagining that the love of my life is kissing someone else and it breaks my heart every day since. I really dont know what to do, i hope i could get some advice from you guys..
Here’s what the community had to contribute:
UsuallyWrite2 − You don’t cause cheaters to cheat or prevent them from cheating. It’s what they do.. Stop dating her.
alreadyoverit1 − Break up with her because she’ll sleep with him or someone else if she has the chance. She’s telling you very clearly that she’s not a loyal person, believe her. Has nothing to do with you; she’s the problem.
New_Arrival9860 − A better questions is why would you choose to cope with this ? He’s a co-worker, she will continue to see him in the workplace, and that provides lots of avenues for contact and to nurture a relationship that can be kept secret from another partner.
And she had a reason, not a good reason but a reason…. in the moment she wanted to and she did. There is a good chance that some relationship tension has been brewing between them for some time at work. Time to move her to exGF status, she has failed the test to qualify as a love of your life… fidelity.
rjsmith21 − Unfortunately this is a common story. Your best option is to cut your losses and leave. Find someone more worthy to grow old with one day.
VinylHighway − D**p her and mov eon
froggaholic − She isn’t loyal man. Did she tell you or how did you find all this out?
vc3ozNzmL7upbSVZ − its never just kissing bro
[Reddit User] − Break up. The answer is kinda clear. No exceptions should be made for cheating. Period. She obviously didn’t value your 1 1/2 relationship together. There are better people out there.
Vivid_Impression_465 − She apparently wants to kiss others. This wasn’t an accident. What’s next, “he told me I smelled great and put his d**k inside of me”? Seems like you need to make a change to stop the perpetual heart break.
ArmyCatMilk − You have to understand that there are people out there that it doesn’t matter how kind you are to them or what you do to show them you care for them..or even be the best at s**…it’s never enough.
Unfortunately, you got into a relationship with one of those people. Do NOT get back with her no matter how much she may beg or cry.
I promise you….you could be ten times better than you are now and she would still be willing to cheat.. It’s not you. It’s her. You can’t fix her. Therapy can’t fix her. It’s her nature.
Feeling betrayed and heartbroken is valid, especially when you thought you were in a secure relationship. How would you cope in this situation? Do you think trust can be rebuilt, or is this a deal-breaker? Share your thoughts below!