My (26F) husband’s (28M) friend (29F) sent him a text saying “look at your other phone ;)”… he doesn’t have another phone.

A 26-year-old woman is feeling suspicious after seeing a text from her husband’s friend, Amber, that read “look at your other phone ;)” and “goodnight xxx.” Her husband doesn’t have another phone, and the text has left her feeling uneasy.
Despite her curiosity, she didn’t confront him right away, but now she’s unsure whether to ask him about it, snoop, or try to find a reasonable explanation for the message.
‘ My (26F) husband’s (28M) friend (29F) sent him a text saying “look at your other phone ;)”… he doesn’t have another phone.’
Yesterday my husband fell asleep on the couch with his phone on his chest. As he turned over the phone dropped. I went to pick it up to make sure he hadn’t accidentally cracked the screen and the phone lit up with a text from his friend Amber which read “look at your other phone ;)”,
there was also a second text which said “goodnight xxx”. I put the phone back down on the ground because I didn’t want him to know I had seen it. When he woke up, he was looking frantically for his phone and when I told him it fell, he looked relieved as soon as he picked it up.
He started smiling when he replied to his messages. When we went to bed, I sat up all night waiting to see if he would take out this mysterious second phone, but he just went to sleep straight away and never woke up again in the night.
Is there a reasonable explanation for this? Did she accidentally text the wrong person? Do I confront my husband? Snoop? What the hell is going on?
Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:
ThrowRA_Confli − Probably a texting app. She thinks it’s a second phone but just a different number.
[Reddit User] − Personally I wouldn’t say anything just yet. That would give him the opportunity to delete and get rid of evidence. He clearly seems to think you are either dumb or too naive to suspect anything. Use that to your advantage. When I finally caught my ex cheating..his old phone was still signed into his email.
I made copies of everything I could. Printed everything out. So when I started getting the b**lshit answers. I just gave him a Manila envelop with all the evidence I had gathered. Good luck. Hopefully this isn’t as bad as it sounds.
BeenThereAteThat − Check your WiFi for devices.
papower77 − Tbh the friend is pretty stupid here. Why on earth would you do that? Defeats the purpose of him having another phone.. Cheaters are stupid.
tuff_gong − Text back: Can’t find it please call it.
CosmicOmen − I wouldn’t beat around the bush. Flat out ask him what the deal is and explain you saw the texts so you know what is happening. He obviously responded and probably has another phone. Get him to come clean and figure out your next steps from there. If he knows you already know the truth, he might be more likely to explain what’s going on. Sorry!
Daxman77 − As a private investigator who deals with infidelity for a living. This is one of the biggest possible red flags. If I were you, I would remain as calm and natural as possible. Not letting him have any idea that you’re aware of his shady behavior. He likely is using a texting app on his phone.
That’s a lot easier than going off and buying a second phone. But if he does have a second phone. It likely is in his vehicle like someone else suggested. How has his behavior been recently? Any changes? Has he been showering you with gifts, starting fights, being secretive, etc?
PeteyPorkchops − Another phone that the wife doesn’t know about. Texts from Amber. Panic at his phone being missing. Quit reaching for innocent excuses. Your man is being a dirty dog. Edit: I get it with the phone thing but if I know it was with me before I’m not going to go nuts when it disappears. “Hey babe call my phone I think I dropped it”
mooseknucks666 − Are you friends with Amber? Can you straight up ask her? I’d probably snoop around the house/his car, and then confront him eventually if you can’t find hard evidence. Especially if you find the mystery phone (it probably has a crazy pass code). This definitely worriesome… I’m sorry you have to stress about it
[Reddit User] − When I was 16, I saw my bf got a notification on fb messenger from his ex saying to message her on his other account. Turns out he was cheating he had a second fb account, made just so he could talk to her. That ‘ 😉 ‘ send by her and him smiling while reading the messages makes me think he’s definitely cheating and probably mostly physically.
Since you didn’t see him use another phone, maybe he has a texting app that he uses and has the notifications off for it. That way, he wouldn’t worry about you somehow finding the second phone.
I would confront him about it. You can do it. It’s much better than hanging onto the “what ifs” and going straight for the truth. Whatever happens, I hope you the best with it. If it doesn’t end well, I hope you have friends/ family around you to help you through it.