My (26f) bf (27m) left me stranded last night. How should I proceed?

A Reddit user shared her frustration after her boyfriend left her stranded late at night when she ran out of gas. Despite calling him for help, he declined, citing a busy schedule the next day. His lack of concern left her to resolve the situation on her own.
Now, he’s reaching out to check on her, but she feels upset and uncertain about their relationship moving forward. Should she address this as a red flag or attempt to move past it? Read on for the full context.
‘ My (26f) bf (27m) left me stranded last night. How should I proceed?’
I (F26) have been with my bf (M27) for a year next month. Last night, I ran out of gas at around 11pm and was stranded on the side of the road. This was the first time I’d experienced this and I called my bf to ask for help. He told me that he didn’t have a gas can and that he has a jam packed day tomorrow (today) so suggested I uber home.
By jam packed day he means going to the gym in the morning, work, and school. I also work, go to school, and go to the gym. He said that if I really needed help he would help me, but by that point I felt discouraged at how uninterested he seemed in helping so I told him I’d figure it out.
We left it at that and after we hung up he never called me back. Fast forward to this morning he texted me and asked if I got home okay. I told him “yes” but left it at that. Now he’s tried to call me 4 times, but at this point I’m honestly upset about his sudden interest in talking with me only after I figured it out on my own.
Am I in the wrong to be upset? It’s honestly given me an ick. Is this a deal breaker? I need some perspective on how to handle this. TL; DR I called my bf to ask if he could help me after I ran out of gas and was stranded. He told me he had a busy day and to call an uber. This has me thinking that I can’t call my partner in a time of need and I’m contemplating whether this is a deal breaker or not.
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
Dickduck21 − When I called my boyfriend because I stupidly ran out of gas, he laughed and laughed and laughed at me. Then he showed up with a Jerry can in ten minutes. I mentioned it in my f**king vows because it was an easy example of how he’s always had my back. You got a dud, throw him back.
SlashySpider − My girlfriend got stuck on the side of the road same reason. I had work in the morning 12 hour shift to be exact. I got myself out of bed and went to her because no matter what may be going on the next day if your other is needed help you go.
cheez-itjunkie − If my gf called me like this,I’d be out the door and on my way before she even asked, or before I even knew where she was. This guy is a d**khead. Get rid of him. He doesn’t care about you at all.
Ok-Technology8336 − I was reading this thinking he was 19. It would still be a deal-breaker for the relationship, but his immaturity would at least make a little sense. At 27 he should be ashamed of himself for that response.
Confident_Concept_29 − Yes it’s a deal-breaker, if my bf had called I’d come and pick him up, because people who love each other do things for each other, even when it’s not explicitly asked.
reality_junkie_xo − No, no, absolutely NO. Immediate grounds for dumping. Many years ago, I had just started dating a guy (<1 yr in), and I was driving to visit a friend a few hours away. My car was only 6 months old… and it started decelerating on the highway. I pulled onto the shoulder.
I somehow got it to restart and limp about a mile to the next rest stop. I called my boyfriend to let him know what was happening (he’s a car guy, so I wanted to get his thoughts on what happened), and he asked for my friend’s number and told me to call for a tow immediately.
While I was on the phone trying to get a tow truck, he was ensuring she was on her way to come get me (it was about an hour from her house). He was in touch with me the whole time – while I waited for the tow, rode with the tow truck, got dropped off at the dealership,
waited around in the dark (that was fun)… until he knew I was safely with my friend. He would have driven to me, but he was 4 hours away and knew my friend would get to me faster. THAT, my dear, is a guy you want to keep around. (And yes, I married him!!)
WinterFront1431 − His busy days were gym, work, and school. Wow, I’m sorry, I may be about extreme, but this would be it for me. He could have picked you up and took you home, and you get an Uber there with gas the next day, seeing as it was late and dangerous. He doesn’t seem all that into you, I’m afraid.
When I was stranded, my partner drove 28 miles to pick me up at 2 a.m., and he had work at 7 am. I didn’t ask him to he did it for me anyway, so he knew I was safe.
Iphacles − Your boyfriend is an i**ot. If my wife called me at 11 p.m. and was stranded, I’d go get her without hesitation. Him saying he’d help if you “really” needed it is just ridiculous. Obviously, you needed his help…that’s why you called him. If you wanted to handle it on your own, you would have. This really makes him seem unreliable and selfish, like his busy morning is more important than helping you out.
Jbw76543 − 11 pm, side of the road. Move on honey. Not your guy. It’s easy to be there for the good times but the relationship is really tested during the tough times
No_Communication9679 − He could have come to help you. He could have sent a tow truck. He could have called an Uber for you. He wasn’t interested in any of that.
When people show you that they won’t be there for you early in the relationship, believe them.
You’re going to be “figuring it out” yourself for the rest of your life. The whole point of a relationship is partnership and a willingness to show up and be there for each other. This isn’t that guy for you.