My (24F) boyfriend (26M) almost got me fired from my job

A Reddit user shared her troubling experience: her boyfriend accessed her work computer without permission to view a client file, which almost cost her her job. Now, she’s left reeling from the betrayal, questioning his trustworthiness, and navigating the fallout both at work and in their relationship.
‘ My (24F) boyfriend (26M) almost got me fired from my job’
I won’t disclose my job position as I am attempting to stay anonymous, but I work with client files that can contain sensitive information, and since COVID I have been working from home, with a company computer.
I got a call a few weeks ago and it was my supervisor as well as HR, and our department manager. They called me into the corporate building (of our area) to come in and talk, so I knew it was serious. They kept asking me if I knew a Lindsay Parks (for the sake of the story I’ll call this person Lindsay Parks). I was confused and said no, and they told me that I had opened her file unauthorized. (I’m not allowed to deal with files for people that I know, or open files that I’m not assigned to).
I was confused and denied it because I really didn’t know this person, so they opened the file to see if there was an associated party on the file that I know. And lo and behold my boyfriend’s name was listed as an associate party. I had to tell them this was my boyfriend, and they said they were going to going to place me on suspension until they investigate.
I got home and when my boyfriend got home I told him what had happened. He got a bit red in the face, and then admitted that he used Lindsay’s number to look up her file and see if there were any updates as he knew I worked for the company and that she hadn’t heard from them and wanted to check out her file.
I told him this wasn’t okay and I’m probably going to get fired for his carelessness, and who Lindsay was and why was he was listed as an associate party on her file. He said a friend, and then went back to saying how it wasn’t his fault and that he didn’t know I’d get in trouble, and that I shouldn’t have made my work password something he’d know.
They finished their investigation, and after my boyfriend confessed, I had surprisingly gotten my job back. I have since been working in an empty office at the corporate building because they don’t want anything similar happening again. Communication with my boyfriend has been very limited except for if it pertains to our daughter. I feel like he tried g**lighting me and this situation just is making me feel extremely uneasy.
TLDR: my partner wen to. My work computer, opened a file for a “friend”, and almost got me fired by doing so. Now I’m working in the corporate building to prevent this from happening again, and our relationship is strained after it feels like he gaslighted me into thinking this was my fault
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
Ciecie33 − At 26 years old, your boyfriend should know that breaking into your company’s computer with your password could get your fired. Him blaming you, and him saying that she is a friend, with no further explanation, is all highly suspect. Why was he willing to go to such lengthts for just a friend? You are right to go no contact except regarding your daughter …. stick to that !!!
Captaincoolbeans − This dude had the nerve to say you shouldn’t have made a password he could guess??? Are you sure you want to be with this clown? He almost fucked your whole life up and barely gives a s**t
thebadsleepwell00 − “Friend” hah. And you’ve never heard of this friend for whom he was willing to risk YOUR career? Clearly not a childhood friend or something. He is at best reckless and a bit senseless and at worst super manipulative amongst other things. Ugh.
KSSLR − Lindsay might be an ex.
[Reddit User] − Change your passwords. Like all of them. Keep your computer locked behind a password he can’t guess and use a password manager for the things behind it. Also, LEAVE HIM. There’s nothing stopping him from doing this again. Even if he 100% sincerely groveled for forgiveness, your employer is never going to trust you again and it looks even worse if you stay with him. This could have been a career k**ler. It may have been a career k**ler and he gives no shits. He’s just lucky that they’re not pressing charges.
leftyontheleft − D**p the boyfriend. He was clearly willing to go behind your back, risk your job and then not only feel no remorse but treat you as if it was your fault. This is not a “partner” in any sense of the word.
[Reddit User] − It’s one thing to be an i**ot and not understand why using your details to do this is bad. It’s a whole other thing when he shrugs and says (basically) “you shouldn’t have trusted me not to abuse this information”. D**p him.
Blobfish_Blues − Let me begin by saying that none of this is your fault, unless you skipped the part where you forced him to open your computer, guess the password (doubtful he got it on 1 try), look up this individual and then shut everything down so you’d never know.
He’s obviously a liar, doesn’t care about your job or the fact that you’re now being treated at work as if you’re a liability and manipulative if his immediate response is to say it’s your fault he could guess your password.
I would make plans to get out of this relationship, I know you have a child together but he’s shown you no respect and zero maturity in that he shifted blame and didn’t take responsibility for his own selfish actions. Also, look up this woman on social media. I won’t say something is going on between them but that’s a lot of trouble to go through to look up one person’s information.. Good luck.
[Reddit User] − On top of how wrong this is who tf is this girl? She’s important enough for him to do this, but she’s hidden from you? Girl that does not sound good. Sounds like something a person does for someone they really care about. He’s hiding a female …*friend?* (cough maybe cheating) along with jeopardizing your job, and lying to you….leave.
shadows524 − Leave him. Tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if he was cheating, but even if he isn’t, he clearly doesn’t care about you or your job security.