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Mini Horse Rejected By His Mother Now Lives As A Family Pet With 3 Doggy Siblings

There are only a few things more adorable than miniature horses. They are known for their cute look and friendly and joyful instincts. These small horses can live indoors as pets and spread happy vibes to people around them. Who can resist cute living creatures?

Image Credits: FaithSanSeverino/Adam Smith/SWNS

Peabody the mini horse in this story is no different. But he goes through a tough past before he is adopted. The poor foal was rejected by its birth mother as he was too tiny to reach her udder. He weighed only 19 pounds at the age of 6 weeks, which meant he was still smaller than most dogs.

Not just that, Peabody couldn’t walk and his original owners thought he was deaf and blind. He also had his jaw out of line. The vet suggested they put the poor baby animal down.

Faith Smith, a 55-year-old miniature horse trainer from San Diego, California noticed Peabody’s story and came to save him. The kind-hearted woman thought the mini horse deserved another chance.

Image Credits: FaithSanSeverino/Adam Smith/SWNS

Faith drove across the country to adopt Peabody. She was happy to take the foal in and believed that his conditions would be improved.

As the mini horse got a little bigger, his head has grown and his jaw has aligned. The strong little boy also made his first walk, making his human mother burst out with happiness.

Faith also introduced Peabody to her three pooches. Amazingly, the four got along with each other so well and formed the cutest pack ever.

Image Credits: FaithSanSeverino/Adam Smith/SWNS

Friendship knows no bounds. Peabody and his doggy friends can strongly prove this. They are now inseparable. They love playing, eating, and sleeping together. And cuddles never miss among the gang.

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“Horses are never indoor animals, but Peabody is so small that he could never live outside unless he gets bigger, and we’re not sure if he will. At present, he lives inside the house with the dogs.” Faith said.

Faith loves to keep the mini horse forever but she hopes he grows up healthily and joins other horses.

H/T: Metro

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