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Meet Bone Bone, The Enormous Fluffy Kitty From Thailand That Everyone Asks To Take A Picture With

Ever seen a cat so fluffy it looks unreal? Meet Bone Bone from Thailand.

Not only is this adorable cat super fluffy but he’s practically a celebrity now in Thailand!

With ia upwards of 30k followers on Instagram, Bone Bone enjoys doing many adventurous things like playing at the park and tree climbing – all while wearing a tiny yellow spiky backpack!

However, what he actually does not like is being petted. Instead, he simply likes to keep his fabulous fur to himself

Regardless, it’s easy to see just why this adorable fluff ball is such a star wherever he goes!

Just take a look!

Via: Boredpanda.com / instagram

RELATED:  Meet Cat, The Thai Furball Who Captures Everyone's Hearts With Her Striking Face

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