Is it weird that my gf (22f) “tucks me in” to bed every night? (21f)

A Reddit user shares a sweet but slightly awkward situation with her girlfriend. After over a year of living together, her girlfriend has a nightly ritual of tucking her into bed before she heads off to work her night shift.
While the user finds this gesture adorable and comforting, she recently became embarrassed when a friend was staying over and overheard the exchange. Wondering if others find this behavior strange, she turns to the Reddit community for feedback. Curious to know if this is as unusual as she feels? Read the full story below to get more context.
‘ Is it weird that my gf (22f) “tucks me in” to bed every night? (21f)’
We’ve lived together for over a year now, we just had our two year anniversary, and she’s the love of my life, I think she’s absolutely brilliant in all sense of the word. Our schedules are quite opposite, I wake up for work at 6:30am, she sleeps in until 1pm for her night shift.
I always go to sleep first, I need more sleep than the average person anyway (about 10 hours a night) and I always have to be up early in the morning. She slips in to bed in the first hours of the morning – sometimes I’m already asleep before she gets back from work, but most of the time I’m just getting ready for bed as she gets home.
I’m not really sure how this came to be in our schedule, but every night that I get in to bed before she does, she comes to kiss me goodnight and tuck me in. I love it, I think it’s adorable and I’m kind of a c**ngy girlfriend so I enjoy it a lot! I’m just wondering if anyone else does this?
Recently we had a friend stay over (our place is too small to have many guests stay over so having someone stay the night is rare) and I went to bed early and left them to their Netflix, and my girlfriend said she’d come tuck me in soon. I got embarrassed about it, like it’s weird or something? I just don’t want people to find it strange or gross, I don’t know.. Is it weird?
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
jenifer1983 − That’s absolutely adorable! Not weird at all. If anyone says so, it jealousy on their part.
immortan_jared − Jesus, I am so jealous of this you have no idea. Hold onto that one.. Edit: holy s**t the karma
Mattwolf64 − That’s one of the sweetest things I’ve heard of in ages.
xTacoMumx − This like my husband and I, different schedules. He tucks me in, gets me a glass of water and kisses my forehead. Every night no matter what, even if we have fought or are annoyed with each other. He still does it and I treasure it so! Even tho I’m a grown ass adult with kids it’s a moment where I’m not mum for five minutes and allow myself to be the one to be cared for.. I love other people do this too!
Alice_Lovely1273 − This is not weird at all! It’s so adorable and loving. You’ve got something great, be proud!
babydollx96 − No way, this is so precious. I would tuck my boyfriend in if he ever went to bed before me:
theazurerose − My SO and I will cover each other up, and always kiss each other before one of us is going to bed so no this isn’t weird! It’s super sweet, you’re getting love and affection, and this is getting those endorphines running! You should feel happy and proud that you have a loving, healthy relationship in this light.
Traeyze − It’s proper cute and actually a pretty good way of dealing with the clashing schedules. A lot of people get sad about not overlapping sleeping wise, but this simple ritual has actually made it the source of an act of intimacy. And so what if people find it odd. If the weirdest thing about you is a cute tuck in thing you’re doing pretty well.
Limeatron − Not Weird. My GF and I do the same thing. She does night shift, gets in at 8am, I get up to leave for work at 9:30am. Every morning before I leave the house give her a kiss on the head and a small snug before heading out the door.
[Reddit User] − I got embarrassed about it, like it’s weird or something? I just don’t want people to find it strange or gross, I don’t know.. Is it weird? It doesn’t prevent you from functioning normally in society or disturb your neighbors, so it’s 100% OK.
If we were to have a definition of weird, every couple would need a checklist with list of dos and don’ts that they would have to adhere to strictly, or better still, a script to follow every morning and evening. Obviously different couples have different routines! You do you, girls! 🙂
Do you think this nightly ritual is endearing or does it cross a line in terms of dependency or weirdness? Would you be embarrassed if you were in a similar situation, or do you think it’s a sweet, unique gesture in a relationship? Share your thoughts below and join the conversation!