I won’t do what my sister wants. Am i wrong? 24hour update

After posting about family issues stemming from her mother’s abuse, a woman faced backlash from her sister and husband, who insisted she keep things private. Following an argument, she discovered her husband had been sexting her sister for three years, undermining their marriage and shattering her trust.

Now feeling broken, she grapples with the betrayal and contemplates her next steps for herself and her children.

I won’t do what my sister wants. Am i wrong? 24hour update

So I really wasn’t expecting my first post to blow up like it did. I guess I just wanted to feel like I wasn’t actually crazy. Feel free to read it it’s on my profile.I shown my husband my post and he got really mad at me. I didn’t understand why.

He said it was letting everyone know what happened to me when it should be private between me and my family. This felt very odd to me. I guess he told my sister about my post too because she started blowing up my phone and telling me I’ve made her come across as a p**ycho. I need to leave the past in the past.

That’s her words. Apparently it takes a strong person to accept and move on from someone’s mistakes. I’m unsure how my mum abusing us is something I should just brush under the carpet.Anyway, me and husband got into an argument over this whole thing. He left the house and didn’t come back.

I tried to ring him but turned out he left his phone here. Curiosity got the better of me and I’m not proud of this but I went through it. Something I have never ever done and this is where I messed up. We know each others passwords as it’s our wedding anniversary. Guess who is sexting with my husband. Yup my sister.

From what I can gather it’s been happening for 3years. I’m guessing that when he goes away for work he meets up with her. There’s pictures of my husband my sister and my mum all in a pub. 3 f**cking years this man has been in his words picturing her whilst in bed with me. He says he married the wrong sister.

He says that she’s a wonderful woman for getting over our past when I have to make a big deal out of it. He comments on how my body is disgusting after having children. I’m fat now apparently with more stripes than a zebra.Yes I have stretch marks. I don’t think I’m fat. I’m a size 12. I am 5”9. I work out. I try to get over everything.

Now I just feel broken. I don’t know when he will come back, I don’t know what to say when he comes back.I am however grateful for my post because now I know that the happiness I thought I had was one giant lie. f**ck. Sorry just had to get this off my chest. Me and my kids are gonna be ok. Unsure on what to do. I’m broken. Completely broken.

Here’s what people had to say to OP:

Minimum-Arachnid-190 ( Top 1 ) says

You KNOW what to do. If the house is in your name, put his things outside. I wouldn’t even bother trying to get him to be reasonable. You need to get your divorce papers in order as well as child arrangements whilst he is out right now. Get your passports and all important documents somewhere safe.

Make a copy of ALL evidence of his cheating because you will need that for the divorce whilst you can. I hope you’ve done this already.You also need to let your lawyer know that you do not want your children around your mother and sister and the reason WHY.

Your sister was also a victim but as an adult she is CHOOSING to be around a woman who enabled pedophiles and let her children be abused.Like everyone else has told you in the previous post, protect your children and protect yourself. Get your s**it together and get out of his life. Him and your sister can be very happy together.

You would be an a**shole if you let those women around your children and if you didn’t divorce him. He is putting your children IN DANGER.
Edit: Thank you for the awards guys.

amireal42 ( Top 2 ) says

Let me be crass. The guy who was screwing your sister for 3 years doesn’t get to lecture anyone on what makes someone a good or strong or decent human being. Light them on fire. Get yourself screen shots and go right to a lawyer.

Trin_42 ( Top 3 ) says

NTA, your own mother is aware your husband is cheating with your sister. I’d be going scorched earth after I got my ducks in rows OP.

vampgirl66441 ( Top 4 ) says

NTA but if you haven’t yet, take screenshots of what they were texting and the FB posts. Send them to yourself, even if you have to create a new encrypted email to guarantee that it’s inaccessible to him. Have copies in several places, including a copy for your attorney. And make sure that you delete any texts or emails that you send yourself from his phone.
Having the proof will help you out with the divorce, child custody, etc. Your attorney may be able to setup the child custody agreement in a way that excludes your mother and sister from seeing them or enforces supervised visits that prevent those two from being there.

HumanityIsBizarre ( Top 5 ) says

NTA I’d like to point out though that if your sister saw your other post chances are she, your husband and mother will have seen or will see this shortly so gather all the evidence now as the cat will is probably already out of the bag.

Dachshundmom5 ( Top 6 ) says

Find a lawyer. Block your siblings and mom. Screenshot EVERYTHING and keep it for your lawyer. Do exactly as the lawyer says. Make a STAT appt with your counselor.

No-Display-3729 ( Top 8 ) says

For your mental health, remember he would talk s**it about your body and s**x to reassure your sister. It isn’t really about you. And no your sister hasn’t put it behind her because she uses s**x to reassure herself and doesn’t have healthy sexual boundaries.

gay_Wonder_7597 ( Top 9 ) says

Oh im so sorry kick your worthless soon to be ex out on the streets and go for full custody and child support and restraining orders if you have to and to be safe do what the other poster said to do

It’s heartbreaking when those we trust betray us. What do you think she should do next? How can she heal and find a way forward for herself and her kids? Share your thoughts in the comments!


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