I think my BF has been lying to me about my hobbies

A Reddit user shared their experience of navigating trust issues in their budding relationship after catching their boyfriend in several peculiar lies about her hobbies. While the lies seem trivial, they’ve left her questioning his honesty and struggling to address the issue. Read the full story below to dive deeper into this unique situation.
‘ I think my BF has been lying to me about my hobbies’
Hey everyone. I (26f) have been dating Eric (27m) for a few months now. Our relationship has been great so far. He’s a lovely man, and is super sweet and kind. That being said, I have caught him in a few lies that have left me questioning his honesty.
In truth, none of the lies are serious at all. They all revolve around my hobbies. But every time I’ve tried to talk to him about these things, he insists that his story is straight. Here’s just a few examples:
-He told me that he knew of a game’s announcement months ahead its official announcement. He said that it’s been a known thing in his country for months, but the official website doesn’t back that up
-He said he’s played a game series that’s exclusive to one console. This is despite him never owning the console, or emulating the games. -He said he put six THOUSAND hours into a game I was playing. But he didn’t remember any of the characters names or the plot at all
-He said he watched a tv series I was into, but refused to talk about it. When I asked for his opinion on things, he was vague, telling me it’s a “secret”. Again, none of these things are big at all. But it’s happened so often, that I just have had a hard time believing him on anything anymore. Am I thinking too much about this? What should I do?
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
sour_lemons − Sounds like he’s lying to sound impressive/interesting to you rather than admitting that he knows nothing about your hobby/interests? I’m guessing he might be insecure and felt like he had to lie for you to think you guys have interests in common.
Personally I wouldn’t tolerate this type of behavior and would try to back him into a corner to admit that he’s lying. IMO if you can easily lie about small things then you can lie about big things too
princess_ferocious − Look, if he’ll lie about unimportant things, you have to worry whether he’d lie about important ones. Sounds like he’s insecure.
If you want to sort this out, you can try gently calling him out about it and talking it over – let him know that he doesn’t have to try to impress you like that for you to stick around. But get on it quick, if you’re going to. Lying is an easy habit to get into, and every successful lie makes the next one easier, even if it’s bigger.
AnneOnimuss − I dunno… maybe I’m just an a-hole but once I catch someone lying, regardless of how big or small, I start to question literally ***everything*** they say and do. Also… liars ***always*** insist they’re telling the truth …and that’s a lie too LOL
Glittering-Lychee629 − Two choices. You can break up and in the future say, “I once dated this guy who was dishonest. The second I realized he was lying I left.” And be proud you value character and virtues in a potential partner.. Or
You can stay with him for months or even years until you discover all the other lies he tells, some of which will inevitably be big. And then you can break up after wasting a ton of time, and you will have to admit to yourself that you knew he was a l**r from the start, but stayed with him anyway.
Manders37 − Your bf sounds like a pathological l**r.
Zestyclose-Bag8790 − He lies out of fear or to make himself more attractive. That is the problem., the actual lies he has told is not the issue. It is the willingness to lie. Sorry, that sucks.
Honesty often makes us vulnerable. He doesn’t tell the truth and this means he also doesn’t trust you. He does not feel he can trust you with the truth. If you feel you deserve trust, then don’t settle for lies.
cMeeber − I has a guy do this to me once. He said he was into the same show I was into, yet a few weeks later when I asked him about it he said he never watched it. And there lots of examples like that.
He would just Google stuff and message me. I didn’t like it and it made me feel manipulated. Basically he pretended to be someone else to get close to me, and once he got what he wanted he dropped the act.
rmric0 − I think when someone will lie over little things it can be very hard to build real trust with them and that can be damaging to a relationship. There might be reasons why he’s been telling you these lies like he’s feeling insecure or wants to build more of a connection by faking interest in things that you’re interested in –
but that’s pretty immature behavior. I would probably try to talk to him about it, pin it down and see if it stops and he changes, otherwise. I don’t think the relationship will go the distance
Evie_St_Clair − I was with someone who lied like this. It was a nightmare and I wish I had paid attention to the red flags in the beginning. Don’t waste your time with him, you will never be able to fully trust him.
Dapper-Repair2534 − Any lie is big. No such thing as an unimportant lie.. Run.
Do you think the Reddit user’s concerns about her boyfriend’s honesty are valid, even if the lies seem insignificant? How would you handle trust issues in a new relationship, especially around seemingly minor topics? Share your thoughts below!