I moved into my bf’s house and I haven’t been able to sleep well for 3 weeks because he doesn’t let me. I had a breakdown last night and broke a lamp. I’m going to stay in a hotel tonight….AITA?


A Reddit user recently shared their struggles after moving into their boyfriend’s house three weeks ago. The user works a 9-5 job and requires proper rest, but their boyfriend’s disruptive behavior, such as staying up late and making noise, has caused significant sleep deprivation.

Despite attempting to communicate their needs, the boyfriend’s actions continue to disturb their sleep. After an emotional breakdown and a series of chaotic events, the user is now considering moving out and staying in a hotel for the night. The situation has left the user feeling drained and guilty for the emotional outburst that occurred. Read the full story below…


‘ I moved into my bf’s house and I haven’t been able to sleep well for 3 weeks because he doesn’t let me. I had a breakdown last night and broke a lamp. I’m going to stay in a hotel tonight….AITA?’

I moved into my bf’s house (he owns) three weeks ago and it’s been really hard. We have been fighting a lot. Many of our fights are because he doesn’t let me sleep. I work 9-5 so I have to wake up at 8ish. He works whenever he wants so he doesn’t have a set sleep schedule. I use to go to sleep 11-1130pm prior to living with him. I compromised to 12-1230 am, but there are nights he goes to bed 4am, 5am, 6am, 7am.


There is a master bedroom and a guest bedroom. I was sleeping in the master and he would go in and out disrupting me so I have yelled at him. He tells me “give me 10 minutes and I’ll be in bed.” Hours go by he is still not in bed, and making noises the kitchen or living room. He told me you can go to sleep without me. There is a lot of noise when he comes into the master and he says that’s where all his things are there so he needs to go in and out.

I tried sleeping in the guest room (does not have a lock) but when I do so he comes into there and disrupts my sleep instead of just going in the master. I have only been getting 5-6.5 hours of sleep for weeks now, very broken. Yesterday evening I told him I have a doctor’s appointment at 8am before work so I have to be up at 630ish. I got ready for bed at 10pm in the guest room and was watching TV on my computer with a plan to go to sleep at 11pm.


I put a note on the door, saying “I have to be up early, please be considerate.” I fell asleep at 1130ish with my eye mask on, fan on for white noise (always use this), sleep podcast, and he came in 3 times while I was sleeping and woke me up. He was drunk, turned on the light, pulled up my eye mask. I begged him every time to let me go to sleep because I have to be awake early.

Then he started making alot of noise in the hallway saying he was “having 8 str*ppers over”..making s** noises in the bedroom.” I told him “I’m leaving, I just want to sleep, why don’t you let me sleep.” I was on my hands and knees on the floor crying and he said “I’m sorry..I’m sorry, I was just playing I’m a j**k.” I told him I need to go get some sleep and my plan was to just sleep in my car. It was now 1am.


I left and he’s calling me telling me he is sorry and he’s in bed, can I come back and we can go to sleep. I come back and he is not in bed…he is in the basement getting laundry. I said I want to go to sleep. I try to sleep again and he then comes in and starts cuddling me telling me he loves me and he’s sorry. I ask him to come to my appointment with me tomorrow and he agrees, I said I have to go to the bathroom.

I go pee and when I come out he is in the bathroom. 10 minutes go by and he’s still in there. I start screaming at him to come, he says he’s peeing. Then I go and open the door and he closes it before I can get in. He tells me he’s taking NyQuil. I just freaked out…I go into the bedroom and pull off everything on the dresser onto the floor. I then turn over the lamp night stands (ended up breaking one).


He pushes me onto the bed and there is a necklace that he said he can’t find. He is freaking out and I’m scared so I tell him I’ll help him find it. We find it. It’s past 2am and we go to sleep in the guest room. He is on my side so I just go into the  master and sleep there until my alarm goes off. I wake him up and he starts getting ready and he notices his front veneer is gone, was there last night.

He accuses me of taking it. I said I didn’t, I try to help him but I have to go to my doctor’s appointment so I say let’s go and I’ll help you find it afterward. He says he wants to find it so he stays. On the way there he texts me “you don’t care about me…get out and leave me alone. You are one of the most selfish individuals I met.” I don’t respond.


Then he calls me saying he found it. I go to my appt, get back home and I have to work 9-5:30pm today. I WFH, he is sleeping as I type this. I am going to get a hotel tonight and look into moving out this weekend. I feel horrible for throwing stuff on his dresser on the floor, but I can’t take this constant lack of sleep….AITA?

Update: Thank you to everyone for the responses and for opening my eyes to the reality of my situation. I feel as though I have been in a d**e, doubting myself and questioning my own sanity (absolutely do not recommend not sleeping). I logged off work early saying I wasn’t feeling well. I checked into a hotel. Not the closest one because I think he may look for my car there first. Going to sleep now.


2nd update: Context: This is a different relationship than my last posts. I started dating this guy in February 2024.  He actually proposed to me at the end of May 2024 after a few months of dating with a stunning engagement ring. I said I wasn’t sure because it was so soon, wore it for a day and gave it back. I said I wanted us to know each other better and live together before that step.

I accepted a contract start up position in July with my job half way across the country and was gone for weeks at a time. He asked me to move into his apartment before I accepted that position but I told him I wanted to see it though. I would come back for 1-2 weeks at a time and we would stay together. He always stayed up later than me until 1-2am, but he would put headphones in, turn off lights, be quiet/respectful when I was sleeping.


It was only after I moved into his house (mid November)  that things escalated. He told me he wanted to put me on the deed of the house, however, I declined. There is a safe in the house where he keeps cash (probably drugs too? maybe a gun- he was quite dodgy about answering this). He asked me if I wanted the code. I said no, I didn’t want to be accused if ever anything was missing.

The red flags were there and my intuition was trying to warn me, should have listened to it sooner. I slept for 11 hours!! Yay!! My parents live 5 hours away. I was planning to see them Christmas Eve. I called and told them everything. Staying with a friend tonight, my dad offered to pick me up tomorrow and I’ll be there for a few weeks, at least. I will be breaking up with my bf but I want to be a few states away before I tell him.


If he shows up at my parent’s home, we’re going to call the police. My dad and my brother said they’ll come back with me later on to get the rest of my belongings, idk if I even want to go back there to get them. I just know I  can’t do it right now.. Thank you all!

Here’s what Redditors had to say:

x_hyperballad_x −  This dude is a psychopath.


Nonby_Gremlin −  Get the f**k out and be prepared for some wild love bombing trying to get you back. You’ve tried to set perfectly reasonable boundaries and he repeatedly ignores them. The man needs professional help and you can’t be that. Have a friend or relative help you pack, don’t be alone with him. Block all calls/texts.

Ada_Ser −  Sleep deprivation is a classical form of abuse.


Alternative_Talk3324 −  Leave him. He’s 35 not 15. Get out before he hurts you in a drunken rage.

facinationstreet −  This is a**sive behavior. There is a reason that people who torture others use sleep deprivation. It is massively successful.


shammy_dammy −  Time to leave. You can figure out what you want to do about this abuse after you are no longer in sleep deficit.

Shai7809 −  Nope, girl…be done with this. When I first saw the title, I assumed that it was a normal ‘he snores’ type, where we could give suggestions about how to deal…but this is not that. He is actively abusing you, and then g**lighting on top of it (calling you selfish, playing little games, etc.) He is not your future. Get out, and get some sleep.


RoseTintedFool −  Please leave him. I dated a guy for barely 2 months. He did this. He wouldn’t let me sleep. He interrupted me while I worked from home. I lost my job. He wanted me to be dependant on him so he was very happy. I left. And even now, almost 2 years later, dude is still stalking, harassing and gossiping about me. Clingiest and most pathetic d**eb I’ve ever come across. Run, girl, run.

EnvironmentalBit7567 −  Frankly this just sounds a**sive and is detrimental to your mental health, definitely a good idea to get out of there. Take care of yourself, because he clearly only cares about himself. Wish you luck.


GemGlamourNGlitter −  WTF did I just read. Did you never sleep at his house before moving in? Are you all on drugs? This is very dysfunctional. Leave.

Do you think the user’s actions were justified given the constant sleep deprivation and emotional strain they were under, or was the breakdown an overreaction to the situation? How would you handle living with someone who disrupts your rest in this way? Share your thoughts below!


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One Comment

  1. Podcanuck 2 weeks ago

    He’s a f**king a-hole, move out as soon as you can. In fact make sure you have someone with you when you go to get your stuff, he sounds unstable. That someone should be the police and it wouldn’t hurt to mention his whacko behaviour.