I Have audio Proof My (28m) girlfriend (32f) is cheating. Please.. how do I confront her?

A man (28M) suspects his girlfriend (32F) is cheating after noticing suspicious signs, including a man’s watch in her bag and overhearing conversations. When he secretly recorded her workspace, he obtained audio proof of her intimate conversations with another man. Despite having no financial ties or children together, he’s unsure how to confront her and is planning to do so soon. He shares his dilemma and seeks advice on how to approach the situation. Read the full story below.
‘ I Have audio Proof My (28m) girlfriend (32f) is cheating. Please.. how do I confront her?’
This started after her Christmas party. I was away for work. When I came home I noticed a man’s watch in her bag – maybe no big deal, but why does a watch come off at a work party? Anyway, fast forward a couple of days and I’m stood watching her empty the bag before putting it away.
Emptying everything other than the watch. A couple of days ago I overheard a work call and her saying “I haven’t told him anything, I feel too guilty”. So I immediately confronted her. She got angry, asked if I trust her etc. I felt awful – either she’s cheated and not confessed, or I’ve bad an awful assumption
So today I did something I’m not proud of. I setup something to record in her workspace. I hear very quietly a couple of questionable things. I then listen and hear, to the man who the watch belongs to “it actually turns me on, this professional talk” followed later by “speak to you tomorrow, *kiss*, bye bye baby”
How do I confront her with this? Even last night she was talking about us buying a house on the other side of the world. What would the people of Reddit do, armed with this?
EDIT: thanks everyone. We have no financial ties, kids, etc. Her parents live in another country. We’re in the UK. I keep making sly digs she’s not biting it “as long as I’ve got you it’s all good” etc. I’m actually out all day tomorrow, while she’s working at home. I’m sure more explicit stuff will be said, let’s see.
Saturday we’re supposed to be out and staying with friends and family for a few days. Saturday I will unload the proof and get her out. The person who said talk about plans for the future and bring this guy up is the plan. Thanks again. I’m angry as f**k but such is life
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
loveandsubmit − Why confront her? She’s cheating. You know she’s cheating. She knows she’s cheating. Just say you’re breaking up with her and you don’t want to put any more energy into discussing it, bye.
alreadyoverit1 − I would ghost her. Just leave without a word so she’s left in her guilt and confused.
YourRAResource − You don’t. You just leave.
Plastic_Blood1782 − You breakup. What’s the best possible outcome you’re hoping comes out of confronting her? She comes clean, admits she was cheating, promises to never cheat again, and you just pretend it never happened? Come on bro
Koolaid_K3nny − Bro .. you’re worried about a confrontation while she’s sucking another d**k lol. Grow a f**king pair and leave.
Good_Ad6336 − Well that depends. In your head, what events do you want to happen after you confront her? Do you want her to deny it so you can throw the evidence in her face? Do you want her to cry and beg for a second chance? Do you want her to admit her actions and take accountability?
The reason I ask is because regardless of what happens or how she acts, you need to decide what you want to do afterwards. Do you want to still be with her and work on the relationship? Or do you want to walk away? There is no wrong answer. It takes strength to walk away after infidelity. It takes a different form of strength to stay.
My advice is decide what you want first. Get your ducks in a row and then confront her. Ask her how she envisions your future. Are you married? Do you have kids? A house? Really go into it and paint a picture of what a happy life would look like. And then ask her what role her affair partner will have.
Will he still be around? Will she still have inappropriate conversations with him? Because if she plans to be someone’s wife, her husband better know. Otherwise why bother trying to plan a future together if she’s already planning on throwing it away.
SpringfieldMO_Daddy − Out of curiosity – why do you feel like a confrontation is your first or only choice? You don’t want to pack up her stuff and leave it on the porch or just leave? Do you think talking things through will be beneficial?
ThrowRA_looking − I am sorry she cheated on you. She doesn’t care, she is using you for some reason. Ghost her walk away. D**p the hi, see you at the gym bro
Some_Other_Dude_82 − She’s your gf, not your wife. You have no house together and no kids.. You just pack your s**t and leave.
MysteriousDudeness − If you don’t stand up for yourself, nobody will. Kick her to the curb and find someone new. Don’t tell her about the recording or how you know, just that you know. Then break up.
Confronting someone you love about infidelity can be emotionally overwhelming. Have you ever had to face such a difficult conversation? How did you handle it, and what advice would you offer to someone in a similar situation? Share your thoughts below!