I got promoted and the girl who had the job before me has been let go?

A Reddit user (you) refers a friend for a role at work but quickly becomes frustrated with her behavior, including raising her voice under pressure, being dismissive during training, and not meeting deadlines. Over time, you end up taking on much of her workload. When the role is advertised, you apply for it and are offered the position while she is let go. You now face the awkward situation of her realizing the role went to you. Read the full story below…
‘ I got promoted and the girl who had the job before me has been let go?’
Okay, I referred a friend to a role at my work. In the beginning of her coming on board she raised her voice three times at me when she was under deadline pressure, and was continually on her phone when I was training her and brushed me off like I was a nobody. She is paid more than me. However I was the only person who could train her. So I signed her off as she said “I don’t need training I will figure it all out”. Figuring it all out meant asking me to do her work for her.
Fast forward, due to her lack of attention to training and lack of ability to work to deadlines, I have carried the teams workload and doing half her role plus my own. So, her contract was coming to an end and they publicly advertised it. I applied for it and so did she.
So here is the kicker, I got offered the role and she has been advised her service is no longer required. AITA for applying for and being awarded her role. PS she hasn’t been told it’s me and I won’t see her for two weeks but she is not addressing the elephant in the room, she clearly figured it out already, bonus points for advice about this also.
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
Cheap_Purple_7569 − NTA. You did everything you could to help her succeed at her role and she didn’t use the tools given. You were rewarded for your work and she was punished for a lack of hers.. Congrats.
HMS_Slartibartfast − You have a typo in the first sentence. “I referred a friend**”** should be “I referred **someone who pretended to be** a friend”. If they were your friend, they’d have paid attention during training and done their best to not make you look bad to your boss.. NTA.
Kensterfly − Don’t worry about her. You earned the job. I’m just glad you didn’t take heat for, as her trainer, signing her off as ready and capable.
lurninandlurkin − NTA. You didn’t steal her job, you successfully applied for a role that was advertised. This isn’t on you, obviously the company was letting go her go based on her own performance whether you got the role or not.
andhakaran − You were already doing the work. The only thing that changes now is that you get paid for it.
Fantasy-Bookkeeper − NTA she FAFO what happens when you don’t do the job you were hired to do. If you hadn’t applied, the job likely would have gone to anyone else but her. She also took advantage of you while she was working there, so I see no reason why you should have told her you applied for it. Also, you should stop thinking of this person as a friend. She’s showed you multiple times that she doesn’t value you except for what you can do for her.
OmiOmega − NTA you applied for a job, you got it. She didn’t. You didn’t steal her job, she had the job and they advertised it, that’s kind of a big sign that they don’t want her anymore.
euniceaf − NTA. Just offering advice tho. Your job referrals should be very selective. Just because they’re your “friend” doesn’t mean they’re a good fit. I never refer anyone unless I have personally seen their work/work ethic. I’m glad this bad referral didn’t bite you in the ass. But going forward you have to be careful with who you stick your neck out for. It’s an extension of your reputation. The company should trust your judgement, which includes who you want on the team.
lainybmoney − I don’t think you’re the a hole. if the shoe fits honey wear it and it seems to me that you are putting in the work and deserve to be rewarded. This could be a wake up call for her. Maybe she just got too comfortable and that’s not fair to the people that are actually working hard.
Wizoerda − NTA – You applied for a job and got it. She might not like it, but you didn’t “steal” her job. You were selected as the most qualified candidate.
‘ I got promoted and the girl who had the job before me has been let go?’
Why did you put a question mark on the end? It’s a statement, not a question.
We are talking about two different things. You applied for a job and got it. Your former colleague applied for a job and didn’t get it. Two separate activities. You are NTA. She is if she expected to continue to slide.
Why would she apply for the job if she already knows she isn’t capable of meeting their expectations. You didn’t steal a job from her she lost her job for poor performance. Bosses do notice things . Congratulations on your promotion.