I (F28) walked in on my fiance (M34) kissing his coworker (F30).

A Redditor caught her fiancé in a compromising situation with a coworker just weeks before their planned elopement. Now, she’s grappling with whether to believe his claims of innocence or protect her self-respect. Read the full story below.
‘ I (F28) walked in on my fiance (M34) kissing his coworker (F30).?’
I (F28) So we all work together in a hospital, unfortunately. They are paramedics and have worked together longer than I’ve been at the hospital. I knew my fiance (Ian) when I was still in medical school about 6 years ago but he moved so our relationship ended.
I ended up joining the residency program at the same hospital where Ian was working and we ended up reconnecting and after 2.5 years were getting married. We’re actually planning to elope as we’re not the type to want a massive fuss.
His colleague (F30) Sam and he had a fling of some sort about 9 months before I returned. But it had finished before I had returned.
So I decided to drop lunch into him before I started my shift yesterday as they have been slammed working as have we all.
I’m stopped by his manager as I walk in, I talk to her, wish her a good shift, and give her an energy bar and she points me in the direction of my soon-to-be husband. However when I see him his lips are locked with Sam’s.
I left, he ran after me, tried to tell me that he didn’t kiss her back, she shocked him, he loves me and can’t wait to marry me. I really want to believe him but I also have respect for myself and I won’t let them make me look stupid. I stayed with my friend last night. Do I trust his word or????
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
GoingPriceForHome − How well do you know whoever has access to the security cameras?
chikiinugget − Tell him to report her to HR for s**ual harassment. See what he says
grumpy__g − Ask the colleagues. I bet if there has been anything, they will tell you. Maybe postpone the wedding. Meet him and take his phone. If he is happy enough that you are giving him a chance he maybe is stupid enough not to delete anything. If he doesn’t allow you to take a look at it after what happened, you have your answer.
SageIrisRose − Hes full of s**t. People dont just swoop in and kiss people; they flirt, touch too much, stand too close, and lean in.
He let her do all that – if he hasnt been banging her the entire time.
woofybluelove − Girl.. you’re a DOCTOR. Your ex-fiance was caught cheating on you. If you didn’t walk in on him, do you think he would have ran to you and told you oh my god Sam kissed me and I had to push her away?? No.
You are TOO young, too successful, and too smart to stay with someone who is kissing other women at work. Don’t settle babe. – sincerely, a nurse who has seen plenty of paramedics/cops/EMTs cheating with coworkers.
Fancy_Association484 − If she felt comfortable enough doing it in public, they’ve done it before.
giag27 − Nah, I wouldn’t believe it. I wouldn’t marry him either. They are colleagues, I wouldn’t be able to trust him working with her and it would make me toxic. So, yea, nope I would move on. Good luck. Side note: you’re a friggen doctor!!! You’re amazing!!! Congrats!
lauradiamandis − I mean, I wouldn’t trust him especially since they “had a fling of some sort” in the past and you know since they work together he can’t actually stay away from her.
Loud-Bee6673 − What are the odd that the ONE MOMENT she decided to kiss him was the moment you walked in on them? Isn’t it likelier that there may have been some kissing in addition to that split second?
Did Sam confess it was all her fault and apologize? No? Just cut your losses. You learned his true character before you married him. I am an ER doc (and female). A lot of my colleagues have dated paramedics and firefighters, and a lot of them have been cheated on.
It seems like some professions (police also) have a much more cheat-friendly environment. In the end, it is up to what you want to do. But the fact they were kissing at work would be a dealbreaker for me, no matter how much he says he loves me.
Breakups during resident s**k. They s**k at any times but residency is already so tough. You will be ok though. Focus on your work for a bit and someone better will come along.
allbutluk − As a dude im telling you no f**king way someone can kiss me long enough to be witnessed by someone else unless i want them to Maybe someone can shock me when i turn around and they lean in,
but if i did not want it you will see me pushing them off with a digusted look and cussing them out. So hes saying a random homeless dude can kiss him for just as long if he catches him off guard? Bulllllllllshit
Would you trust your partner’s explanation in a situation like this, or would the betrayal be too much to overlook? How do you balance forgiveness with maintaining self-respect? Share your thoughts and advice below!