I didn’t invite my stepsister b**ly to my wedding and my father is saying that he’s not going either.

You’re planning your dream wedding but are facing pushback for not inviting your stepsister Kyla, who bullied you relentlessly as a teenager. Your father, angry about her exclusion, has threatened to withhold financial support and has now said he won’t attend the wedding without her.
Despite your mother’s offer to cover costs, other family members are pressuring you to invite Kyla for the sake of family unity. You’re unsure if it’s worth compromising your happiness on such an important day to appease others.
‘ I didn’t invite my stepsister b**ly to my wedding and my father is saying that he’s not going either.’
My father remarried when I (25F) was 14, his wife Mary (49F) and his stepdaughter Kyla (26F) were hell in my life. My father is wealthy so we used to go to a fancy school. Kyla was very mean to me and I had a hard time to the point that I had to move to another school because I couldn’t take it anymore.
Once she convinced my father and Mary that I was pregnant, it was so embarrassing because I was still virgin, and yet, she and Mary convinced my father that I should do a pregnancy test. After it came negative, she told some of her friends at school, she was one year ahead of me, that I had an a**rtion.
The b**lying was non-stop, she would do anything to make my life miserable. Once she paid one guy at school to start a rumor that I did a bj on him during class. When I was already going to another school she told everybody at my old school that I left because I was caught stealing at the mall and I was in a youth detetion center.
My parents had split custody so I used to spend one week with my father and one with my mom. After two years of hell, I told my father that I wouldn’t stay at his place anymore and our relationship was reduced to two weekends a month.
My relationship to my father was nonexistent during college days. He would send me money and call me once every month and that was it. I went to his house one or two times during my 5 years in college.
I started dating my fiancé Louis (26M) 4 years ago and I only introduced him to my father after more than two years of relationship. I am getting married this spring and we are going to marry atthe beach in another country in Europe.
Both of families are wealthy and we decided to offer the stay at the hotel to our guests and they’ll pay only their tickets. Because of that, we decided to settle on a small number of guests, around 80, and of course Kyla is not one of them.
The wedding plan started 3 months ago and my father knew I wasn’t going to invite Kyla, however he flipped out now and said that I need to invite her. I said that I am not going to invite a person that I don’t have one single good memory to such a big day. We been fighting about that since then.
This last week he told me that I shouldn’t count on his money if Kyla isn’t invited and my mom said “fine, I’ll pay for everything then”. After that he said that he’s not coming to the wedding without Kyla and I replied “fine”.
My grandma and aunt are trying to convince me to invite Kyla for the good sake of our family, but to be honest I am not even sure if we are a family. Should I invite her even knowing that this is one of the biggest days in my life and she stills makes me angry..
These are the responses from Reddit users:
nailpolishremover49 − Don’t invite. The last thing you need it the fear she’ll say something and upset your beautiful day…and she will. Your dad can stay away too, he never supported you when you lived with him, or ever after you moved on.
Other family members can think and say what they like. They won’t remember who attended the wedding weeks after. But you will remember it your entire life.
Old_Beach2325 − Your dad chose his new wife and stepdaughter over you countless times while you were a teenager, this is just him doing it again. Do not invite her to your wedding. She will spread all the high school gossip to you in laws.
“You are aware she had an a**rtion when she was 15, and used to do s**ual acts with boys during class, right? I hope she stopped doing things like that after she went to the youth detention center.” If your dad doesn’t go because of this than that’s his choice. Just like it’ll be your choice if you decide to cut him out of your life for good.. Updateme!
CarrotofInsanity − Sit your grandma and aunt down together, and have a printout of everything you can remember Kayla doing to you. Especially the pregnancy thing etc… in LIST format.. It should be a long list.. Read the list aloud to them. Now tell them they have ONE chance to get this right.
Ask them after all you’ve endured at the hands of Kayla, should you invite her? Because your Dad did NOTHING to bring you peace. And did nothing to Kayla — for the good of YOU. If they say anything but No, they should be disinvited as well.
Significant-Jello-35 − Definite NO! She will try to ruin it and maybe try to steal your fiance. She’s bad news. Maybe send an emotional message to your dad on how he has sidelined you and ignored her mistreatment on you.. Updateme!
NatashOverWorld − It is a privilege when the people working against you out themselves. Believe them, and never regret their absence.
Samantha38g − He is using money as a weapon. Which reflects badly on him. He is also a b**ly. Seek out some therapy to deal with him not being in your life & have your mother walk you down the aisle. You chose the people who support your new life to be there, he doesn’t get to have that power over you anymore.
Feed_The_Birds1964 − ABSOLUTELY NOT! NO! He should’ve protected you instead of playing favorites with stepsister and stepmother. Why would you even want someone who bullied you for no reason or remorse to your wedding?
Honestly I would ask your mom to walk you down the aisle since she’s the one who’s been there for you and has your best interests at heart. Also since your dad has said he’s not coming, I would tell the venue not to let him or those two swamp women be allowed in so that way your wedding doesn’t get ruined.
frenchhornist95 − Don’t invite her. The fact that your father isn’t willing to understand why shows that he is not a good father and has other priorities besides you. There are sibling fights and b**lying and then there is what Kyla did.
I bullied my step sister and vice versa, but we NEVER did anything as horrible as Kyla. Your wedding is a day to celebrate your love and commitment and should be shared with people you care about and who care about you.
Don’t allow her to stay at a nice hotel in Europe and party at your wedding on your dime. Your stepfamily sound awful and I’m sorry that your father is taking their side. I would just rescind his invite and tell anyone who asks that he chose your b**ly over you.
legallyasian87 − DO NOT… I repeat… DO NOT INVITE HER. You are completely in the right here.
steppedinhairball − When Grandma and whoever push you to invite the b**ly, be brutally honest with them. Here’s some ideas: “She made my life a living hell. I literally had to change schools because of the hell she put me through. She literally paid other students to say horrific things about me.
She was deliberate in targeting me. She planned the evil acts she did. As for my father, he did absolutely nothing to stop it. He was more concerned about having s** with his wife than giving one single concern about his own flesh and blood. This is my wedding.
Why should I give this evil person another opportunity to bring sadness into my life? Why? Not only that, while I was being relentlessly bullied, my dad did nothing. YOU did nothing. No one did anything.