I (33 F) have just given birth to a white baby while both my husband (36 M) and I are indian. He thinks I’ve cheated, I did not.

A Reddit user, who recently gave birth, is facing an incredibly confusing and heartbreaking situation. She and her husband, both of Indian descent, were thrilled to be expecting a baby after struggling with infertility. However, after giving birth, the baby appears to be white, and the husband is now accusing her of infidelity.
The woman is confused, fearful, and believes there is a possibility she might have been raped but can’t remember the details. She is struggling to cope with her emotions, her husband’s anger, and the reality of the situation.
‘ I (33 F) have just given birth to a white baby while both my husband (36 M) and I are indian. He thinks I’ve cheated, I did not.’
We’ve been married for 5 years, both of indian descent, with dark skin to match. we met in our workplace where we both still work together and have been (for the most part) happy ever since. Things have been a little harder the last few years, we’d been trying for a baby for so long and started losing our hope.
So when we finally got pregnant with a healthy baby boy, we where over the moon, my husband could not have been more excited to be a dad. I’m avoiding it but, might as well cut to the chase, my baby is white. At first i didn’t even really notice it, he was more red than anything, but once i saw it was like my brain split open right there in the hospital.
I can’t entirly recall what happened, but my husband started screaming at me and i didnt even know what to say. of course i never cheated on him, but clear as day the baby is white! He stormed out pretty soon after, and has been at his brothers place ever since. i only know this because his brother texted me.
its been two days, he hasn’t talked to me and I’m afraid to reach out, because i have nothing to even say. i understand why hes so angry, but it hurts that he would think I’d cheat, i cant help to be angry too. I haven’t been able to barley touch my baby, just looking at him makes me cry, its not his poor little fault but who’s is?
I’m not really a drinker, but i went to a couple events around the time i got pregnant, still i can’t remember any moment i could have been drugged. did somone break into my house? what if i never find out and my marriage is destroyed, if i can’t fix this i don’t know how i can take care of my son, i can’t even look at him. what do i do once i have to go back to work with him? Will i have to quit? i dont even know what any of you can do but i feel like I’m drowning.
Check out how the community responded:
[Reddit User] − You should get a DNA test done. Genes can also throw back and it’s possible that either you or your husband could have some white European ancestry in your blood line. After all, India was colonised by the British among others.
Jerico_Hill − My dad accused my mum of shagging the milkman because my brother was born white as a sheet with blond hair and blue eyes (my mum’s mixed race and dad is very dark too). Whaddaya know, he darkened right up and my dad had to apologise. Do nothing until you get DNA results. This is super common, genetics are weird.
[Reddit User] − I’m a nurse on a postpartum unit. Newborn babies look pink/white, even black babies. Their skin darkens as they get older. Every so often we get parents who get confused, especially if their features are more European looking.
Take a dna test if you want, to put him at ease, and if you want, have your parents or other Indians talk to him about what their newborns looked like. EDIT: thanks for the gold!! And for the upvotes, much appreciated!!
nope719820473 − I had an African American coworker whose husband was also African American, and when I went to visit her in the hospital after she gave birth that baby looked whiter than Mike Pence. After a couple months her hair and skin darkened, and she was clearly a product of her parents. Give it some time.
sinenox − The good news is, this is very normal. There is a huge range of possible pigments for every race, and it’s not uncommon for a couple to have a child that confuses both of them, but when the paternity tests come back it confirms that it is the child of both. I’ve heard this story many times.
If I were you I would send a message to your husband confirming that you have no missing time and were not with anyone else so this must be his child, and he is missing many of its firsts by not being there. Arrange a paternity test so that it’s on record as being his and make sure to get his name on the birth certificate.
After that, you can decide how you want to handle this. I’m sorry that this is happening to you and your family, and I hope that you all look back on this as a funny (if uncomfortable at the time) memory of early parenthood. Congratulations on the birth of your child!
Keavo5 − I believe all newborn babies come out a lighter pigment even if they are black, or will have darker skin. I recently had a baby and the midwife explained that to us when we went off topic one day. So give it a week or so and it will be fine. Talk to your doctors rather than reddit though!
Mention-It-ALL − Ok, so firstly take a deep breath. Do a DNA/paternity test ASAP. That should sort the situation out easily.
NeutralLock − Aside from the pigment, does the baby look like the father? I’m white and my wife is Asian, but I swear my daughter looked Mexican for the first 7 months – she’s four now and definitely mine but all newborns look weird. I’m highly skeptical you could’ve been raped without you knowing it so I think the first thing you should do is speak with a doctor if a lighter skin tone is possible.
Perhaps see about a DNA test. Start there unless you have a real reason to suspect you were raped. Lastly (and I’m really just reaching here) but is there any way your child got switched at the hospital? Was it a normal birth or c-section?
isayappleyousaypear − Seriously. A paternity test. Now. Frankly, the baby is newborn. He hasn’t exactly had the time to get a tan… Joking aside, there’s sooo much more to genetics than how the parents physically look at the moment of conception. We all have generations of dormant genes waiting to pop up again.
I think your husband is jumping to conclusions too fast and acting like an ass. A newborn can look like a blob with all different kinds of weird colors, for Gods sake.
[Reddit User] − The scariest part about this situation isn’t that the baby is white, it’s that you’ve just given birth to a beautiful baby and your husband stormed off and left you by yourself after you’ve just given birth and now you don’t even want to hold your baby when that’s such an important part of the mother baby bond.
This whole thing really saddens me and I hope you 2 get it together. Like seriously, there’s a child involved and the ignorance you’re displaying is quite pitiful. This “white” baby could be a recessed gene or something and y’all are just separating and freaking out.. Get your s**t together.
I know this will probably get downvotes but someone needs to have a voice of reason here. Also, I agree with the DNA test. Y’all should have discussed This immediately instead of acting like children and freaking out about this.
How would you handle such a traumatic and confusing situation? Do you think the husband’s suspicions are justified, or is there a deeper issue at play? How can the woman cope with her emotions while trying to care for her baby and repair her marriage? Share your thoughts and advice in the comments below.