I [28M] just realized that therapy was not a waste of time but 100% worth it thanks to my girlfriend [25F]?

A man (28M) reflects on how therapy has helped him become a better communicator in his relationship with his girlfriend (25F). In the past, he struggled with conflict resolution, often reacting with sarcasm, aggression, or hostility.
However, after a tough discussion with his girlfriend, she praised how he handled the situation calmly, communicated his feelings without hostility, and reassured her of his love. This positive feedback made him realize that therapy has been invaluable in his personal growth.
‘Â I [28M] just realized that therapy was not a waste of time but 100% worth it thanks to my girlfriend [25F]?’
Well, long story short, my past relationships were chaotic because of the lack of communication, I s*cked hard communicating myself and I always avoided conflict or had very bad reactions (sarcastic, agressive or hostile).
Yesterday, I had a very tough discussion with my GF and I was very upset, after the discussion, things were “fine” and I went to my house. Today she messaged to me, and she said that she loved the way I handled the discussion: despite being mad,
I smiled and said “Give me a moment, please, I want to calm down before saying anything”, When she wanted to give me his hand, I did not push it away but held it while being silent, also she said that I communicated my feelings without being hostile but assertive,
and that she loved that I said “I love you no matter if I’m upset or sad” at the end. Honestly, I didn’t even figure out about these little actions I did, but definitely the “me” of the past would not have acted like that. So she saying that made me realize that going to therapy was not a waste of time,
as I am actually becoming a better person without even noticing. You know that therapy is working when someone else says “hey, you are different in a positive way”. Anyways, I’m very happy and finally I feel that I won’t spoil my relationships being an a**hole when the conflict comes in.
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
ProbablyLongComment − I absolutely love seeing things like this. I’m so glad that you learned a better and more constructive way to communicate with your girlfriend!
Chart-trader − I wish I had done it way earlier. Everybody should get therapy the moment they get married to avoid major issues.
GraceOfTheNorth − Please tell as many men as you can reach.
Electronic-Tailor935 − Congrats! I was hoping to have this same exact moment while still with my ex but unfortunately he was not as patient as your gf has been to your improvement journey! I’m looking forward to having it in whatever is next to me 🙂
LifeINDK − Damn dude, I just recently started a relationship and went back to therapy because of some things I thought I dealt with but have been resurfacing. It’s good to hear that there is some hope and change is possible.
Frosty_Message_3017 − Love to see something so positive and wholesome for a change! Thanks for sharing your journey and happiness with us! 😊
hereforbutts23 − Hey this is really nice. Good for you man
Individual-Task-8630 − Proud of you, good work!
IAmTotallyNotSatan − That’s really sweet 🙂 I’m so glad it’s helping you navigate conflict with your girlfriend. That’s the sort of thing that can be really hard to internalize, and I’m proud of you both for making those changes and for realizing that you’re doing them!
arrowsforpens − That’s wonderful, it sounds like you’re doing a great job! Congratulations 🙂
Has therapy helped you improve your relationships? How did you realize the positive changes in yourself? Share your thoughts and experiences below.