I [24M] was planning the perfect proposal to my girlfriend [25F] of 6 yrs, my big-mouthed sister [25F] ruined it, spoiled it for us, and hijacked the entire evening along with my mum

A Redditor shared their frustration over their carefully planned proposal to their girlfriend being completely derailed by their sister and mother. Despite meticulous preparation for a magical evening, the family spoiled the surprise, hijacked the moment, and sidelined the Redditor during what was supposed to be a private and meaningful event. Their grievances are being dismissed, leaving them hurt and unsure how to address the situation. Read on to learn more about this chaotic proposal night.
‘ I [24M] was planning the perfect proposal to my girlfriend [25F] of 6 yrs, my big-mouthed sister [25F] ruined it, spoiled it for us, and hijacked the entire evening along with my mum’
I [24M] was planning the perfect proposal to my girlfriend [25F] of 6 yrs, my big-mouthed sister [25F] ruined it, spoiled it for us, and hijacked the entire evening along with my mum. My girlfriend let them and I was ignored by all of them for the entire night. They act like they did nothing wrong.
My girlfriend and I have been together for 6 years, I know she’s been wanting to get married and wanting for me to propose for a really long time. I’ve always put it off cause I never felt I was at the right spot for it, and I wanted to wait for the right time. Nevertheless, I know she’s been waiting for it patiently for a long time, and if it was up to her, we would have gotten married years ago before I was even ready.
Anyway, I figured since she’s waited so long, I wanted to make it as perfect for her as possible. I chose the weekend of our 6th anniversary of our first date to propose to her. I was planning to have her come over to our house, I would have my mum and sister vacate for the night, and I would prepare a very nice dinner for her and would propose during that. I had written out this really long speech which I’d memorised after much practice because I wanted it to be perfect.
Now my girlfriend has always wanted me to learn how to cook. I’m ashamed to say I’ve never properly learned how to cook, and I’ve never been really good at it. Since I live with my mother and sister at home, they always cook for me and they’ve never really needed me to cook. Its always one or the other of them, or both of them, doing cooking. At best, I’d just do washing up or chop up onions or something simple.
I told them “look, I desperately need to learn how to cook a very nice meal.” I told them she’s always wanted me to learn how to cook, and it would be great if I could surprise her with this excellent dinner that I’ve made myself, she would never expect it from me, she would be thrilled. I told them I might just need some guidance. They weren’t that enthusiastic first, they were like “we’re really busy, we don’t have time to teach a child how to cook.” I told them its really important, and to help them understand the gravity of the situation, I told them I was proposing tonight.
They both went crazy and excited, like “oh my God oh my God, have you bought a ring yet?” I showed them the ring, and my sister went flipping crazy, screaming, crying tears. I told them I was probably going to ask for their opinion on it any way, and they were really enthralled and so excited and happy for me. My sister was literally crying and breathing heavily. They asked for details and everything about how I was going to propose, I recited the long speech I’d memorised. They told me it was beautiful, they love it, she’ll love it, again my sister was crying even.
I told them so this is why I need to cook tonight, she’s always wanted me to learn to cook, and if I make a nice meal for her, I want to make our night as magical as possible. My sister was like “no way, if you cook, you’ll f**k it up. Just let us cook for you, and say you did it.” I said, no, it has to be me, it has to be me. It’s really important that I do it, I don’t want to deceive her.
We reached a compromise and they said we can do it together, my mum supervised, my sister will take charge, and I’ll basically just follow instructions and help her out. It turned out going really good, but how much I really contributed is questionable, they ended up taking way too much over me, way more than I had planned. I had wanted to do it all myself with their guidance, but I ended up being just a ‘helper’ while my sister did most of the work. I didn’t want to let that spoil the night so I just let it go.
Then my girlfriend arrived at the door, and my mum and sister were getting ready to go out. When they greeted her, my mum was acting cool, polite, very poker face about it, I guess cause she’s a mature adult. My sister on the other hand was acting like a jittery little school girl, just jumping out, it was really cringey and awkward to watch. She kept telling my girlfriend how beautiful she looked tonight, how excited she was for her, how we were perfect for each other. The way she was smiling and acting too excited really gave it all away, she said “he’s got something really really special planned for you.”
I kept trying to push her out the door and telling her to shut up, but she just wouldn’t, and she kept chatting to my girlfriend. I wanted to push her out, by my girlfriend told me I was being rude to her, and I should let the talk. I just sighed and knew it would end badly, but my sister kept being as unsubtle as possible, “I really wish I could be a fly on the wall here tonight” “you are so so lucky” “if only you knew”.
My girlfriend was then “is he going to propose?” My sister didn’t say yes or no, she just gritted her teeth in a big smile like “mmmnnnnngghhhhh 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 ” I didn’t even get a chance to say anything, and my girlfriend just started screaming and crying and hugging me suffocating me. My mum was trying to pull my sister away, but she just started screaming “SHOW HER THE RING! SHOW HER THE RING!” I told her to seriously shut the f**k up, and that my mum was clearly waiting for her ,but she kept shouting “show her the ring!”.
I tried to explain to them that this really wasn’t the way I had planned it, I wanted to do it when we were alone and I had a long speech planned. They both just wanted to see the ring. I said can I at least say the speech? My sister was like “you should let him say it, its a really beautiful speech.” I started and I’d barely got two sentences in when she interrupted me and was like “actually its too f**king long, you can say it later, just show her the ring.”
I wanted to wait until we were alone so I could say the speech and THEN show the ring, but they were both literally screaming at me to show them. I told my sister she’d already seen it, she said she wanted to see it again and my girlfriend told me I had to show it to her now. I showed them the ring again and they both started shouting and screaming, they literally both jumped on me and pinned me to the couch like a lion grappling a dying elephant, and ripped the ring from my hand like a lion tearing meat from its prey.
I told them to get off they were suffocating me, but they were both literally hugging me to death while screaming like hyenas into my ears. It was like WWE or something, it was unreal. I tried to pull away but they were both just hugging and kissing me and screaming into my ears, clawing at me and the ring like rapid animals, squeezing and suffocating me; my mother did nothing to help, she just stood there laughing as I went down.
I realised they were mainly interested in the ring so I let them have it and crawled away to the side of the couch where I could breath properly. I felt the evening was ruined already, I had nearly just been clawed to death, I didn’t know if my clothes were ripped, my hair was completely messed up, I had both their lipsticks smudged on my face from their dual hyena attack, and my clothes were a complete mess now.
It was an infuriating mess of a situation and I felt gross. I just sat quietly there for at least two hours while my mother, girlfriend, and sister sat together looking at the ring, talking and chatting amongst themselves and acting like I wasn’t there.
The entire evening was ruined. My mum and sister were meant to be going out for the night, they didn’t even leave once and were there the entire time. The food that “I” had made was getting cold. I told them dinner was getting cold, they all said they weren’t hungry, and just sat there looking at the ring, obsessing over it like they are freaking gollum or something.
Me, the boyfriend, the groom, may have as well been invisible, they were all completely ignoring me, pretending like I wasn’t there. I had planned this perfect evening between my girlfriend and I were I could propose, I’d been preparing it for such a long time. It was completely hijacked by my mother and sister, my sister spoiled it, and didn’t even feel bad about it. Worst of all, my girlfriend didn’t even seem to mind.
I told her this wasn’t the evening I had in mind, she didn’t care, she was too excited about the fact we’re finally engaged. I didn’t even get a chance to say my speech. She was like “don’t worry you can say it tomorrow, I’m too tired now.” It really hurt my feelings, I don’t think she understood how sad that made me feel.
My girlfriend didn’t even seem to care that it wasn’t even really me who proposed to her,and the way my sister was acting, you’d think like she was the one getting married. This entire evenign I’d planned out for so long… I’d been entirely cut out of it. Sidelined. Reduced to a spectator.
After we finally did have the dinner, I asked my girlfriend if we could spend some time together in bed before she goes back home for the night. She was like “we can’t, your mum and sister are here, we can’t just leave them.” I told her they weren’t even meant to be here, they were meant to have gone out tonight, and they both were like “yeah, yeah, go upstairs, don’t worry about us.” I told her she really shouldn’t worry about them , we should both just go upstairs and spend some time together, she was like no, it would feel too weird and awkward.
Well, that sucked so much. i felt like the entire night was ruined. I’d barely gotten anything out of it, I didn’t even spend any time with my girlfriend. My sister completely spoiled and ruined everything, the entire night was hijacked.
I tried to explain to my girlfriend why everything that had happened, including her own behaviour and acceptance of it, really bothered me. She didn’t seem to understand and just brushed it aside. I explained to my mum, and she sort of understood and was apologetic, but tried to d**p most of the blame on my sister. My sister was still in an excited giddy mood, I asked her what was wrong with her, she said nothing.
I told her she’d ruined the entire night and she acted like a 12 year old or a clown, she got offended and denied it. She refused to see what she’d done wrong and how she’d ruined everything. I don’t undersetand her behaviour at all or why she would even act that way.
Basically, I’m kind of hurt and offended by everything that’s happened and the way they reacted to it. Do I have the right to feel this way? Should I just let it go and move on or is there something I can do so that my grievances don’t go unaddressed and ignored?
TLDR: planned a magical evening with my girlfriend (of six years) to propose to her. My sister and mother spilled the beans on everything, hijacked it, and ruined the entire night. Everyone completely ignored me when it was supposed to be a night of my girlfriend and I. Nobody acts like they did anything wrong, they all think it was perfectly fine and brush aside it when I try to explain how hurt I am by what they all did and how I didn’t like being basically pushed to the side, ignored for hours, and ruining all my plans. Am I right to feel this way? What should I do about it?
See what others had to share with OP:
Tidligare − Actually you are not engaged. You did not propose. She did not say yes. Your sister told her you were planning to propose. She screamed. You showed the ring. No proposal, no answer. I suggest you take the ring, tell your girlfriend that you never even asked her and that you will not consider yourself engaged until you have had your proposal.
GenericDreadHead − Your sister is a horribly selfish, attention seeker. “I really wish I could be a fly on the wall here tonight” “you are so so lucky” “if only you knew”. She wasn’t going to leave. She was making sure she’d be there when you proposed. That’s why she stayed there, constantly saying things like this.
My sister was like “you should let him say it, its a really beautiful speech.” I started and I’d barely got two sentences in when she interrupted me and was like **”actually its too f**king long,** you can say it later, just show her the ring.”. What. The. F**k Anyway, it seems like they were far more interested in the ring than the proposal of marriage. “Don’t worry you can say it tomorrow, I’m too tired now.” Too tired to be told about your undying love for her? What a load of crap.
EDIT: Please come back and post an update. You need let us know how your sister attempts to make herself heard at your wedding. She might even wear a white dress and cut across the best mans speech to announce she’s pregnant
illinoiscentralst − I’ve never properly learned how to cook, and I’ve never been really good at it. Since I live with my mother and sister at home, they always cook for me and they’ve never really needed me to cook.
Son has it ever occurred to you that as a man that is 24 years old, you should be capable of being independent enough that you don’t have to rely on other people to prepare you food? Have you ever thought about learning to cook because you need it, not because other people need you to? Have you ever thought about pulling your own weight not because others need you to or want you to, but because it is simply the right thing to do?
The way you phrase your post, maybe it’s just cultural differences, but you sound a bit immature. Your sister and your fiancee jumping all over you – you call it a double hyena attack. Does that not sound callous or disrespectful towards your fiancee? You describe your fiancee and sister freaking out over the ring as if it were a life and death situation, what with all the wilderness metaphors, which I understand if you’re going for comedic hyperbole, but the story implies you were upset about that.
You describe the fact that you proposed to your girlfriend at 24 as if she were waiting forever – 24 is a perfectly ordinary age to get married. Getting married at 21 is rarely a good idea, as it requires a good match. You don’t seem to have fully formed an adult identity yet, how are you feeling up for getting married already??
Frankly, your whole family (possibly also along with your fiancee) seems to be set in this … quite tight-knit dynamic, which is fine if everyone is aware and consenting, but the way you describe it, it seems you haven’t ever questioned it or even thought about it much.
Maybe it’s time to have a good think about things and ask yourself whether the way you act and react has a good basis in your character and value system, and whether it is the way you want yourself to act and react, being an adult. Your sister seems to be just as immature and she’s 25. I can understand excitement, but the way she went about telling your fiancee about the proposal while “keeping plausible deniability” (not really…) is just mind-boggling to me.
croatanchik − Wow. I would be re-thinking that marriage proposal, if I were you. And I DEFINITELY wouldn’t trust my sister with literally anything, ever again. Edit: because I find the way that your girlfriend continually dismissed your feelings and wants/needs to be really concerning.
mattyisphtty − Ugh this is a mess. First off you really need to figure out your own independence. 24 and engaged isn’t a good look if your still living with your mum and sis and have literally 0 adulting experience. My quick list of recommendations BEFORE getting married:. Move out. Learn to cook (this one’s easy, just google basic cooking skills such as chopping, cleaning, sauteeing, grilling, and baking. Then put those skills to use on a few basic recipes)
Talk with your fiancee about your concerns and her lack of acknowledgement of your concerns. Start paying for all your own stuff. Learn how to clean, do laundry, pay bills, ect if you haven’t already. These are all necessary adulting stuff that your need to know. I wouldn’t even think about getting married before you can do all of that. Otherwise you are setting yourself for “16 and pregnant” levels of dissapointment.
wittythiswaycomes − Should have spent the ring money on a first and deposit for your own place.
Dawggy − Good god, man. Get the f**k away from your mom and sister. Establish some boundaries and get your own place. I feel suffocated just reading that. How can you expect your gf to respect you after the way that night went?
bullshit_translator − OP there are a few issues here: First, your mom and sister are in the wrong. They should never have ruined your night. The fact that you tried to explain it and your sister didn’t care is troubling. If you get married, definitely keep your sister out of the planning. Second, your girlfriend ignoring your concerns/feelings about the matter is even more troubling. There’s a question I’ve often heard repeated that applies to this situation, “Are you looking for a marriage or a wedding?”
It sounds like your girlfriend is only interested in having a rock on her finger, and not spending time with the person who gave it to her. Talk to her again in a day or two (to let the situation cool down), and if she still feels the same, you need to ask yourself, “Do I want to legally obligate myself to someone who doesn’t give a s**t about my feelings, for the rest of my life?”
slightlysatanic − Ok so your sister and your mom obviously think of you as a child – but how much of that is because you let them? Why can’t you cook? In this day and age I really don’t understand that statement – you can look up every recipe known to man and follow it, that’s cooking right there. Or is it that you’re so used to them taking care of you that you didn’t want to try?
Your sister sounds selfish and attention-seeking, and your mom should have realized how intrusive they were being. But…if they’re used to running your life for you (again, because you kind of let them…), why would tonight be any different?
As far as your fiancée. She may have gotten caught up in it and not really registered that you really were disappointed. I would bring it up again in a day or two, phrase it how you’re disappointed that you didn’t get to have the night you planned ALONE WITH HER, and see how she reacts once the initial excitement has faded a bit. If she still thinks it’s no big deal…dude, you might be engaged to a clone of your mother/sister, and that can end nowhere good.
GOR098 − If your GF does not undesrtand the situation & your hurt feelings then I have to say, your GF is yet to mature. On the other hand, this is also why I think the whole creating a big “Prefect Proposal” with other people getting involved is not a good idea. The proposal shoud always be a private ocasion.