Husband left our son without formula

A Redditor shared her frustration after her husband forgot to bring formula for their 7-month-old baby, despite knowing it was essential during her work meeting.
When confronted, he dismissed the issue, saying, “We have food at home.” This left the mother fuming and unsure how to handle the situation. Read the full story below.
‘ Husband left our son without formula ‘
Husband (married 8 years) left our son (7 months) without formula. I’m going to try to keep this short and sweet and write out only the situation that happened today with no further relationship context.
I am a breastfeeding working mom. I struggle to pump and am lucky to work mostly from home so I nurse the baby every few hours. I had a 4 hr in person meeting scheduled this afternoon. My husband knew about it as he would have to be home at the end of the day so our nanny could leave.
I asked my husband explicitly to buy formula because we did not have any at home. He agreed to have it to the house by 1pm (when the baby would need milk). We discussed where he would buy it and what kind he would get.
I got out of my meeting a few minutes early, in time to be home in time for our nanny to leave. I called my husband on the way home to let him know but he didn’t answer. I got home and our nanny told me he didn’t bring the formula.
He arrived home 15 minutes after he was supposed to be home and when I asked him about it he said “I forgot, we have food at home”.
Our baby is 7 months old, he needs milk. I amso angry I can not even speak. I have no idea how to process this or react. Am I blowing this out of proportion? What would you do?
These are the responses from Reddit users:
wemblewobble − Your husband needs to attend parenting classes. He clearly doesn’t understand even the basics of children.
Is your husband genuinely this stupid or is he acting out of malice?
badlcuk − I would be angry. What “Food at home” was he reasoning was already there for the baby?
Accomplished-Mouse − Is this the baby with Mosaic Trisomy 21? Have you ever had an honest conversation with your husband about his feelings on the diagnosis?
TheSqueakyNinja − You don’t forget your baby needs to eat. I think you probably already know whether this is weaponized incompetence or hurting the baby to hurt you, as you intentionally left out any other notes about your relationship outside of this one incident.
ChiHawks84 − As a father of two, with an infant, that is super fucked up.
jonquil14 − Document this incident; it will come up during your divorce.
Creepy_Push8629 − said “I forgot, we have food at home”.. 🤬🤬🤬🤬 I’ll just go make the 7 month old a f**king sandwhich then, my bad, why didn’t I think of that in the first place. W T F
blast3001 − I am a dad who forgets things or doesn’t hear things I am told. I can’t explain why I am this way. However, if it were me in this situation my response would be “oh s**t I forgot, I’ll be right back”. I would then race to the nearest place to get formula and race back. S**t happens but it’s how we handle our mistakes that matter.
LemonCucumbers − So, are you leaving out the other context because if you write it down it will infuriate you to the point of divorce?
SkiMonkey98 − Is this part of a bigger pattern of n**lect? If it is, you should seriously examine your relationship and whether you want this guy as your partner and co parent. If it’s just this one time I wonder if he was just sleep deprived or otherwise frazzled (obviously common among parents of young children)
and forgot it — still unacceptable, but people sometimes forget important s**t. Was he apologetic and understood why it was a problem? If it was just this incident and he understood the problem with his actions I would try to forgive and move on
Forgetting essential care items for a baby is a serious matter, especially when the consequences directly affect the child’s well-being. Was the husband’s response dismissive, or could this have been a genuine oversight? How would you address such a situation in your own relationship? Share your thoughts below!