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104-Year-Old Chicago Woman Breaks The World Skydiving Record With No Fear

Have you ever felt like you missed the boat on doing something awesome, and now you’re too old to try anything new or fun? Don’t sweat it; we all feel that way sometimes, especially when we see social media full of young and successful people living their best lives.

However, don’t let that get you down, because some amazing humans show us that age is nothing but a number when it comes to having adventures. Dorothy Hoffner, a 104-year-old grandma who just smashed the world record for the oldest person to tandem skydive, is an example.

Dorothy Hoffner just broke a world record by becoming the oldest person to tandem skydive

Dorothy Hoffner had a long and happy life. She was never into extreme sports or crazy stunts. But that all changed when she hit the big 100. On her 100th birthday, Dorothy decided to do something wild and went skydiving for the first time. She loved it so much that she has been hooked ever since. That must have been one heck of a birthday.

You might think that skydiving is only for the young and fearless, but Dorothy proved them all wrong. She didn’t just enjoy flying in the sky; she also had a mission: to become the oldest person ever to tandem skydive. On October 1, 2023, she made history and inspired millions of people around the world.

Dorothy was a badass. She left her walker behind and got some help up the stairs to join the other skydivers. “Let’s go, let’s go! Geronimo!” she shouted confidently once she got on the plane. Some skydivers, even the ones who have done it before, still get nervous, but Dorothy was cool as a cucumber.

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The brave 104-year-old broke the previous record, held by a 103-year-old from Sweden

Dorothy first tried skydiving on her 100th birthday – what a way to celebrate

As the plane rose more than 4 km above the ground, Dorothy got ready for her jump. The first time she skydived, she was a bit scared and had to be nudged out of the plane, but this time, the 104-year-old wanted to go first. She was securely attached to a US Parachute Association-certified instructor, and together they jumped into the record books.

She looked calm as the plane’s doors opened and revealed the green fields below. Dorothy dove out of the plane headfirst, doing a perfect forward roll in the sky like a boss. She then glided smoothly in a freefall with her instructor, who was overjoyed to be part of her achievement.

The jump lasted seven minutes, including the parachute’s landing on the ground. The wind blew Dorothy’s white hair back, making her look like a superhero. She then touched down gently on the grassy area where a crowd was waiting to cheer her on. Someone brought her walker over so she could stand up.

“Age is just a number,” she said to the applauding crowd.

After the jump, Dorothy was asked how she felt to be back on the ground. “Wonderful,” the 104-year-old said. “But it was wonderful up there too. The whole thing was awesome, amazing; it couldn’t have been better.”

If you think this challenge was the last one on Dorothy’s list, you’d be wrong. She already has her eyes on the next one. Dorothy will turn 105 in December and is thinking about taking a ride in a hot air balloon next, since she’s never done that before.

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“Skydiving is a wonderful experience, and it’s nothing to be afraid of. Just do it!”

The experience lasted 7 minutes and after a successful landing, Dorothy said “Age is just a number.” What an inspiration!

Dorothy Hoffner is not the first skydiving grandma. The previous world record was held by a 103-year-old in Sweden in May of 2022. Many other awesome elderly people do incredible things and make us young folks look lame. And thanks to the internet, we can find out about them and be motivated to do something fun that we thought we were too old for.

“Skydiving is a wonderful experience, and there’s nothing to be scared of. Just do it!” says Dorothy, and she almost makes me want to try it.

Exploring new things, whether it’s trying skydiving or tasting exotic dishes, adds joy to our lives and breaks the monotony of routines because it’s human nature to be curious and seek excitement—to step out of our comfort zones.

Dorothy’s adventure serves as an inspiration, reminding us that there are no age barriers to pursuing our passions and living life to the fullest. If she could try skydiving at 100, why can’t we try something new today?

So, what’s the most thrilling-seeking thing you’ve ever done?


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