Girlfriend (25 f) dislikes my (30 m ) relationship with my baby sister (10 f)

A man is facing tension in his relationship because his girlfriend dislikes the close bond he shares with his 10-year-old baby sister. He often has his sister over at his place, treats her like his daughter, and even does her laundry.
When his girlfriend found a pair of his sister’s underwear, she became upset, claiming their relationship is “weird” and that he spends too much time with her. The man is conflicted about how to address this issue and keep his sister a priority without jeopardizing his relationship.
‘ Girlfriend (25 f) dislikes my (30 m ) relationship with my baby sister (10 f)’
I am very close to my baby sister. We share a father, but not a mother. My dad, is kinda a flighty guy. As a result, I’m more of my sister’s dad than he is. I have her so often that I have a two bedroom condo and every house hunting venture lately considers her.
My girlfriend of six months doesn’t like that she’s always at my house, that she has a room, or that I do her laundry. My girlfriend was putting sheets on my bed and there was a pair of my sister’s underwear that fell out of them obviously tangled in the dryer. She lost it.
She was saying our relationship is weird and I have to stop having my sister so much. Honestly, that’s not gonna happen. I love that girl, and I’m basically her dad. So I need advice in telling my probably soon to be ex that.
Tl;dr girlfriend is jealous of the time I spend with my little sister and basically insinuates it’s inappropriate. How do I tell her to chill? More importantly, how do I keep her from telling other people that?
Edit: we did sort of fight when she said that. I told her my sister is the age I was when my mom died and I had to go live with my dad full time. I wouldn’t wish that on any child. She knows my mom died horribly and I think she knows the impact it’s had on me
Side note edit: all you ladies telling me taking care of my sister is hot are too Sweet. if only you existed in real life. Thank you
Here’s what the community had to contribute:
DFahnz − “If you cannot accept that my sister is a priority in my life, we’re through.”
0biterdicta − Oh my god, she’s 10. Lots of women would take how much you care about your sister as a good sign. The one concern I could see cropping up is that whomever you date might end up being the surrogate step parent to your surrogate father role, and not everyone is going to be comfortable with that. But if that’s the case, they should just not date you.
[Reddit User] − “The sister’s been here for 10 years and is bonded to me through blood. You’ve been here six months. I know what my priority is.” FYI, major respect for stepping up and caring for her and giving her a room in your home. You’re a very good brother.
[Reddit User] − Honestly dude, you gotta d**p this girl for your sister’s sake as much as yours. Consider how GF’s behavior looks to Sister – is that an example you want from someone who is (or could be) sort of like a stepmom figure? And that’s separate from all the other (good) reasons people in this thread have given you.
speedycat2014 − You’ll find a much better girlfriend once you get rid of this one. Meanwhile, as a younger sister of an a**hole brother, I am so jealous of your little sister. She hit the jackpot with you as her brother.
whatthefrelll − Your girlfriend is weird for thinking that something is wrong with you stepping up to help out your *10 year old* *sister.* Like what the f**k is going on through her head to get so jealous? She either thinks you’re a pedophile, or she’s simply jealous of a child, and neither of those are great.
[Reddit User] − Are you saying that your girlfriend thinks you’re f**king your 10 y/o sister?
KikiCanuck − Hey from another much older half sibling with a flighty dad! I am 36, and my sister is 15. When I told my husband that I thought my sister would need to move in with us for a bit, he took a day off, completely cleared out his office/studio so she would have a nice big bedroom,
and bought her a cool vintage wardrobe since the room doesn’t have a closet. He did all of this before I got home from work. There are people who will think of your sister as an intrusion into their idealized version of a life with you.
And then there are people who will make as much space for her as she needs, and see your love and support of her as a strength. You need that second kind of person, and it’s okay to hold off until you find her.
Ayamesan − Does this girl not know about laundry and how some things can be inside other things like sheets when they’re drying.
fuckyourmermaid_ − I grew up extremely close to my oldest brother and it made a big difference in my self worth. My dad wasn’t a present dad and was pretty much just there for finances. I just wanted to say your relationship with your sister is absolutely amazing and any mentally stable woman could see that.